The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

So, what gets up your hooter ? What makes your hackles rise, so much so that even just thinking about it, practically induces an apoplectic fit ? Could be anything, a news item, something you encounter in everyday life, drivers/driving, work/housework, public transport, politics/politician, a TV programme, teenagers, a certain commodity or product, a celebrity, mode of dress, a sport, social media sites, mobile phone users, advertising, tattoos, the weather, tin rattlers, technology, bad service, modern architecture, overuse of the word 'amazing', certain music, user manuals, call centres, a neighbour, anything at all that gets you all steamed up.


They say just letting vent on paper has a cathartic effect. Dusty Springfield, when something annoyed her, would buy a bag full of cheap crockery from Woollies, and smash it all individually up against the wall. Now I'm not advocating going to that extreme - anyway Woollies shops are no more - but unbutton your waistcoat, loosen your stays, and just put it all down in typeface on here. You'll feel much better for it. Honest.


Please Note. Be mindful of the Board rules and regulations. No foul language please.



Mister EMB

Message 1 of 173
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172 REPLIES 172

Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

I'm glad you said that, at first the picture reminded me of one of those blow up dolls you see on blackpool prom but with a hat on...............................................................................

Message 41 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

@astrologica wrote:

Am I allowed another rant today? I have been boiling up all morning.

Today,, the object of my ire is the BBC.  On Sunday I got a bit hot under the collar when they broadcast part of Songs of Praise from the migrant camp at Calais. Today I am really mad. I like News's usually on while I do my chores. This morning they broadcast an item with a reporter accompanying three Muslim men who were taking aid to The migrants in Calais. This is blatant political bias again from the BBC, who are supposed to be non-political. We all have differing views about this situation. Are they trying to get us to feel sorry for them? Well, most of us do.....but I do not want to be brainwashed every day about their 'plight'. I prefer to make up my own mind. And surely, the thing about be charitable is that you don't go about crowing about it...least of all on the BBC.


Yes, MUM, says you are.   And thanks for the poetry compliment.     One gets inspired don't you know Man Wink  



Anyway, The emotionally incontinent teensie weensie telly people will ruthlessly exploit (or set up) any photo op, as a way to promote the bizarre idea that we in Britain have some sort of mythical duty to help people who are mostly nothing but cynical opportunists who are attempting to illegally invade our country.


Those who say they are fleeing violence etc...but there are those who want money, want to bring Islam which is the cause of their problems. These bring their dysfunction with them.  Why are they attracted so much to UK?

Free housing, free welfare, free NHS, free benefits. We MUST know that they are 'genuine'. What is unfair about that?  Those that are we would normally help. I fully agree with that.


I laugh when I hear of Afghans migrating  (and Asians and Africans coming to Europe).   It would be normal for them to go to neighbouring countries to live then return to Afghanistan.'


If we fled to some far flung place like Africa or Asia we would be told ''colonialists go home''. Help should be directed towards the country of origin, or it will never end. 

Message 42 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

@fallen-archie wrote:

I'm glad you said that, at first the picture reminded me of one of those blow up dolls you see on blackpool prom but with a hat on...............................................................................

A blow up Ernie Wise LOL


We better scarper before Stevie comes back >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



Message 43 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Manners - they cost nothing

Braggers - just ugh 😒
Message 44 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

The fact whatever happens whatever is done, it's never the perpetrators fault,

from muggings to burglaries to **bleep** the perpetrators are really the victims,

hundreds of crimes, well you can have one last chance, again, because it's not your fault.

Blame upbringing - drugs - religion - plain old jealousy it's really not your fault.

**bleep** victims questioned about their clothing - make up, because obviously it's not the rapists own fault.

So much easier to make excuses, than make people take responsibility for their actions.


Message 45 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Ah Embs.....I see you get mad at the clingfilm too. It does indeed have a life of its own. I used to get an alarming rise in BP whenever I needed a length of clingfilm. That was until I got myself a Baco Wrapmaster clingfilm dispenser! Marvellous! A little more expensive, but worth paying a little more to avoid the dreadful angst that comes with ordinary clingfilm. 😊

Message 46 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

'Life' for murder meaning about ten years.


Self-service checkouts.

Message 47 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.jpgI Hate the ones who put their towels on the sunbeds at 8am and dont use them till 5pm.. leaving people without one.. Most times i throw the towels off them, but they now pin them on..


......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................Im a 76 year old Nutcase.. TOMMY LOVES YOU ALL. .. I'm a committed atheist.
Message 48 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

@lambsy_uk wrote:

Dog Lovers (other pets included) and their guff about animals being better than people.........


