What's your answer to this?



The situation can't go on?


Not only can the stowaway situation there not continue, the constant flow of people trying to get to Europe and/or Britain cannot continue either.


Those people should be told that there's nothing for them except a life in a refugee camp. They can't become a "normal" member of society in their target country because they can't speak the language and those that get here (legally or illegally) don't seem to want to bother to learn either. They can't do anything useful except work that's already over subscribed so their only work is going to be an exploited modern form of slavery.


They're looking for a short-cut to a way of life that's taken a couple of thousand years to achieve and they're many centuries behind.


It's high time they were "educated" about the facts of illegal immigration and shown what has happened to many who went before them and all efforts should be made to dissuade and/or prevent them starting out in the first place rather than dealing with them en route or at their destination.



It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 1 of 179
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178 REPLIES 178

Re: What's your answer to this?

Bookhunter ...... re post 31 .... Some people just don't have a sense of humour at all. That's what makes the world so boring.

Message 41 of 179
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Re: What's your answer to this?

@astrologica wrote:
That's very commendable, and it's good that that person had support. But he is just one person. There is a far bigger picture here. And you haven't answered the OP's original question.....what would your answer to this problem be? It's easy to criticise other posters words, but can you offer a solution?

Yes, Mathias is “just one person”. However, via this “just one person” I learned first hand what a nightmare the whole Asylum process is. Contrary to the “life of Riley” I suspect many here believe it is, it’s not something I’d wish to inflict on my worst enemy. When you’re of good character, have put significant amounts of effort into your local community, and find yourself bundled off to a detention centre, it’s not very nice. Also, the way Mathias was treated sent a big loud message to other Asylum Seekers that their best chances lay in “staying off the grid” and working illegally rather than seek Asylum via legitimate means.


Anyway, in the “community spirit” of things, I thought highlighting Mathias’ case would put a different perspective on things rather than simply write off Asylum Seekers as a large swathe of “undesirables”. There are names and faces to “these people” beyond Goldstein-esque caricatures the gutter press like to portray for purposes of the “two minutes hate”.


Yes, it is easy to criticise other posters words - It’s a pretty open goal when the OP writes of needing to “educate” migrants they are not wanted, yet on this thread complex issues such as climate change are simply reduced to being caused by “the yellow thing in the sky”! To put it bluntly, this is Poe’s Law territory and the sort of stuff Key Stage 2 kids would be beyond. Blaming “Islam and Catholicism” for climate change and high resource consumption is also ludicrous, and is simply not supported by the facts




Whilst overpopulation in some parts of the developing world is definitely an issue, it doesn’t always equate to high resource consumption. Most significantly, it’s *how* they become industrialised and developed which becomes an issue. Esp if industrialised with a reliance on finite resources which leave large carbon footprints– e..g China & India. Also, much of the focus is on birth rates in developing countries, ignoring the fact that life expectancy has increased in developed ones (USA & in Europe).


As for a “solution”, there is no realistic quick fix, just numerous small things everyone can do. I’d imagine many here would like to see a solution of a “final” variety, but hey, we’re not all Katie Hopkins. I agree with the gist of Creeky’s point, the only way to stop large influxes of migrants is to reduce the factors which push them out in the first place – particularly war and famine.


Here’s a good starting point: http://www.projects-abroad.org/volunteer-projects/building/


It doesn’t help that many Arms Companies. (e.g BAE Systems) flog weapons to authoritarian regimes. Nor does it help when said arms end up in the hand of terrorists. You only have to look at Iraq, and the knock-on effect on Syria to see the consequences. People can do their bit by donating to CAAT each month https://www.caat.org.uk/ Also, it’ll never happen, but Blair and Bush should be tried for War crimes in order to deter any other megalomaniacs from doing the same in the future. I dread to think what’ll happen should Bush II be elected in 2016.


Another problem is there are a large section of folks (inc this thread it seems) who are in complete denial about man-made Climate Change. If you’re looking for a religious group to point the finger at, try Evangelical Christians in The States (World biggest Energy consumers) who believe taking action against Climate Change will disrupt ”End Times” and Revelations.





You could even buy into this claptrap in the UK courtesy of UKIP, but for some reason, they’ve since removed the big man’s plan for us all from their shop. http://web.archive.org/web/20100612231957/http://ukip.org/shop/product/view/80-while-the-earth-endur...


That aside, imo it’s pretty damn important significant investment is made in renewable and carbon-neutral energy sources – both in developed & developing countries. This should’ve happened like 20 years ago.


Alternatively, a quick-fix “solution” would be to deport every single migrant. Whilst I suspect this may be initially popular with the Enoch Powell fan club, I’m not so sure they’d appreciate the consequences. The NHS would collapse. Hundred of thousands of pensioners would die off as a result, thus freeing up billions from the welfare budget, and also free up some space of this “overcrowded island” of ours. Call it “survival of the fittest”. Personally, “I’m alright Jack” could quite easily survive a collapse of the NHS, however, I don’t think it would be particularly humane to allow this to happen.


Perhaps a social conscience that extends beyond our own backyards may be the way ahead?

@blackburn_stevie wrote:

Bookhunter ...... re post 31 .... Some people just don't have a sense of humour at all. That's what makes the world so boring.

