What’s happening?

With the destruction of the Colston statue in Bristol it is reported that along with the Rhodes memorial, Churchill and nelson are in the firing line as well as the following:-
The Kitchener Memorial, Orkney
Duke of Sutherland statue, Golspie
“Jim Crow” Rock, Dunoon, Argyllshire
Lord Roberts Monument, Glasgow
Sir Robert Peel, Glasgow
Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde, Glasgow
John Moore statue, Glasgow
Henry Dundas, Edinburgh
William Armstrong Memorial, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Captain James Cook in Great Ayton
Robert Peel statue, Preston
Peel Park, Bradford
Robert Peel statue, Bradford
Sir Robert Peel statue, Leeds
Peel Tower, Bury
Robert Peel statue, Bury
Robert Peel, Manchester
Martin’s Bank Slavery Relief, Liverpool
Christopher Columbus statue, Liverpool
Blundell House, Liverpool
The Leverhulme Memorial, Wirral
William Gladstone statue, Hawarden
HM Stanley column, St Asaph
HM Stanley, Denbigh
Elihu Yale Wetherspoons Pub, Wrexham
Robert Clive, Shrewsbury in Shropshire
Picton Memorial, Carmarthen
General Nott statue, Carmarthen
Thomas Phillips memorial plaque, Brecon
Thomas Picton statue, Cardiff
Henry Austin Bruce, Lord of Aberdare, Cardiff

Are we rewriting history and if so why?
Message 1 of 56
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Re: What’s happening?

churchill ,why do they want to remove a statue of the greatest  man in history....

Message 2 of 56
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Re: What’s happening?

That is the question I am asking, we used to have a guy on here called Bookhunter from Ipswich, now he would have given a reason as would joe bloggs, however they have melted away into the Ethernet to play at socialists!😂😂
Message 3 of 56
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Re: What’s happening?

Not only the staues but in Glasgow they want street names changed to  black activists etc names !

Quite simply they want to wipe out the history of this country to what they think it should be !

Once again they want the tail to wag the dog and the majority to give in to what they want and tell us to do.

Message 4 of 56
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Re: What’s happening?

It's gonna be difficult to make much of a comment on here about the current situation but......... (you knew there'd be a "but"?) it seems to me that the chip on the shoulder has got so big recently that it's obscuring everything including common sense?


Being brutally frank (no, my name's not Frank) most of those howling for the destruction of your list of "items" wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them. Imagine a World that had not interferred with "that continent", just where would those people be at today and at what level?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 5 of 56
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Re: What’s happening?

I had to turn all news on tv and car radio off because all of this was annoying me so much.😡


 One of the items mentioned Hadrians wall being built by slaves.


Correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I'm aware it was built by roman soldiers.

Message 6 of 56
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Re: What’s happening?

Well if these people get their way anyone of pensionable age will be barred from voting due to the fact that we will not be responsible for the outcomes of our decisions! So much for democracy.
Is it me or is the lockdown causing some of this?
Message 7 of 56
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Re: What’s happening?



Old saying:- The Devil finds work for idle hands.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 8 of 56
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Re: What’s happening?

There's a Picton Street near where I live. Just waiting for our waste of space Labour Council to announce that the name will be changed. The thing that made me want to vomit was the sight of a crowd of Labour MPs 'taking a knee' and raising clenched fists on a green...it looked like outside Parliament. Very reminiscent of the 1930's. And a minute's silence in Parliament for a drug addict, career criminal, armed robber...someone tell me these things didn't happen. It's absolutely unbelievable, yet on the other hand so predictable. There's going to be another demo in London on Saturday...should be fun, as the 'football supporters' from up North are going down to protect the memorials. Now I wonder who the police will arrest if there is any trouble.🤔 No prizes for guessing.

Message 9 of 56
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Re: What’s happening?

Archie...you would not want Bookhunter back on here.The nastiest piece of work ever.

Message 10 of 56
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Re: What’s happening?

Smiley Very Happyhmm i just did a search of the boards upside_down

Message 11 of 56
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Re: What’s happening?

And you found................. what?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 12 of 56
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Re: What’s happening?

