North Korea....... again.

So now North Korea have claimed to have a Hydrogen Bomb? They've certainly detonated the largest device yet but what are they aiming to do with it?


What can anyone "do" about North Korea? Anything? The rest of the World realises that China have absolutely no intentions of helping put a stop the what N Korea is up to soooooo, what to do?


All speculation at the moment but NK will probably fire a missile close to or over Guam to show what it's capability is. They might do it more than once before doing it for real?


What are the options? 1/do nothing. 2/fire a missile at some NK military site, 3/fire an overwhelming batch of missiles at all military sites, all infrastucture sites (electricity, oil, rail, road bridges, reservoirs, water treatment & dams).


What would the result be? For 1/ NK will carry on regardless of the ineffective talking shop of the UN. For 2/ NK would open up all those artillery pieces at S Korea and probably fire missiles at Guam and Japan plus unleash what aircraft they have at the American fleet.


Now for 3/..... NK would be finished but in the process of their limited retalliation would also cause widespread deaths and destruction in S Korea. After that, there would be great condemnation of the US from Russia and China who might even see the opportunity of joining forces in attacking the US thinking the capability of the US would be drastically reduced after expending so many missiles on NK. WW3??????


Now, what do you think?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 1 of 23
See Most Recent

Re: North Korea....... again.

I think there is little we can do, other than allow the UN to grow some! There will be little appetite here for war especially when we look at the outcome of our most recent interventions! I hope and pray the mad dictator keeps his arsenal under control he cannot believe that unleashing it on Guam and Japan would prove anything and simply bring forward his own demise. That's my hope for what it's worth!
Message 2 of 23
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Re: North Korea....... again.

Send in the American Seals, or the SAS to take him out. Probably do his people a favour. He behaves like a kid with a load of new toys. Any military retaliation could have disastrous consequences, as CeeDee has already pointed out.

Message 3 of 23
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Re: North Korea....... again.

I don't think Kim is the problem, I think he's just a fugurehead who believes everything the Generals tell him, they're the real problem in NK.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 4 of 23
See Most Recent

Re: North Korea....... again.

I'm not so sure about that CeeDee....they all look terrified of him. Whenever they are near him they are grinning and applauding like a bunch of muppets. But you could be right, it's a strange country and he is the strangest , most deranged looking leader. And now a leader with a H bomb!😧

Message 5 of 23
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Re: North Korea....... again.

Those Generals are all vying for attention hoping their mad ideas will be convincing enough for all the others and will therefore be worthwhile putting to Kim for approval to go ahead. Although Kim's supposed to be "the leader", he's a puppet of those generals.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 6 of 23
See Most Recent

Re: North Korea....... again.

@astrologica wrote:

I'm not so sure about that CeeDee....they all look terrified of him. Whenever they are near him they are grinning and applauding like a bunch of muppets. But you could be right, it's a strange country and he is the strangest , most deranged looking leader. And now a leader with a H bomb!😧

It's a strange old world Astro, in human terms all leaders are unpredictable. Tell me what certainties there are in any country?



Next mood swing in 6 minutes

Message 7 of 23
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Re: North Korea....... again.

I agree Busty, and this country is no exception. What is happening in Europe is terrifying, and if we don't hurry up and leave the EU with all borders closed, then we are totally done for. What with North Korea and what is happening in Europe it's a frightening world.

Message 8 of 23
See Most Recent

Re: North Korea....... again.

China is now showing its hand:-


It's making it quite clear it has no meaningful intentions of halting the machinations of NK, they're all talk and no action. All it's doing is giving NK more and more time to build up its weapons programme.


It's time for the mealy-mouthed talking to stop and visible action of some sort or there will be some military action instead.


What China will do then, we don't know except to speculate that it would assist NK as before.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 9 of 23
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Re: North Korea....... again.

I am not sure what you think the UN can do?





Message 10 of 23
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Re: North Korea....... again.

Javikha...It was Archie who mentioned the UN, not me. The UN won't be doing anything about it..they do nothing these days.

Message 11 of 23
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Re: North Korea....... again.

Don't panic Astro it was me who mentioned the UN simply because it is what it is there for! I accept that in reality there is little chance of them doing anything! I am grateful to someone reminding me of the obvious.
Message 12 of 23
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Re: North Korea....... again.

Just mention 'preorders' , bound to do it.


UN has certain things in certain situations it can do, and in other circumstances far less. There are currently sanctions in place, they could enhance those marginally, whether that would have any material effect is questionable.


The US could impose it's own on third parties as it's indicated, but it well knows it would pay a financial price in doing so, which it appears unwilling to do


One could go down the Beano military planning and tactics route, which is even more expensive and the outcome is far from certain


I suggest sending in the elite special forces NW RASC

bound to deter, obviously.



Message 13 of 23
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Re: North Korea....... again.

Message 14 of 23
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Re: North Korea....... again.

I was only asking because it seemed someone was dissatisfied, though it appears they were unclear on what or why!


I feel some sympathy for South Korea as it seems they are far from convinced on the assurances over alliance, and somehow due to billy liar, trade was also brought up, and held against them.





Message 15 of 23
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Re: North Korea....... again.

Are things about to get serious or is this just more posturing by the spoilt fat kid with the dodgy hairdo?


Man Very Happy

Message 16 of 23
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Re: North Korea....... again.

I read that too JD, I wish he would spit out what he hopes to achieve, half the population have no electricity while he plays with nukes. He is a freakin nut job!
Message 17 of 23
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Re: North Korea....... again.

It makes me wonder is he really in charge or just a mouthpiece for his generals, who the hell is really running the country?

Message 18 of 23
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Re: North Korea....... again.

Not him. It's those silly-looking, note-book-wielding, grinning toy soldiers in the dodgy hats.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 19 of 23
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Re: North Korea....... again.

I dunno about that, he has a cow pat on his head😩
Message 20 of 23
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