The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

So, what gets up your hooter ? What makes your hackles rise, so much so that even just thinking about it, practically induces an apoplectic fit ? Could be anything, a news item, something you encounter in everyday life, drivers/driving, work/housework, public transport, politics/politician, a TV programme, teenagers, a certain commodity or product, a celebrity, mode of dress, a sport, social media sites, mobile phone users, advertising, tattoos, the weather, tin rattlers, technology, bad service, modern architecture, overuse of the word 'amazing', certain music, user manuals, call centres, a neighbour, anything at all that gets you all steamed up.


They say just letting vent on paper has a cathartic effect. Dusty Springfield, when something annoyed her, would buy a bag full of cheap crockery from Woollies, and smash it all individually up against the wall. Now I'm not advocating going to that extreme - anyway Woollies shops are no more - but unbutton your waistcoat, loosen your stays, and just put it all down in typeface on here. You'll feel much better for it. Honest.


Please Note. Be mindful of the Board rules and regulations. No foul language please.



Mister EMB

Message 1 of 173
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172 REPLIES 172

Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

The thing that bugs me more than anything else at the moment is car insurance!   Ok so I wrote my car off!!!! However I got very hot under the collar when the amount the Insurance company was going to pay was a pittance.  Why, if I insure an article for X amount and pay Y premium, when it is damaged are they allowed to say 'Oh but we are only paying you Z'  I have been paying the premium for the  full amount, surely if the value has dropped (which I accept it has) my premiums should have gone down to allow for that fact?  Do they not make enough of a profit from us allready without this!    mutter mutter.............

Message 21 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

But they will tell you you are not just insuring the value of your car. The premium is to cover the cost of repairing any car that  you might hit and it might be a Lamborghini or RR...or any potential property damage etc

Message 22 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

You go, girl. Get it off your chest.   photo laugh_zpsbc9f7645.gif



To varying degrees, most of the things in the OP annoy me if I'm honest...but the medication does help.




  • The constant use of the word 'amazing' for anything good. Never fantastic, excellent, brilliant, splendid, wonderful, fabulous, phenomenal, outstanding, etc, etc.


  • 'Alternative Comedy' and it's exponents. Usually an alternative to comedy. Leprosy is funnier.


  • Any TV programme about cooking, property, or containing the word 'celebrity' in the title. Oh, and soaps. *yawn*


  • Clingfilm. Has a life of it's own. 


  • Diagrams. Those silly little drawings, with just a series of pointing arrows in the place of text, that you find in instruction manuals. A pre-school infant could draw better. (I'm looking at Dyson here).


  • Football, and it's culture. *cringes*


  •  Red Tape. Just been helping an elderly neighbour fill out a form issued by the council - actually it's a book - for Housing Benefit. A Philadelphia Lawyer would have problems with it.


  • Nail Bars. Springing up like mushrooms. Has the female population lost the ability to use a nail file, or a nail polish brush ?


  • People who give themselves exalted and over-the-top job titles. (Personal Trainer = PE Instructor - Nail Technician = Manicurist - Hair Artist = Hairdresser).


 And the present thing that is aggravating me, is this annoying Windows 10 Free Download advert that keeps popping up. I've already deleted it five times today. I do NOT want Windows 10. Why isn't there a 'No Thanks' field to click, in order to obliterate the thing once and for all ?


Mister EMB

Message 23 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Harry......I KNOW that you are a beautiful person.😊

Message 24 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

People who do not leave public toilets as they find them.

Message 25 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

All people who think they are/ or want to  govern or control others

and lastly ..


Message 26 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Nail Bars. Springing up like mushrooms.

Ditto coffee shops. Why the need for so many??

And what's with the exact same trio of swarthy-looking gents permanently sat outside?

It doesn't matter which town you go to, or what time you go there, you're guaranteed to see these same three guys sitting outside?

I think they mass produce them as part of the branding.


1 x Front fascia window signage ­- check 

2 x Pavement advertising barriers - check

6 x aluminium bistro table and chair sets - check
3 x Mediterranean style men smoking Marlborough Lights - check





Message 27 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

I guess I am lucky because reading through I found that most the things that upset others don't really bother me. One thing I do wonder about though; why do people concern themselves with how much others earn?


News item on the radio this morning about company execs earning £5 million per year and how unsavoury it was.


Others earning less is never going to make me feel better, earning more myself would be my concern. There is something inside many people that makes them feel better if others are brought down a peg or two and I find this to be a rather ugly trait that suggests a nasty vindictive streak!


So listening to such news items gets on my wick a bit!

Message 28 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Dog Lovers (other pets included) and their guff about animals being better than people.........


They obviously know the wrong people!

Message 29 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Drivers turning right but who don't pull to the middle of the road allowing you to get by.


Cyclists using Zebra Crossings while riding their bike!


Facebook attention seekers who will say something like "omg, so peed off" and then wait for their idiot friends to come running asking what's up!