Speak for yourself! By the looks of post #19 you're obviously struggling. Maybe it might be worth giving Bernard Manning or Jim Davidson a call for some tips?
Message 42 of 179
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Re: What's your answer to this?

But then why aren't refugees being welcomed by China and Japan?  These are rich countries, with powerful economies. Which could surely support masses of refugees.  Yet they seem to be steering clear of it all.  Is it because the Chinese and Japanese haven't got a "social conscience"?

Message 43 of 179
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Re: What's your answer to this?

Since the begining of 2015 alone, China has received thousands(some reports say tens of thousands) of Burmese refugees.




Not sure how you'd define being made welcome, but they've certainly accepted them.

Message 44 of 179
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Re: What's your answer to this?

legion, is that very convincing?


That China has let some tens of thousands of refugees in.


Europe is letting far more in.

Message 45 of 179
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Re: What's your answer to this?

It was you who specifically mentioned China and Japan, so I responded according.

I wasn't trying to be convinving, just stating fact.



Message 46 of 179
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Re: What's your answer to this?

I only queried, why China isn't letting more refugees in.


Well, we all know the answer really.

Message 47 of 179
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Re: What's your answer to this?

stevie wrote stuff at post 19 


bookhunter .... wrote stuff later to say what an idiot I was.

stevie replied about a lack of the sense of humour

bookhunter replied again with some rubbish about my comment,

I got kudos for my second post (thank you kind sir) so there is at least one sense of humour alive and well in the country




Message 48 of 179
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Re: What's your answer to this?

@blackburn_stevie wrote:

stevie wrote stuff at post 19 

bookhunter .... wrote stuff later to say what an idiot I was.

stevie replied about a lack of the sense of humour

bookhunter replied again with some rubbish about my comment,

I got kudos for my second post (thank you kind sir) so there is at least one sense of humour alive and well in the country

Congratulations. tbh I think some clique posters would kudos a post of a cat running across a keyboard if it was in reply to someone outside their Klan.


A "sense of humour" is down to an individual's taste.  For example, some might consider the aging "wacky" faux Rock Star type of embarrassing uncle who gets wrecked and plays the air guitar at a wedding as "hilarious", whereas others might just think he's simply a bit of a sad muppet. Alternatively, "jokes" by white supremacists about ethnic minorities tend to only go down well in certain circles - e.g. Stormfront, BNP supporters group, UKIP at a EFDD meeting, and of course The Round Table.


Anyway, do keep up, it's the Chinese who the angry mob have got their pitchforks out for at the moment...

Message 49 of 179
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Re: What's your answer to this?

Hi all,

It seems like this thread is starting to go off-topic. Please remember to stay on topic and abide by the Board Usage Policy.

If someone has violated a board usage policy, please report the violating post by clicking "Report Inappropriate Content" beneath the user information found on the left side of any post.

Any further off-topic remarks will cause this thread to be edited, locked, or even removed completely.

Message 50 of 179
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Re: What's your answer to this?

Instead of locking or removing the thread isn't it possible just to either remove the offending posts or the same old offenders?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 51 of 179
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Re: What's your answer to this?

How many more refugees would do you think China should admit?


The conflict in Burma is nothing new it's been raging for decades, if China has allowed tens of thousands this year, Thailand has accepted MANY more over the years.


Going back to convincing, hardly fair to compare policies of the whole continent of Europe with just one country.


I'm not trying to advocate Chinese democracy btw, in fact I think it was the worst album Guns'n'Roses ever made!


The Burmese are very fond of their pets, perhaps the Chinese are only allowing entry to dog owners!Smiley Surprised

Message 52 of 179
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Re: What's your answer to this?

China is bigger than Europe, so it should take more refugees, but it won't, because the Chinese people have more sense than Europeans.



Message 53 of 179
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Re: What's your answer to this?

In spite of being asked early on at #16, the drift way off topic continued and provoked:-




But still no notice is taken?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 54 of 179
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Re: What's your answer to this?

@cee-dee wrote:

In spite of being asked early on at #16, the drift way off topic continued and provoked:-




But still no notice is taken?

CD, threads can evolve and go off at a tangent but still be on topic.

I appreciate it was your OP, but see no reason for you to be acting as board policeman when Lithium seem to be doing the job quite adequately.

Message 55 of 179
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Re: What's your answer to this?

@malacandran wrote:

China is bigger than Europe, so it should take more refugees, but it won't, because the Chinese people have more sense than Europeans.



Smiley LOL How much say do you think the Chinese people have in the way their government acts?


China is a source of emigrants rather than a destination for immigrants!

Message 56 of 179
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Re: What's your answer to this?

How much say you think British people have in what Government does.


Long time British people complain about immigrants come in, but still come in, no use complain, plenty immigrants come in still.



Message 57 of 179
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Re: What's your answer to this?

Fair comment but at least you don't get locked up, (or worse), for saying so.

Message 58 of 179
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Re: What's your answer to this?

You say not get lock up yet.  You wait.  Soon anyone say bad thing,  get lock up plenty quick

Message 59 of 179
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Re: What's your answer to this?

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi everyone,


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Community Moderator,


Message 60 of 179
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