The Salisbury affair.

It seems that what was said by Gary Aitkenhead of the Porton Down establishment wasn't properly understood or quoted? Boris should remember this quotation for the future?:-


“ I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant”


That could be re-phrased to :- "I know what I said but what you think I said is not what I meant"?



It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

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Re: The Salisbury affair.


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Re: The Salisbury affair.


Message 3 of 8
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Re: The Salisbury affair.

What I don’t understand is why left wingers are so pro Russia, whenever anything happens in the U.K. out they come in their droves with conspiracy theories and attempts to blame the incumbent government. Likewise David Lammy MP for Tottenham blames cuts in policing for the recent spike in murders in his constituency. These murders are largely Gang/Drug related and yet despite the endless grief of local citizens they refuse to cooperate with our police by pointing a finger at who is responsible! Opposition MPs are happy to point out the failings of government as they see it and yet they are unprepared to call out those responsible for atrocities, why? And before anyone says what about bungling Boris
Please look closely at the alternative Hackney Abbott😩
Message 4 of 8
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Re: The Salisbury affair.

Diane Abbott was doing pretty much the same as David Lammy this morning on BBC News ie blaming police cuts. Always ready to point the finger at anyone but the people responsible.

Message 5 of 8
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Re: The Salisbury affair.

Mention of Police cuts also ought to consider the wasted time of the police and to consider recovering the costs.


For instance, six coppers needed to restrain and arrest a drunk and the same number needed to get him (it's virtually always a bloke) out of the van and in to the cop-shop then the same number needed to get him in to a cell.


Often, the fine for such an episode bears no relationship to the needless cost of the wasted time.


Also, drunken drivers who refuse to take a breath test. The waste of time and resources ought to be paid for along with a more realistic ban.


Such recoveries might go some way to preventing (or reversing?) any cuts?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 6 of 8
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Re: The Salisbury affair.

The trouble with the “cuts” is that they are used as an excuse for all of our woes, it’s a bit like those who complain about the waiting time for hospital or GPs surgeries saying it’s all down to cuts when in fact it is down to demands especially by those who like to abuse the system. Surely we have all been in the situation where we have needed to cut our coats according to the cloth, and yet there are those who always say that it is unfair that the burden falls on the many rather than the few, well welcome to the real world. Come the revolution we will take away from the privileged give it momentarily to the many and within months we will have a new breed of privilege, politicians! What goes around comes around.
Message 7 of 8
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Re: The Salisbury affair.

Remember the Cuts to Police are a lot more severe, than just the cuts to Coppers numbers alone, seem to indicate.


What the Government keep tight lipped about is the Cuts to civilian Staff.


It may 'save' money, but the work still has to be carried out


That's Police Officers doing the work these people were doing


Less Coppers actually Investigating or preventing crime, less on the Beat


Community Officer numbers haven't much changed, trumpet the Government


What they don't tell You is that Community Officers are no longer doing that Specific Job,

they are taking up the slack  in other police functions

Message 8 of 8
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