09-02-2025 11:50 AM
Any thoughts as why would suddenly ebay sales would do ZERO since start of February.
We have been closely monitoring our sales and since start of January 2025 sales are down. But they have now completely died as soon as February started.
19-03-2025 6:53 AM
- 24p and your business seller , i am in the process of becoming a business seller but your post has caught my eye and if you can , please give me a breakdown how you got -24p.....
20-03-2025 12:56 PM
Been a private seller for many years to declutter and sell collectables I no longer wanted. I had some success and made a little pocket money to boost my pension. It was a nice little hobby. 100% FB. Not sold anything for ages and can no longer be bothered with it. EBay have killed their own platform. As a result I now buy very little from Ebay preferring to buy direct from UK suppliers or the local shops. I do not use Amazon either for similar reasons. Any stuff I would have sold on line I swap or sell to family or friends or just give away or stick it in boxes and store it in the loft ! I may try another platform in due course and will look into that next winter.
20-03-2025 2:33 PM
I could not agree with you more, my sales have literally stopped, I'm not a huge business seller, but in general £1000 per month guaranteed, Feb and March have not even come near to that amount, I have discounted, promoted and still nothing, what is happening?? Its such a worry
21-03-2025 8:12 PM
The suddeness of the decline in sales for February suggests it has something to do with the recent changes, but there seems no way of being sure of the cause. You are not alone in experiencing hard times: Ebay is in trouble. Ebay are/have shedding employees (around 1,000), they have also invested large amounts in other businesses, $38 millions in one case, and these investments are not bringing in the returns they were expected to. That may change in the future. The top people at ebay are pursuing multiple strategies in spite of their public pronouncements that they have a unified vision for the future. There is an air of confusion at the top and potential investors are hesitant to risk their money when they see a muddled leadership presiding over an over-extendedd company. Shareholders are concerned because the user base firstly shrunk then stagnated, and thus revenues are falling. Add the rising cost of living, and the extra burden of BPF on buyers (a protection they had free anyway, as ebay constantly reminded buyers), and the annoyance of some/many? private sellers at the late changes in payment and postage conditions. Like many I used sales revenue to buy from (usually) ebay, private and business sellers. I removed my listings on the 3rd of February and won't be selling on ebay for the moment. Consequently I am spending a fair bit less on the site. I can understand how business sellers are infuriated when they see other business sellers masquerading as a private sellers. That is something ebay had a responsibility to stop but didn't, anymore than they removed sellers selling obviously counterfeit goods. That a few people are cheats is not the fault of the majority of honourable users, private and business. As to how ebay will extricate itself from its current difficulties may depend upon the general economic environments in which it works - a fall in the cost of living would help increase revenue and reduce overheads.