New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

Hi,   Buyer openned INR case saying that the item didn't turned up, as "customer is always right" we offered option of shipping the order again, or full refund.  Buyer opted for this first option, so we shipped the order again.  On the very same day when we shipped the replacement the original order delayed by RM was delivered (tracking showing exact delivery location which matching buyers house).  Two days later replacement was also delivered (fully tracked delivery).  Ebay closed INR case in our favour, but buyer decided to leave negative feedback saying that neither original order turned up and that the replacement didn't turned up.  We requested feedback removal providing the tracking numbers confirming delivery to buyers address and screenshots from RM C&D showing that order was shipped on the very same day and also based on the fact that ebay closed the INR case in our favour, but ebay declined feedback removal saying that feedback is buyers opinion.  So even if you provide plenty of evidence that buyer is clearly lying and abusing the platform, you can forget it, ebay will not remove the negative feedback.  I spoke with the CS and even they was saying that this new policy is unfair for the sellers and buyer can put any false information against the saller in the feedback and they will not remove it.  After 7 years trading on ebay and paying thousends in fees, they will treat good honest seller like don't really care to put it mildly.  Does anybody else had similar experience recently ?

Message 1 of 61
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Re: New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

@iceblue_uk wrote:

There is no new feedback removal policy. The business seller protection page pertaining to the ebay MBG still clearly states that when a case is closed in seller's favour, any feedback or defects will be removed.

It sounds as if the problem may be that some cases are being closed without a refund to the buyer, without being classed as "closed in the seller's favour" - perhaps the system is lumping them in with "no fault" decisions ite some sort of neutral outcome, which isn't automatically triggering the feedback removal.


Cesario, the Count's gentleman
Message 21 of 61
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Re: New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

I thought that I would have some fun today with an ebay rep, to see what policies, if any, they have about buyers leaving false feedback


ME- I have one question, does feedback need to be true or is it ok to leave provably false feedback?

what is ebays stance or policy?

EBAY-We highly suggest to leave an appropriate feedback so that other members will know how great is the item and the experience.

ME- is there a policy relating to this?

EBAY-Yes, you can check this link below to see our Feedback Policy:

ME- this policy doesnt mention the need for feedback to be truthful

EBAY- You can leave feedback and it's up to you. However, we highly suggest to leave an appropriate feedback on the seller's account about the experience with the service and items.

ME- What would be the result, if I left negative feedback for a seller but made up a provably false reason. What would happen to them or me?

EBAY- If you leave an inappropriate feedback, the seller can appeal the removal of the feedback and our Specialized Team will review the negative feedback for removal. Then nothing will happen to the buyer who left the negtaive feedback.

ME- OK so if I make sure that the feedback is not inappropriate, but it is entirely made up the seller will be unable to remove this negative feedback, and nothing would happen to me?

EBAY- Yes.

ME- Wow, do you think you may need to change your policies?

Message 22 of 61
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Re: New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

@phillymac999c1k2 wrote:


EBAY- If you leave an inappropriate feedback, the seller can appeal the removal of the feedback and our Specialized Team will review the negative feedback for removal. 

Yeah you got me with 'specialized team' bhawawawaw 😀  Most of the time they do not know if they need a sh*&e or a haircut.. 

Message 23 of 61
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Re: New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

Ebay using the feedback system like a stick to beat the seller down has been going on for years and years and after all its the seller which provides the good for the buyers which in turn pays ebay their fee's - you'd think ebay would do more for their sellers regarding feedback but they actually do less, and this is why i have gone from selling 1000's of items listed and at one point £5k a month through an ebay business account to a private seller selling just a handful of items on here, i use Facebook market place now ok i don't sell as much on there but it does ok and i stay in complete control i feel like a responsible valued adult again and not like a 2nd class citizen, well done ebay!!

Message 24 of 61
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Re: New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

yes had same experience ebay  just recently, they said they will not remove 99 percent of negative feedback left now even if it is false - the only clause being it breaches ebay policy which is things like has curse words, or gives out personal info. Bad buyers can have a field day now and another shocking thing is the buyer conned me into giving him a partial refund which I reluctantly did and he accepted. The supervisor told me buyers can leave negative even if you settle with a agreement with a partial refund - absolully shocking which means its double jeopardy. They said they do not even have a escalartion system so it ends there, abysimal service after I had gave them so much sales. My buyer was bombarding me with ten messages at a time and admitted to me he suffered from mental health issues. He went on to resell my item admitting he damaged the item in his listing, Ebay did not want to know and told me they do not care even if the seller admitted he damaged the item since it was a opinion. I hope another platform debuts soon as Ebay is abosultly pants and will always favour the buyer in every situation,never the seller who is the one who brings profit in for them. 

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Re: New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

Yes I had my item was not delivered according to customer who open case , the case was in my favour but customer left negative feedback comments how bad EBay is . I was asking Ebay for removing as it was feedback related to EBay not me . Ebay refused telling that its customer opinion . I have stopped trading on EBay ( 15 years ) after repeatedly was rip off by customers .

Message 26 of 61
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Re: New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

Was the case found in your favour because tracking proved that delivery had taken place, or because the case was opened more than 30 days after the EDD?


If so then ebay MUST remove any negative feedback relating to the purchase, that's guaranteed by the feedback removal policy whether the incredibly badly trained front line support staff know it or not. 