Yes he wasn’t terribly pleasant Astro, he was some kind of social worker in Ipswich I believe, highly opinionated and could be very nasty, I gave as good as I got with him!
I don’t think he has been around for some time almost certainly chucked out I imagine👍
Anyway it’s good to see the locals in Poole looking after Baden Powell, he apparently met with the nazis at some point prior to the war, which is a bit like our Mr Corbyn meeting with Hezbullah and the IRA etc etc only not as obvious for BP at the time😩
Message 13 of 56
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Re: What’s happening?

What annoys me is, some mob thinking they can dictate to the rest of us what history of the country can stay and what cannot !

I ask you all, what would be the outcome if people that wanted statues to remain went about it legally and petitioned for those statues ?

My opinion is the legal route would be ignored and the mob vandalism would prevail with the law and government saying to intervene would cause problems.

One begins to wonder if the indigenous people of this land have any say on how it should proceed.

Message 14 of 56
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Re: What’s happening?

I find it all quite bewildering, and it's very divisive. All my family are quite close, and we see each other regularly (under normal circumstances of course.) We range across three generations, and we often discuss political matters, but we have had to agree not to talk politics any more as it is so divisive and we don't want to fall out. There was a demo in Newport today, and some guy burnt an American Confederate flag? 😩😩...FGS.. Some of these people are like savages..any respect I ever had for their cause went out the window last weekend. 

Message 15 of 56
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Re: What’s happening?

I can empathise with you there Astro, I have a similar situation with my kids and politics is off the agenda! I feel so sad that there is a gulf between us and that they also have a viewpoint which is so at variance with my own! However I am absolutely certain that once they grow up and experience life they will change!
My main issue is with their attitude towards the older folk, is it me or are we one of the only societies that dismisses it’s elders as irrelevant?
Message 16 of 56
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Re: What’s happening?

Strangely enough Archie, we don't have that attitude problem between the generations. Maybe that is because we are all ladies!  When my own Mother was elderly, and needing care, my sisters and I cared for her until the very end, but I made it clear to my daughters and granddaughters that they should help when they could, and respect her as a person and remember the long life that she had had. I think it did them good..they are very respectful towards me and my OH.There is a lot of unseemly banter and mickey taking, but during this pandemic we have been looked after like Royalty. The problem is that they have all been taught over the years to accept the liberal agenda...and it's very hard for them to see an older person's point of view. We were beginning to have quite heated exchanges, so we all agreed that politics should be off the agenda. I'm bu**ered if I'm going to allow a drug addicted, no good career criminal in America be the cause of any rift in my family. But as you say...society in general does not value older people..we are treated as surplus to requirements. I'm sure that your family love and respect you very much..

Message 17 of 56
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Re: What’s happening?

I agree archie about how in the eyes of society the elders are irrelevant and as far as they are concerned we should be locked away somewhere out of sight.

Now we have a minority of dictators telling us what part of history of this country we are allowed to have and what not because they deem it totally wrong !

Is not dictating to people in a country wrong where democracy is meant to be to the forefront ?

Message 18 of 56
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Re: What’s happening?

Let me ask a simple question of those who believe we are trying to remove history along with the statues.


Were the Allies and later the German government wrong to remove all public monuments to the Nazi regime and its leaders? - in doing so were they rewriting history?


Tens of millions died because of the slave trade, not just those actually enslaved but also within Africa due to wars started because of the trade.  One posters inference that in some way the descendants of those slaves should be thankful because without it they probably wouldn't now exist or if they did their circumstances would be worse than they currently are is in my opinion frankly abhorrent.


As well as the untold carnage and misery the slave trade caused it also introduced racism in a way that hadn't previously been seen.  That the colour of a persons' skin put them in a lower order of humanity was the basic tenet of the slave trade and still is for many.


That we continue to publicly honour those individuals who were responsible for such horrors with statues and other monuments really is hard to defend.

Message 19 of 56
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Re: What’s happening?

It might be abhorrent but it happens to be the truth.


Also, who rounded up a lot of the slaves? It was some of their own people?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 20 of 56
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