They obviously know the wrong people!

I'm sure the thousands of people throughout the world who use dogs as guide dogs, buddies, etc, and of the thousands of police who utilise the services of canines as sniffers, would disagree with your views. There are many people, particularly an elderly person, whose only companion is a dog. Not sure how they would respond to you either. That's not to mention the number of humans who have found themselves in life threatening circumstances, and been given a second chance by a search and rescue dog.




  • People who abuse and mistreat animals.


  • Towels on the beds in hotel rooms. And some eateries who serve their food on chunks of slate. Whar's all that about ?


  • Weather Forecasters. Do they have to drone on and on and on ? 


  • Seagulls. Dirty, screeching, avaricious and aggressive. Can't sing, can't dance, can't dress nice.


  • The PC set and the EU suits. Enough said.


  • Those severe and harsh, glaring, white headlights on cars. Don't know why the H&S lot haven't stepped in here. Great for dazzling the eyes.

Mister EMB

Message 49 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

@electric*mayhem*band wrote:
  • Those severe and harsh, glaring, white headlights on cars. Don't know why the H&S lot haven't stepped in here. Great for dazzling the eyes.

And on the subject of motoring.....


People who still use handheld mobile phones behind the wheel, I see them every day of the week.


Tailgaters, had one recently flashing his lights at me on one of the several 50mph zones on the M4 where the lanes are narrowed for roadworks. What is the point you *bleep*? Like I'm going to break the limit and get caught on camera because you're in a hurry????


People with no sense of lane discipline or signalling especially at roundabouts, you sit there for ages waiting for them to go past you then without signalling they cut across two lanes and turn into the road you're trying to exit.


Grrrrrrr! Smiley Mad

Message 50 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Postmen and others who post letters/leaflets, then leave gate wide open.


Junk mail.

Message 51 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Postmen and others who ring press the gate buzzer, then reverse off and drive away as they start to open.
OH who won't extend the service button times to 10.30 so the postie can let himself in.
Message 52 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Not applicable

You know what I hate most?



































































































People complaining.

erzso photo www_tvn_hu_7bec1af5e42bae4831d65962_1.gif
Message 53 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

You know what I hate most of all?.........plastics of any description.


It's ruining our green spaces all over the country, it's choking our waterways and oceans and killing wildlife in the process. There can't be a more damaging bi-product of industry anywhere in the world (other than radioactive waste of course).


The biggest offenders are supermarkets, I know steps have been taken to make them charge for them but they are still dishing out millions of free plastic carriers. They should charge £1 each for them, that would make the public think twice about using them. How hard can it be to take a shopping bag with you when you buy groceries? I always have shopping bags in the carboot, it's not difficult.


And supermarket packaging is way over the top and most of it is for their own benefit not the customers. If I go into a local bakers and buy a couple of custard tarts for example, they come in a paper case, and are packed in a paper bag when sold. That leaves the buyer with two pieces of recyclable paper to dispose of. Buy the same thing in a supermarket and they come in foil dishes, the dishes are in a plastic tray, then they are packed in a cardboard box with a plastic film lid. That leaves you four different materials to get rid of. This is just ridiculous and the supermarkets are only doing this so it makes transportation easier, there is no benefit to the customer or the environment.


Lots of the plastics used in packaging are still not recyclable so a huge amount is still going to landfill, the majority of it will still be with us in hundreds of years time.







Message 54 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

@jd.linklater wrote:

You know what I hate most of all?.........plastics of any description.



But aren't you posting on here using a computer which is made in large part, of plastic?


Message 55 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

@malacandran wrote:

@jd.linklater wrote:

You know what I hate most of all?.........plastics of any description.



But aren't you posting on here using a computer which is made in large part, of plastic?


 So is there an alternative material for a computer? Does anybody make them out of wood?

Message 56 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

I thought that was you tree-huggers wanted, to make everything out of bio-sustainable wood?


As you acknowledge, one couldn't make a wooden computer, so you Greens wouldn't be able to post in a Green environment.


Would that be a good thing?

Message 57 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Not applicable

They do a lot with bamboo nowadays, from clothes to flooring, maybe that's an idea. Although the Pandas might object Smiley Wink

Message 58 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Supermarkets don't give out free plastic bags up here...and it's not just supermarkets. All shops charge for bags. 

Message 59 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

When you say "up here", does that mean in Scotland?


In England, all supermarkets supply free plastic bags. And all shops do .


Has the Scottish SNP government started charging for bags. That  would seem appropriate. Scots are well-known for thrift.


Message 60 of 173
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