Message 30 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

@lambsy_uk wrote:

Dog Lovers (other pets included) and their guff about animals being better than people.........


They obviously know the wrong people!

Or you  know the wrong animals  ...obviously they are better than any human will ever be 🙂

Message 31 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

@Anonymous wrote:

Wrinkles and grey hair is one thing, but what about the ears and nose which seem to keep growing, the turkey neck, the chicken wings, drooping eyelids, hair growing out of your nose or on your chin, age spots, everything going south.....

My skin is 3 sizes too big for me.


Oh my kids say I'm beautiful too and then add that IF I would put on some weight I would be even more beautiful and IF I dressed better I would as well, and IF I went to the hairdressers more often and IF I would put on some make-up more often and IF I had a boo job and IFand IF....hahahahahahaha.


Well none of that is going to happen any time soon , so ugly it is then.



I forgot a b somewhere.

I love that pic of Clint, I'm sure my face looks like that every time I hear someone using 'upspeak'......that ridiculous way of talking mainly by young people that makes every statement sound like a question.

Smiley Mad

Message 32 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Not applicable

My face looks like that full stop! Some people start to resemble their dogs, I start to resemble my hero. photo lol.gif


Posting that pic was even funnier when I discovered that adding a "b" to the word I had "misspelled" was getting a ***bleep*** from the mods and I had to change it.................




 photo slapheadsmiley.gif

Message 33 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Message 34 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

All of the above plus:


People who threaten their tiny tots in shops with 'If you're naughty that man/woman/checkout person will tell you off.'  No they won't!

(Well they might, I suppose.)


Cornwall Council for closing most of our public toilets.  It's the bewildered tourists I feel sorry for.


Cyclists going the wrong way down one-way streets/on pavements/through red lights and riding into you without saying sorry.

and -

The police not doing anything about it.


Being ambushed in the street by charity collectors.


Cold callers who keep asking me if I want solar panels on my roof.


The desecration of our lovely countryside with new buildings when there are plenty of brown field sites available (I know the excuse that it's easier).


That's all for now but no doubt I'll think of a few more.






Message 35 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

@lambsy_uk wrote:


 Facebook attention seekers who will say something like "omg, so peed off" and then wait for their idiot friends to come running asking what's up!

Arrggh Facebook attention seekers, can't believe I forgot about them.

Have you noticed that immediately after they post their, 'I've had enough, I can't take this anymore' type statuses, they suddenly become completely incommunicado for the rest of the evening?

Next day you go on FB, all bleary-eyed cos you haven't slept a wink worrying that they've topped themselves, and there they are, happy as Larry, posting their usual banal drivel, the previous night's drama completely forgotten about. They never do tell you what was wrong.

Another thing they do is wait till about 20 or 30 'friends' have responded to their A.S.S (attention seeeking status) and then reply to ONE person with a 'oh God yeah it's really bad, I'll PM you' type response, completely ignoring all the other nosey concerned well-wishers grrr!!

I don't bother responding now. If someone really needs my help, they know how to contact me pfft!

Message 36 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

@blackburn_stevie wrote:

You look like Ernie Wise in that, pic Stevie LOL

Message 37 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

@joamur_gosof wrote:

@lambsy_uk wrote:

Dog Lovers (other pets included) and their guff about animals being better than people.........


They obviously know the wrong people!

Or you  know the wrong animals  ...obviously they are better than any human will ever be 🙂


'When some proud Son of  Man returns to Earth'


Unknown  to Glory, but upheld by Birth,

The sculptor's art exhausts the pomp of woe,

And storied urns record the rests below.

When all is done, upon the Tomb is seen,

Not what he was, but what he should have been.


But poor Dog, in life the firmest friend,

The first to welcome, foremost to defend,

Whose honest heart is still his Master's own,

Who labours, fights, lives, breathes for him alone,

Unhonoured falls, unnoticed all his worth,

Denied heaven the soul he held on earth.


While man, vain insect! hopes to be forgiven,

And claims himself a sole exclusive heaven. 

Message 38 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

That's very moving Mere.....I like that.

Message 39 of 173
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Re: The 'RANT THREAD' (thread).

Am I allowed another rant today? I have been boiling up all morning.

Today,, the object of my ire is the BBC.  On Sunday I got a bit hot under the collar when they broadcast part of Songs of Praise from the migrant camp at Calais. Today I am really mad. I like News's usually on while I do my chores. This morning they broadcast an item with a reporter accompanying three Muslim men who were taking aid to The migrants in Calais. This is blatant political bias again from the BBC, who are supposed to be non-political. We all have differing views about this situation. Are they trying to get us to feel sorry for them? Well, most of us do.....but I do not want to be brainwashed every day about their 'plight'. I prefer to make up my own mind. And surely, the thing about be charitable is that you don't go about crowing about it...least of all on the BBC.


Message 40 of 173
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