There may be trouble ahead......

Trouble within UKIP that is.


Farage "resigns". Other members of UKIP have their eyes on the job of leader.


THEN, the ruling board refuse to accept his resignation. The only UKIP MP, Douglas Carswell has repeatedly refused to endorse Farage as leader again and when asked multiple times if he'd quit UKIP to become an Independent he said "No comment".


Suzanne Evans had been tipped to replace Farage and on the news that Farage would take up leadership again said "It's exactly what I expected hence I played down my appointment."


It didn't take long did it? Farage, the life and soul of the local boozer has made UKIP a laughing stock with his antics and some of the hierachy seem ready to tear the party apart.


I wonder what the UKIP voters think of that lot?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 1 of 90
See Most Recent

Re: There may be trouble ahead......

So....we hear this morning that Mr Carswell thinks that Nigel Farage should 'take a break'. Apparently he doesn't like Mr Farage's 'tone', singling out Mr Farage's comments about people from other countries coming here, getting diagnosed with HIV and being treated for free on the NHS. So we can assume that Carswell would not mention any of that, and would prefer to hide those facts or put a different spin on it. This is why Mr Farage has such a good following. He deals in facts, no spin. He tells it like it is. Those people who agree with him will vote for his party, those that don't agree with his facts will vote for someone else. But the British public have a right to know those facts, without spin, or a change of 'tone'. If Carswell doesn't like Mr Farage's 'tone' then he should return to the Conservative party, a bit sharpish. Never trust a turncoat!
Message 21 of 90
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Re: There may be trouble ahead......

Cee Dee.....and your point is in posting that picture of Mr Farage? At least we haven't seen him in one of his kitchens, or trying to eat a burger with a knife and fork.
Message 22 of 90
See Most Recent

Re: There may be trouble ahead......

@cee-dee wrote:

We have another Great man,,who spoke the truth.. Enoch Powell....

......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................Im a 76 year old Nutcase.. TOMMY LOVES YOU ALL. .. I'm a committed atheist.
Message 23 of 90
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Re: There may be trouble ahead......

There are ways to say something and there are other ways to say the same thing.


A great orator knows how to put a point over whereas a bar room bawler thinks that he who shouts the loudest and most crudely wins the point.



It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 24 of 90
See Most Recent

Re: There may be trouble ahead......

Show me a clip of Mr Farage brawling in a bar, or shouting loudly and crudely.
Message 25 of 90
See Most Recent

Re: There may be trouble ahead......

I can't trawl through all the video clips which have been shown on TV but here's a good pic:-



It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 26 of 90
See Most Recent

Re: There may be trouble ahead......

For someone who thinks 'only the two parties represent the country' (one that stole 1.9 trillion the other that led to the end of the NHS and retirement' you sure go on about what nige is has will be doing ,why would you care as your version of democracy is 2  and you know it....if others like an alternate then what concern of yours or anybodies is it ,as I recall who you vote for is entirely up to you and it's also not something you share with others out of decency.

I do hope that the 'just vote 2 'hasn't sent decency in the bin with the tax pot and health service.has it ?

Message 27 of 90
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Re: There may be trouble ahead......


We're only making plans for Nigel
We only want what's best for him
We're only making plans for Nigel
Nigel just needs that helping hand
And if young Nigel says he's happy
He must be happy
He must be happy
He must be happy in his work
We're only making plans for Nigel
He has his future in a British steel
We're only making plans for Nigel
Nigel's whole future is as good as sealed
And if young Nigel says he's happy
He must be happy
He must be happy
He must be happy in his work
Nigel is not outspoken
But he likes to speak
And loves to be spoken to
Nigel is happy in his work
Nigel is happy in his work
We're only making plans for Nigel
We only want what's best for him...............

We are many,They are few
Message 28 of 90
See Most Recent

Re: There may be trouble ahead......

@cee-dee wrote:

I can't trawl through all the video clips which have been shown on TV but here's a good pic:-



I bet you can.  Astro, asked you to find one.  You couldn't. So what has that picture to do with it?  He is singing. And so he should after his superb performance on Thursdays question time.


The lowest attacks were saved until the week of the election. For months the neat drip-feeding of anti-UKIP from Conservative Campaign Headquarters direct to the UK press has done everything possible to depict UKIP as a racist, xenophobic, bigoted party.  You it seems not only want to kick a man (when you think he is down) but want to bury him too. And it seems you have joined this miserable lot in my picture below. The same old bunch that come out on any thread that they think is anti Muslim, or anti Foreigner. The 3 musketeers. And now YOU.  





@cee-dee wrote:

I can't trawl through all the video clips which have been shown on TV but here's a good pic:-



Message 29 of 90
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Re: There may be trouble ahead......

Lets have this on record here?


I don't like Farage (I'll say why in a mo) but even so I really felt for the poor chap to see him in the wreckage of that plane and didn't think they should have been filming or taking photos when he was obviously severely shocked and badly injured.


Now the reason I don't care for him as a politician is that he's got no class, I wouldn't go quite as far to say he's  riff-raff but he doesn't conduct himself well. You just don't see people of class mixing it in boozers like he does and it looks like he drinks far too much. Remember he'd been hit by a car after "a night out"?