Message 27 of 61
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Re: New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

i have really bad experiance with negative feedback this year has been really bad ebay use to help remove any feedback that is ether buyers fault or late delivery due to royal mail delays but now ebay dont care 


what im mostly frustrated at is buyers leaving negative feedback saying seeds not grown and even thou i send them information with the seeds stating the germination time and i also have in item specifics the germination time buyers still leave negative feedback before seeds are due to germinate 


i dose state in terms and conditions that if buyer is at fault then the feedback is removable so i contact ebay explain everything and i just get same message as you do 


how dose ebay even get time to check the situation when after split second of sending request i get message back being refunsed so if you ask me i think its all automated 

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Re: New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

They are the key words you use which sums it up on here.........


On other platforms (off eBay) you feel like you are in control......and guess what, you are.


When I first started on here over 20 years ago you were in total control, fees were 3 to 4 % and eBay was just a platform that enabled you to reach a global audience and you played by their rules. That is all.


You didn't have them dictating to you all the time, and what's more eBay only needed a tiny fraction of the CS they have today and by and large you were left alone. eBay made a shed-load each quarter with rising profits and sellers did very well too. There was little to complain about and not a lot to dislike


Fast forward 20 years, you have little control and eBay now controls every single aspect of a sale.

Fees have over quadrupled, with fewer sales year by year and it's now a pain in the backside.


The brief evolution of a company now ruined and turned into a corporate monster.

Message 29 of 61
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Re: New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

I had one recently where I received an INR the day after the item was due according to Ebay, they basically demanded a refund which I done. Then a few days later they left me feedback saying satisfactory item. I thought how can you leave me feedback when you are adamant that you didn't receive it. Only thing in my favour it was positive feedback and not negative I suppose

Message 30 of 61
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Re: New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

That's unbelievable blatant lying on their part yet eBay do nothing / I sold a pair of trainers  Bnib they arrived guy said there fakes I showed him after he ranted on the receipt and bar code from foot locker I said said them back and I'll refund you he said no way am taking them to Sheffield trading stranderd to get them destroyed he wanted to destroy them ( but keep them ) then demand a refund with out returning them I contacted trading standards and they never heard of this person yet he left me negative feedback which is the only black spot on my record be honest with you he's very lucky I didn't travel to Sheffield to confront him I live in highlands of Scotland I was livid money was irrelevant at this stage I wanted my hands on him

andnit might happen yet fair honest reliable and bend over to keel people happy ..yet eBay side with the scammer and it's obvious 

Message 31 of 61
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Re: New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

Hi, I don't offer post on these forums just read for help but something happened today which has really annoyed me with the platform. I am an occasional seller and due to OCD pride myself on that 100% positive feedback. I sold an item and when packaging it noticed water damage as it was stored in my conservatory. After messaging the buyer and issuing a refund he bombarded me with abuse and accusations accusing me of lying. I apologised again via message and after his next message I simply blocked him as I really don't need the hassle over a 99p item. Around lunch I noticed he had left negative feedback full of lies and accusations of ME being rude and a bad seller, I was fuming! After issuing a retraction of feedback through eBay they sided with the buyer and because he didn't break any rules/regs the feedback will stay. This is ridiculous, how eBay turn a blind eye to this is discussing. 

Message 32 of 61
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Re: New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

It's a total and absolute disgrace,so many sellers working hard and honestly to have these dishonest trolls come along and try to ruin it with a massive pat on the back from Ebay.It just blows my mind,what is it coming to when such a huge face less company,have absolutely no moral fibre,knowing that those of us that trade and make them rich can do absolutely nothing about this other than try to educate others.

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Re: New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

You can i think open up a crime no thing as it is stealing if you search for internet crime fraud you will find it

Message 34 of 61
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Re: New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

Report buyer,  open up a crime fraud case for internet crime if you do a search you will find it,  or use small claims 

Message 35 of 61
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Re: New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

It's a Scam Mate. 22 Years 30k a year on fee's to get this treatment. New Policy is a joke to sellers. 

nine out of ten walls prefer iPosters!
Message 36 of 61
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Re: New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

Yes.. similar experience here. 100% positive feedback over 20 years and almost 2000 sales as a private seller. I cancelled a sale within an hour of buyer paying because I noticed a cut in the underside of the leather bag. It was only visible when plying the leather open so theoretically I could have posted it and the buyer would have been none the wiser. But I'm honest and I messaged her to tell her and cancelled the sale. She left negative feedback saying I wasn't trustworthy because from the two photos I had uploaded of the area it was "clear there was no damage". I requested she removed feedback, she declined. I called ebay to explain that I did the honest thing by cancelling and that her comment that I wasn't trustworthy was clearly inaccurate as I have impeccable feedback over almost 21 years. I was even prompted to become a power seller by ebay based on my feedback score and sales. They said they couldn't remove her feedback as it was her opinion. All the hard work I do to be accurate, honest, take time with my descriptions and photos, communication with buyers, super quick postage and safe packaging has been for nothing. It feels pointless if someone can knowingly and recklessly leave feedback which is blatantly untrue.

Message 37 of 61
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Re: New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

Had 100 percent positive feedback on ebay for over 10 years, had to let buyers rip me off to keep it. Now had 2 neg feedback in 2 days that ebay refuse to remove. One said i dint send him an invoice when one wasnt even requested and it does not state on the listing, " comes with invoice". The other purchased the item requested a refund within 5 mins which was accepted and given and now has left neg feedback saying never received the item. It seems since Ebay have changed there policy to not removing neg feedback if the buyer is lying, the word has spread and all the theives are having a field day at our expense!


Message 38 of 61
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Re: New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

Yup, had a similar experience. Buyer was clearly making false claims and I requested removal - and ebay did not even care properly looking into this. Oh well, just more business going to Whatnot for me.

Message 39 of 61
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Re: New feedback policy - ebay is acting against the sellers even when buyer is openly lying.

If you can prove that the buyer has published slanderous statements against you, don't the UK libel laws apply?

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