Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.

sellers advertising items at a shown price, then as soon as you choose a colour or size the price shoots up. And theres nothing in the drop down for price advertised. This is false info, good to attract buyers but a waste of buyers time. if they are lying about price are they lying about other things described ?

Message 1 of 166
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165 REPLIES 165

Re: Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.

I suggest you're giving eBay and the lying thieves far, far too much leeway.

Why not just ban lies and insist on honest pricing? How could that be difficult?

Message 21 of 166
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Re: Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.

Most adults do know the difference but it looks as though eBay staff are recruited at least partly on the basis of not being able to recognise fraud when they see it…

Since they know no better, how could it be their fault that fraudsters, liars and thieves thrive on their watch?

Message 22 of 166
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Re: Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.

I'm sure you're largely right and e-Bay is wholly at fault… and I'm also sorry to say I didn't understand your Post…

Nevertheless eBay staff, please note; it's not necessary even to understnad what a User is complaining about, to be sure it's more tha likely eBay is in the wrong.

Why does eBay care so little about its reputation?

Message 23 of 166
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Re: Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.

Absolutely; worse, more than one e-Bay supervisor clealry told me it was acceptable for e-Bay to support liars offerinfg bogus prices…

Before Posting anythuing here, could you please tell us now whether or not you understood what Posting bogus prtices meant?   

Those supervisors were not talking about anything specific; they clearly stated, on e-Bay's behalf, both that Posting bogus prtices meant cheating and that that kind of cheating was wholly acceptable.

Who truly seeks details please, state which details are required…

Failing that, what details are required?

Message 24 of 166
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Re: Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.

What if the best that could be said of your Post was that it wasn't wholly understanable?

Message 25 of 166
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Re: Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.

No, very clearly, the seller had not sold out of the real good bargains. If he had, that would have been obvious by the time you saw the listing. How is that not clear to you?


Luckily the Quesion is not whether sellers can control what price eBay shows for these listings with variations… however obvious it is that eBay absolutly can, which by defnintion makes you wrong.


Luckily the Quesion is solely what say e-Bay has over listings which, did you realise it or not, amounts to absolute control. If you doubt me, please explain how I am mistaken. Does eBay have control over all its listings, or not?


Spend as much time as you like playing with envelope sizes and when you've finished won't what matters still be that eBay sometimes shows the "price for this listing" as that or the other? How will that change the fact that at the end of the day, the decision is eBay's? The seller, broadly, Asks e-Bay to accept a price and which of them d'you think has the final say? The Seller, or e-Bay?.


Whether anyone has sold out of anything is not relevant to this discussion… though it might be vital to something else yoiu were interested in.


What you Posted is indeed obviously stupid and misleading and despite your views, that's the way the system works only when people like you support it.

Your suggestion that "there's nothing the seller can do about it" would be offensive, even if you found a way to substantiate it. That is to say, you might find some specious argument and "the System" might agree with you… and how could that show anything but how you were complicit in the System's faults?


Your example of official eBay supplier listings doesn't suggest, let alone show what eBay considers OK and either way, your example could never explain the cases I'm concerned about.

Right now what's being Asked is not what you think is allowed but rather, what decency and law say should be allowed… Do you see those are very different things, Cesario?

Message 26 of 166
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Re: Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.

Is this a private conversation or can anyone join in?

Message 27 of 166
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Re: Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.

Who thinks acceptable is spelt with two ‘c’’s totally unacceptable to advertise ANY item at a price you know you cannot fulfil...tantamount to fraud!
Message 28 of 166
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Re: Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.


I my self sell cloth and in the past used  the 99p variation for  a sample service   as standard -although now i am ommitting them with variants which just do not seem to work as well as they did in past years - now there are thousands of items with the same low price in the searches and it leads to so much confusion some  customers thinking the are getting not just the sample !!  literally thinking they are getting  what they see on the picture , as they dont bother to read the discription 


so my new method is to wait for a seriously interested customer to request a sample and re-use one listing for this purpose bit of work involved and usually does not end up with a full price sale - but neither did the other method - so not  a easy money maker ! but have to do it to provide a service as fabric sellers do 



myself - am  tired of scrolling on searches for correct price items so find it easier to search for the highest price first  believe me its far easier to find stuff that you are looking for and you can filter your own price bracket ,  its not many pages before you get to the real search - not sure how many other people would adopt this method though , 


so agree with you all on this its an annoying way of selling - that started as a classified  a service - or low auction start  that has become a competetive sales trick and like the bogoff most of know its a con 


however it has become the norm and is not really an adopted practice in any other retail when you shop anywhere else 

good honest selling methods need to be re-instated - that is unless you wish to sell your soul for 99 p with free postage less pay pal fees ebay fees  thats a lot you have to sell to make yourself a living -


Unless someone else can pull off the matalan story

if every one knows it - he charged the members of the public £1 to become vip members of his wholesale cash and carry business and his lead to his 1st million and his expansion of stores   IT DOESNT QUITE WORK THAT WAY ON EBAY !!

Message 29 of 166
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Re: Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.

You seem to be agreeing that it's wrong to advertise bogus prices, and also to be caving in to e-Bay's insistance that we accept that.

Did I miss anything?

Message 30 of 166
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Re: Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.

Uh… what?

Could you re-write that in a useful way?

Message 31 of 166
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Re: Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.


NO - definately dont agree with the everything  Loss leading  with  a 99p hook 


YES - relevant tiered correct pricing for same product variants of the same style and catagory

makes sense although even this can blind you with science when on a search 


I disagree with ebay to the effect of the flood of this type of listing its so boring and not an exciting place to be  most people cant be bothered trawling through Pages and pages of it all and cant think of any other selling chanels that really do this ,

its not clear !!


should it only apply to auction ?


I do think it has reflected over time how our sales are being badly effected - its become quite unrecogniseable this site over the years with no clear path of presentation of what it is any more , ebay seems to be mixing up a bit of everything 


ebay cash in on it either way -  so are they bothered how you sell as long as your listing stuff - the big guys are listing , the chinese are listing  and any one in the world who wants a clearout - thus  keeping the merry go round going -

if we fight to try stop it they may make some technical changes again


at a cost  !!!






Message 32 of 166
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Re: Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.

The classic is rolls of cloth 1m £5, 2m £10, £15 3m, or sample piece 50p

The lead in price is 50p !


I just refuse to buy from them regardless of the prices.


Message 33 of 166
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Re: Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.

Message 34 of 166
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Re: Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.

Sorry, Elmo, that's not what we're talking about. Please re-read all before this…
Message 35 of 166
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Re: Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.

Sorry, petesean2316, that's not what we're talking about. Please re-read all before this…
Message 36 of 166
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Re: Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.

Sorry, petesean2316, that's still it. Please re-read all before this…
Message 37 of 166
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Re: Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.

Sorry, Elmo,, that's still it. Please re-read all before this…
Message 38 of 166
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Re: Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.

I agree. Ebay should not allow misleading pricing. For instance if you advertise custom printed t-shirt at a low price, there should not be an option on the dropdown list for unprinted and the low price apply to that only. They should sort this out because that's really very annoying and a waste of time.

Message 39 of 166
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Re: Getting sick of sellers advertising items for a false price.

Yes… how can it be so hard for anyone but Hermione08 and me to see this is a problem?

That I remember, everyone before hermione08 thought I either misunderstood, or had some private agenda.

Thanks for beign awake, 

Message 40 of 166
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