The way he acts and the things he says are not the way to go on if you're a top-line politician. Saying that someone has the "charisma of a damp rag and the appearance of low grade bank clerk" isn't the sort of language a supposed Leader uses particularly in a place where some adherence to protocol and a degree of politeness is expected.


That he said he'd resign as leader of UKIP if he didn't win a (yet another) seat and then U-turns and stays on shows that he's not a man of his word. He had no need to say he'd resign in the first place and that he hung on to that for so long, it shows a complete lack of integrity to back out of it after a couple of days. Using the excuse that the ruling body of UKIP "wouldn't let him resign" and that he had "phenomenal support" doesn't wash. He should have kept his word.


Trying to act like "one of the lads" in umpteen pubs with a glass of beer in hand is most unbecoming for a "Leader"too.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 30 of 90
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Re: There may be trouble ahead......

Nice picture CeeDee. But actually that doesn't show Mr Farage brawling, shouting or being crude. Try again.
Message 31 of 90
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Re: There may be trouble ahead......

I disagree fundamentally in the platform on which UKIP and Nigel Farage have gone to the electorate with - that's my political standpoint.


On the other hand I'd be quite happy to sit at the bar with Farage and discuss a number of subjects.



Message 32 of 90
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Re: There may be trouble ahead......

I fundamentally disaprove of all politicians,thats my political stand point 

,I would happily have a sing song or debate with anyone else

Message 33 of 90
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Re: There may be trouble ahead......

I would gladly share a pint or a decent bottle of wine or green tea with any of the party leaders It would be a unique opportunity to ask a few direct questions and to offer up concerns. What I could never do is condemn someone because they failed to meet arbitrary minimum expectations of them in a class sense, Pomposity should be outlawed it is devisive, destructive and fortunately restricted to those Living in a Lost world shared only by Dinosaurs.

Message 34 of 90
See Most Recent

Re: There may be trouble ahead......

I would never be right wing enough to vote for UKIP or agree with their policies, plus I am particularly put off by their appalling attendance and performance in Europe re voting on important issues. They have been branded as the laziest party/bunch of MEPs in Europe with the worst attendance and voting records and the worst work performance in return for their expenses jollies.


When they do bother to turn up to vote, on some issues/laws they will vote against what most UK citizens believe (e.g. 6 UKIP members voted against a motion to clamp down on the illegal ivory trade) just on principle to vote against anything that might expand EU powers, regardless of the issue.  That's crazy to me.  

Personally I think the endless photos of Farage with a pint in his hand / beer glass on his head and his wife’s comments that he drinks too much make him look a bit of an oaf, but as long as it doesn’t interfere with his ability to do a competent job I suppose it doesn’t matter. It's not his love of beer that most worries me.

All that we are is what we have thought.
Message 35 of 90
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Re: There may be trouble ahead......

'Class' doesn't come into it. Mr Farage connects with ordinary people. I for one would far prefer to sit down and have a conversation and a cup of tea with Nigel than with one of the Bullingdon Boys. Do you think they have class CeeDee? Or with Ed Miliband who was so 'classy' that he stabbed his own brother in the back in order to ascend the greasy you like that sort of class CeeDee?
It's strange isn't it, that when Mr Farage gives us facts, without spin, none of the other 'classy' people ever questions his facts. They can't, because he tells the truth. Your comments about class say more about you than they do about Mr Farage.
Message 36 of 90
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Re: There may be trouble ahead......

..Bookies' favourite Chuka Umunna MP shocked the nation and the party by announcing his shock withdrawal from the Labour leadership contest He said he wasn't ready to put himself and family through scrutiny that comes with battling for the top spot prompting questions into background It's since emerged that he is a member of the exclusive M Den club behind the Bank of England which sells £150 steaks and cognac up to £4,000 Umunna keeps a £300 cognac locker and has one of fifty electronic keys to a secret entrance to the restaurant, opened by his friend Tinie Tempah 'Boys playground' is so exclusive that MasterChef presenters Gregg Wallace and John Torode had membership applications turned down

......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................Im a 76 year old Nutcase.. TOMMY LOVES YOU ALL. .. I'm a committed atheist.
Message 37 of 90
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Re: There may be trouble ahead......

Maybe this is the kind of 'class' that CeeDee admires?
Message 38 of 90
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Re: There may be trouble ahead......

Nothing there? A nothing class? Commodity brokers?


Anyway, UKIP is nothing without Farage, there's no-one else with any charisma. It'll all die a death before long.


You don't have to actully be fighting to be a bar room brawler. They and those around them are the sort you cannot "argue" with in their environment. As soon as you make a good point they either shout you down or ramble on so long that by the time they've finished (if they actually do finish!) you've either fallen asleep or forgotten what the point was.


As things progress and your responses to them hit home harder (by making better points), they become louder and louder progressing to making personal insults before name-calling begins.... A bit like what you see on here?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 39 of 90
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Re: There may be trouble ahead......

@astrologica wrote:
'Class' doesn't come into it. Mr Farage connects with ordinary people.

Nope. He connects with those who are gullible enough to drink his Kool Aid.  Most "ordinary people" can see past the populist soundbites, dog-whistles, and photo-ops.


Do you know what a demagogue is?

Message 40 of 90
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