making an offer

Why do I now have to enter credit card details & security code to make an offer?

Message 1 of 133
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132 REPLIES 132

Re: making an offer

I agree. 

I've seen the provide a payment method before making an offer a couple of times and I backed off and didn't bother.

I don't want eBay automatically opting me into it permanently.

Message 41 of 133
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Re: making an offer

Used to make lots of purchases using the Make Offer facility, but I will no longer do so. Why eBay think buyers will be happy to do this is beyond me. Apparently, every time you make an offer on an item, eBay now puts a pending transaction on your bank account for that amount, as a preauthorisation. If your bid fails, those funds stay locked for several days. It's lunacy!

Message 42 of 133
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Re: making an offer

Possibly too many people making offers then not paying.


Message 43 of 133
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Re: making an offer

You can provide feedback on this issue at the link below, which eBay have just provided me with

Message 44 of 133
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Re: making an offer

If that's the case, eBay can block the non paying accounts, rather than apllying draconian measures on decent buyers, which are by far the majority.

Message 45 of 133
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Re: making an offer

@silveroboe wrote:

Hello and thank you for replying. Like you, I have made many offers over the years, and never been asked for this before. My credit card is already registered with ebay, and I strongly object to adding my security code to an offer - I can't see why I should.


I wondered if it was an ebay ploy to stop users making an offer - ensuring that ebay get more from every item sold . . . .


The sad thing is, eBay probably make more with offers which have been known to be higher than the original listed selling price. Hey Ho, so that feature is now down the drain. What a time to even think about introducing a forced payment system an automatic payment upon acceptance of an offer!


But CS say from their well rehearsed answers, that all is well with eBay.................😄😂😂


Truth hurts. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with a seat missing, but it hurts.

You may think you have pushed ALL my buttons, but you still haven't found the mute!
Message 46 of 133
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Re: making an offer

I have completely stopped making offers due to this, there's no way I want to link my account like this

Message 47 of 133
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Re: making an offer

I too haven't made a single offer since this idiotic "improvement" appeared.


The most annoying thing for me is that I've bought loads of things after making offers and not once have I backed out or failed to pay, so why am I being treated this way? I can understand for persistent non-payers who abuse the system, but applying it to my buying account is both unnecessary and counterproductive, as eBay and sellers have undoubtedly missed out on sales that would have otherwise happened.


The only way I can see around this, is if you're interested in an item that allows offers, contact the buyer on messages with your offer and if they accept, ask them to put a buy it now on at that price. That way, eBay will only place a debit on your account for the purchase and you won't run the risk of having bank account funds locked by eBay's preauthorisation protocols, in the event that you make an offer and it isn't accepted.


What's the old adage... if it isn't broke, don't fix it <<<< That's for you eBay!!!

Message 48 of 133
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Re: making an offer



If you are messaging the seller, ask them if they have the pre-authorisation box ticked.  If they have, ask them if they would untick for you to make an offer or purchase explaining the reasons why.


Most reasonable sellers would do this for you - if they even know about this stumbling block for buyers.


I simply cannot understand this move by eBay (other than for what they perceive as their own benefit).  It is dissauding buyers from making offers and purchases, inhibiting combined invoicing, and preventing selling opportunities for sellers.  Totally bonkers.


If they really wanted to prevent timewasters (persistant non-payers).  It would be easy for eBay to implement this requirement for non-payers with 'x' number of non-payment strikes.  They know who they are.

Message 49 of 133
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Re: making an offer

I did think of that, but figured inexperienced sellers may be spooked by a buyer asking them to alter the payment settings, as to those not in the know, it does sound like a request a scammer would make.


We all know what the easiest solution would be, but that involves eBay using some intelligence and actually valuing its clients, neither of which is likely to ever happen.


I keep trying the Make an Offer in the hopes it has reverted to the old setup, but alas, as soon as I see "select payment method" at the top, I close the box. I'd love to know how many people have got to that stage and then backed out as I have.... I bet it's a huge percentage.

Message 50 of 133
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Re: making an offer



"I'd love to know how many people have got to that stage and then backed out as I have.... I bet it's a huge percentage."


In my case it has killed this avenue for sales - and I have unticked the requirement for pre-authorisation.  Although I don't accept offers I do send offers to watchers on a regular basis and it provided a useful number of sales each month.  Since the introduction of this 'feature' several months ago I have had only two sales by sending offers.


