North Korea....... again.

So now North Korea have claimed to have a Hydrogen Bomb? They've certainly detonated the largest device yet but what are they aiming to do with it?


What can anyone "do" about North Korea? Anything? The rest of the World realises that China have absolutely no intentions of helping put a stop the what N Korea is up to soooooo, what to do?


All speculation at the moment but NK will probably fire a missile close to or over Guam to show what it's capability is. They might do it more than once before doing it for real?


What are the options? 1/do nothing. 2/fire a missile at some NK military site, 3/fire an overwhelming batch of missiles at all military sites, all infrastucture sites (electricity, oil, rail, road bridges, reservoirs, water treatment & dams).


What would the result be? For 1/ NK will carry on regardless of the ineffective talking shop of the UN. For 2/ NK would open up all those artillery pieces at S Korea and probably fire missiles at Guam and Japan plus unleash what aircraft they have at the American fleet.


Now for 3/..... NK would be finished but in the process of their limited retalliation would also cause widespread deaths and destruction in S Korea. After that, there would be great condemnation of the US from Russia and China who might even see the opportunity of joining forces in attacking the US thinking the capability of the US would be drastically reduced after expending so many missiles on NK. WW3??????


Now, what do you think?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 1 of 23
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Re: North Korea....... again.

Another Missile Fired, Japan Alert

Message 21 of 23
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Re: North Korea....... again.

Yep he is really pushing his luck and Trump's buttons. It seems very clear that he has no intention of stopping until he has nuclear capability to protect against any invasion or regime change.  Can't see that he will ever negotiate whatever UN sanctions are put in place.


On a lighter note .....

Hairstyles are restricted

'Sure, you can smoke pot but you’re not free to style your hair at whim in North Korea. In 2013 there were 28 state-approved hair styles that citizens could choose from. Married women were ordered to keep their hair sensibly short while single ladies were allowed to wear their locks a little longer. Now they are supposed to emulate the basic bob worn by the Supreme Leader’s wife, Ri Sol-ju. Men used to be able to express themselves through 10 short styles. Now they are forbidden to exceed a maximum of 2cm in length, and are encouraged to copy Kim Jong-un’s ghastly bouffant ‘do (maybe he’s on-trend, see below). Scissor-wielding authorities are cracking down on anyone sporting a “capitalist” hairstyle, and offenders may be shorn on the spot.'




All that we are is what we have thought.
Message 22 of 23
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Re: North Korea....... again.

I read somewhere that a former US Navy Seal suggested that instead of bombs the US should " Drop 25 million iPhones on them and put satellites over them with free wifi " ! ! !

That should galvanize the NK people to realize what they're missing, and thus overthrow the regime !  laughing


"Non Recuso Laborem"

Message 23 of 23
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