Where's the birdwatchers?

The feathered variety I mean!


I'm trying to identify some birds which have recently descended on the lake where I walk round every day.


They are around Mallard size, one, (obviously?) the male is bigger. It has a Black head and it seems mostly White underparts. The smaller ones (females?) have Brown heads and a lot less White.


When on the water they don't hold their heads up like Mallard but seem to hold their heads tucked down close to their body and they seem to keep a low profile on the water. They dive for food and are obviously finding plenty. It looks like they are catching fish, the lake was recently re-stocked with small fish but the birds keep well away from people and paddle to the opposite side of the lake if anyone walks round. I can't be sure that it's fish they've caught as they're usually too far away to be sure.


They don't associate with other birds, they don't care for the gulls and I've seen gulls diving at them if they've found food which makes them dive underwater to get away from the gull.


They keep so far away I can't see what the beak is like or see any other distinguishing marks. They all stick together and the numbers vary. There were nine the other day, seven yesterday but only three today. If there's any ice around, they don't come.


They look a bit like Scaups. I'll try to take some pics but the weekend usually has lots of disturbance round the lake so I might not get a pic until Monday.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 1 of 100
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Re: Where's the birdwatchers?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 21 of 100
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Re: Where's the birdwatchers?

They are Mergansers😀
Message 22 of 100
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Re: Where's the birdwatchers?

Heck, I was just about to post. A bloke I was talking to said they were "Lysanders". The only Lysander I know is a plane.


I was looking round wondering what he meant and happened on Goosanders and Mergansers and was about to post that it could be a toss-up between them with a leaning towards Mergansers.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 23 of 100
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Re: Where's the birdwatchers?

Lovely pictures CD, they look quite big too. I've not seen those before. 

Next mood swing in 6 minutes

Message 24 of 100
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Re: Where's the birdwatchers?

Those birds must have been "alert" with people walking about yesterday because before, when there was no-one around (except me) they had their heads and necks tucked down close to their bodies.


They're obviously pretty wild if they're so disturbed by people walking? When they flew away I could see their Pink legs/feet and they flew pretty quickly with fast wing-beats, head, neck and body all in a line.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 25 of 100
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Re: Where's the birdwatchers?

Yesterday I walked round the lake, just passed some bushes and there, standing on the edge of a fishing peg was a Cormorant. It didn't move away so I edged slowly towards it until I was abour six feet away and stood watching it. A chap with two dogs approached and it still stayed put. One of the dogs barked but it stayed still.


The chappy edged along the peg and eventually stroked it then backed away so I did the same and stroked it. When we walked away it just stayed put.


Walking back ten minutes later it was still there and a man and woman were taking pics of it. After some discussion, the woman also managed to stroke it but she must have made a sudden movement because it dived in to the water and came up about 20 yasrds away.


However, it paddled back to shore and stood there as before. I walked away but the woman stayed with it, she was worried about any loose dogs grabbing it.


I wondered if it was OK but it's been suggested it was a bird that's used to being handled by humans, possibly after being rescued and later released. I hadn't thought of that.


After thinking about it, the bird had got back to shore, stood for a while then flapped it's wings for ten - fifteen seconds so I wonder if it had been "fishing" for some time and was drying it's wings etc before flying off to wherever it calls home?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 26 of 100
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Re: Where's the birdwatchers?

Today, a couple of those Mergansers were at the lake and were diving for food staying under for ages and coming up 30 or more yards away. As I walked round, they paddled further away and eventually they were between the bank and the island.


They seem pretty wild, if you walk on one side, they paddle towards the other side. Another arrived but because people were walking on the path near them and on all sides of the lake, they all eventually flew away.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 27 of 100
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Re: Where's the birdwatchers?

Good news, the female Osprey returned to her nest in the loch if the Lowes today from her wintering grounds in The Gambia and Senegal, hopefully her mate will be here soon also.
Just now I went outside to do some recycling as I was about to come in I saw a bird flying across the adjacent field coming towards me, I stood very still and this fabulous barn owl flew within ten feet of me then crossed the road to continue its search for prey, nature is a wonderful thing?
Message 28 of 100
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Re: Where's the birdwatchers?

Good news about the osprey.  Is the live cam set up there for this year yet?

All that we are is what we have thought.
Message 29 of 100
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Re: Where's the birdwatchers?

I used to see a lot of barn owls at the back of east coast salt marshes - beautiful to watch.

And one used to regularly fly down the road past the window of a  pub B&B in north Norfolk when I was having breakfast.

All that we are is what we have thought.
Message 30 of 100
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Re: Where's the birdwatchers?

Hiya Susie, yes the webcam is now up and running with sound as well, she has already started sprucing up her nest.
For anyone interested please google loch of the Lowes osprey webcam😀
What I love about barn owls is that they are so silent in there flight and they have a beautiful heart shaped face👍
Message 31 of 100
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Re: Where's the birdwatchers?

Hi archie, I gather that their feathers are not waterproof (allowing for such silent flight) so they can't hunt in wet weather?

All that we are is what we have thought.
Message 32 of 100
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Re: Where's the birdwatchers?

Yes that is correct and sadly accounts for many losses through starvation, so it is surprising to see them around heređŸ˜©
Message 33 of 100
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Re: Where's the birdwatchers?

Two lovely visitors to our garden while the snow was down...

A Fieldfare, and a Reed Bunting.P1030758.JPGP1030820.JPG

Message 34 of 100
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Re: Where's the birdwatchers?

The dawn chorus this morning,
A skein of geese
Two partridge
Great spotted Woodpecker
A variety of titmice
Tree sparrows
Coloured doves
Message 35 of 100
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Re: Where's the birdwatchers?

All such beautiful birds Archie, Astro those two are just so cute xx
I'm certainly going to check out that webcam xx
Next mood swing in 6 minutes

Message 36 of 100
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Re: Where's the birdwatchers?

I can't get the Loch Of The Lowes webcam up at the moment but the peregrine cam at the NTU is up and running. One egg has been laid so far. Smiley Happy



Message 37 of 100
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Re: Where's the birdwatchers?

The webcam is working fine for me JD I have watched it several times today so keep trying I’m sure it’s just a glitch👍I will also drop in on the peregrines they are also terrific parents and work as a team which is great!
Message 38 of 100
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Re: Where's the birdwatchers?

I can view the Osprey webcam now but only using Firefox, for some reason it's not working with IE but the other three cams work fine. Smiley Frustrated

Message 39 of 100
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Re: Where's the birdwatchers?

I watch it on Twitter just in case you need it!
Message 40 of 100
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