Result - missed opportunities for buyers, loss of sales to sellers, no fees for eBay!  As I said totally bonkers.

Message 51 of 133
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Re: making an offer


When Elon Musk took over Twitter and began making changes that upset their users, Microsoft and Meta both quickly made moves to give those users a new home.


I do wonder whether eBay is unwittingly creating the same circumstances, whereby Amazon or one of the other large tech companies might step in with an alternative that doesn't seem designed to deliberately annoy users... I suspect it would be well received if it were to happen.


If I was an eBay shareholder, I'd be going livid at the way they are doing things, and don't even get me started on Promoted Listings Advanced!! 😡😡

Message 52 of 133
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Re: making an offer

What's absolutely ridiculous is that the way it was before they "fixed" it, was absolutely fine. If you won an auction or an offer was accepted, you were obligated to pay. What was wrong with that? I don't believe there were so many people not paying if they won an auction or an offer was accepted. The idea of sending a message as you say, just makes the "offer" method redundant. Also, if sellers change their listing to Buy it Now, they will pay more in selling fees. I will definitely not make any more offers or even bids if they bring that method in for making bids. In other words, Ebay just becomes a Buy it Now website.
Message 53 of 133
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Re: making an offer


If eBay becomes a Buy it Now site, it will die very quickly as it cannot compete with the likes of Amazon, who for the main part, have tight control over delivery standards etc. Amazon also has far superior customer care.


Also, part of the fun of buying on eBay is chasing that great deal, which is possible on auctions and offers, but rarely so on Buy it Now listings. All of my best buys have been listings I've made offers on.


I think it's revealing reading people's opinions, because the overwhelming majority appear to be thoroughly hacked off with this change.


eBay seem to have lost sight of the fact that without sellers and buyers, they have no business, so antagonising both at the same time, would seem to be an unwise strategy.

Message 54 of 133
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Re: making an offer

I agree with everything you say. I can't think why Ebay are doing this and all they're doing is losing buyers and sellers. That's what Ebay was all about, auctions and offers.
Message 55 of 133
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Re: making an offer

Spoke on chat with an agent regarding this and received the response below. It looks like eBay are fully committed to this disastrous move. Anyone know of any good eBay alternatives? 

"We are rolling out a new experience, in line with industry standards, where all buyers will need to confirm their postage and payment details before they can make a Best Offer. As the programme expands, this will become the normal process for buyers making a Best Offer."

Message 56 of 133
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Re: making an offer

@meditative-moods wrote:

Spoke on chat with an agent regarding this and received the response below. It looks like eBay are fully committed to this disastrous move. Anyone know of any good eBay alternatives? 

"We are rolling out a new experience, in line with industry standards, where all buyers will need to confirm their postage and payment details before they can make a Best Offer. As the programme expands, this will become the normal process for buyers making a Best Offer."

What a load of bull poo.

It's supposed to be up to the seller whether they active requiring a payment method before allowing the buyer to make an offer.

Though if a buyer gives the info once and eBay big brother style applies it evermore.

That's unless the buyer removes their debit card and adds it again or goes into their PayPal account settings and deactivates the ebay automatic payment.


Message 57 of 133
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Re: making an offer

That's me done with Ebay then!
Message 58 of 133
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Re: making an offer

What other company can keep your card details "just in case" you decide to make an offer or bid? It just sounds like Ebay are going to scrap auctions and offers. That was their USP but if they want to compete with the big boy retailers, they're going to lose. At least Amazon have a verification process before they take your card payments, unless YOU have chosen 1click. Tut tut Ebay!
Message 59 of 133
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Re: making an offer


I have my PayPal account linked to eBay for ease of payment and I'm ok with that, as previously, it was only ever charged when I made a purchase, whatever format that was - Auction / Buy it Now / Offer


My issue with this new system, is the prepayment authorisation just to make an offer, which is complete stupidity. If you were looking to buy a few high value items, you could end up with £100s of funds locked in preauthorised state, without actually having a single offer accepted. These presuthorisations don't get cancelled by eBay, they have to time out, which could take up to a week.


This comes back to the points made earlier, that eBay could easily deal with problem non-paying buyers, without ruining it for everyone else, but they've chosen the heavy handed approach instead.


3 auctions that I would have made offers on and possibly bought, have since ended with no sale, so how is the new system a good idea? Beats me....

Message 60 of 133
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