
How else can you describe what's happened in Manchester?


Although there's as yet been no confirmed link to any "organisation" or followers of any "group", it's probably going to be determined soon.


SO, isn't it about time that certain beliefs are picked apart in an effort to show that such beliefs are a complete and utter load of garbage? Waging deliberate war on non-combatants is the ultimate act of cowardice and dealing with those involved or concerned after the event doesn't really help. The way forward is prevention and re-education to show those current followers that their way is the wrong path to follow.


At present, it seems that no-one dares to raise a voice in opposition for fear of retalliation and such retalliation seems to be the only way such brainwashed "followers" respond. They won't listen to any form of criticism or enter any form of discussion about "their way". Violence is all they "know".


It's all down to "control", follow us or suffer the consequences.


Unfortuately, some amongst us may well respond to such acts of wanton terror by resorting to violence of a like kind and it may well be that other "innoicents" might suffer. Where will it all end?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 1 of 95
See Most Recent

Re: Wickedness.

Joe I have voted for all three oft the major parties in my lifetime or should I say I have voted for candidates from all three. I consider myself centre left and despise fascists and Marxists equally, So there you have it,
Message 81 of 95
See Most Recent

Re: Wickedness.

@upthecreekyetagain wrote:

@mikes*corvettes wrote:

@upthecreekyetagain wrote:

@mikes*corvettes wrote:

@upthecreekyetagain wrote:

@mikes*corvettes wrote:

Yet another terror attack, this time on London Bridge.


Must be white anglo saxon protestants on the rampage again....

Not sure but what's your assessment on these men?



Let me start by saying that in my eyes, the very little credibility you had all but disappeared the day you posted on another thread that victims in situations exactly like this are just collateral damage for the greater good of the poor misunderstood muslims.


Take a look at the pictures below showing rivers of blood in our capital.


This is what you and the rest of the liberal left wing have inflicted on the rest of us, I hope you're proud of yourselves.





Well I have to say that you have no credibility whatsoever when you blatantly LIE about what another poster has said.


on that basis I couldn't give two hoots what a right wing loony such as yourself posts especially when they are blatantly racist to boot.

Seriously you want me to go back and dig up when you made that comment.


It was in this thread:




But surprise-surprise from the time I posting on here and you replying not only your comment  but also some of mine have mysteriously vanished, but the last page on the above thread still gives some indication on what was said, before the thread was doctored.


Also before you start throwing the racist card around, at least learn what it means, it sure doesn't mean anyone who despises the oxygen robbing followers of a cult as the followers come in all shapes and colours, (islam is not a race it's a cult, just incase you haven't worked it out yet).


Now I could have easily have reported your post on grouds of hostile comment like someone else likes doing on here, but I much prefer to let it stand as it shows the true breeding of that person.



Message 82 of 95
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Re: Wickedness.

I stand by my comments


You referred to race in your comments as well as religion 

Message 83 of 95
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Re: Wickedness.

Message 84 of 95
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Re: Wickedness.

So now the death toll has risen to 8 after that body was recovered from the Thames.


I suppose it'll now be asked, "did he jump or was he knocked in"? Also, people will wonder if he would have survived if he'd been seen and rescued?


No-one saw him go and the poor chap's been missing since Saturday. Another tragic, unnecessary death?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 85 of 95
See Most Recent

Re: Wickedness.

Devastating all this is. My heart goes out to those who sadly have lost their loved ones, and to all who are injured. 

At least now Xavier's family now know what happened to him. Dreadful of course as hope in finding him alive would have previously been at the forefront of their minds. 

Message 86 of 95
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Re: Wickedness.

Does anyone know if the Australian girl has been found?
Message 87 of 95
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Re: Wickedness.

The frequency of these attacks was predicted a few months ago. I recall hearing that as the various armies in the Middle East started to recapture the ground previously lost to Daesh and push them into smaller and smaller pockets, their fighters would have no where to go and so return to their homelands. The 'war' they seek would then be continued across Europe and the rest of the world. I fear this is only the start; I hope I'm wrong.

Message 88 of 95
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Re: Wickedness.

As do we all, however I have made up my mind that if I am caught up in an incident I will not run away I will run towards them and say I'm millwall, do ya want some!
Only in the U.K.!
Message 89 of 95
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Re: Wickedness.

At least he tried. Going back to Manchester attacks Didsbury Mosque needs to be investigated regarding the speakers it has had in the past.


Message 90 of 95
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Re: Wickedness.

I agree calibra on both counts, Didsbury Mosque has been and remains a hotbed of radicals. But how do we do anything about it without being called islamophobic?
Message 91 of 95
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Re: Wickedness.

To be honest Cee Dee I have gone past the point of caring whether people call me an Islamophobe, if just for disliking religion makes me one then so be it.

Message 92 of 95
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Re: Wickedness.

I do not know where we can go from here. Political correctness is way too in favour of ethnic minorities and their religion and it will be Britains downfall.

Message 93 of 95
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Re: Wickedness.

You also have to look at where a lot of funding comes from,but certain parties do not to offend the Saudi's




King Abdullah's Saudi regime spends billions of pounds each year promoting Wahhabism, one of fundamentalist Islam's most extreme movements. Much of it funds children's education in British faith schools and mosques. Should we be worried? Paul Vallely investigates

We are many,They are few
Message 94 of 95
See Most Recent

Re: Wickedness.

Can't see anything either current  past or in context on that linked thread to substantiate that claim

But I did note mention of areas of North London, in current reference to 'immigration'. Weren't similar claims made in the sixties and seventies against the influx of both Greek and Turkish Cypriots in some of those same areas following violence and acts of terror in Cyprus, some of that being due to the Greek Cypriot civil war with opposing factions,some Greek Cypriots supporting democratically elected Makarios, and other Greek Cypriots wanting enosis and supporting right wing Grivas/ EOKA B, backed by the Greek military junta,in a bid to overthrow Makarios?


Wasn't EOKA and later EOKA B under Grivas considered terrorist organisations and didn't the British have a substantial reward placed on Grivas, including safe passage to anyone offering information leading to his arrest?

Message 95 of 95
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