No Smoking in car with Children. .From 1 October 2015 it will be illegal to smoke in a car (or other vehicles) with anyone under 18 present. The law is changing to protect children and young people from the dangers of secondhand smoke.
......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................Im a 76 year old Nutcase.. TOMMY LOVES YOU ALL. .. I'm a committed atheist.
Message 1 of 69
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Re: No Smoking in car with Children.

JG - I accept what you say but feel that we should be concentrating on opposing laws that genuinely restrict our freedoms and invade our privacy rather than those which as far as I can see do no such thing.


Of course which laws those are may just be my own personal opinion - there are obviously some that feel that being prevented from smoking in an enclosed metal box containing children is an infringement of their own freedoms rather than the protection of children's health.  Likewise there may be some that believe laws limiting their right to be cruel to animals is an infringement of their freedoms.


I guess we all have our own points of view but a line has to be drawn somewhere - a restriction on my freedom to decide what speed I can drive past school gates strikes me as a good law - because others may disagree does that mean there shouldn't be such a law or that it is a bad one?

Message 41 of 69
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Re: No Smoking in car with Children.

Yes again thats a fair point was /is the pure situation the world is in and the timing of this,that got me I said I have first hand experience of little being done on issues that are really really important and  they .. law banning a certain shoe'. ..they then pat themselves on the back take our money and smirk ,whos a clever boy then...grrr 


Anyway yes you are right not to get too confused on what is what, my apology for thread ranting 🙂

Message 42 of 69
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Re: No Smoking in car with Children.

ps ..they have banned smoking on children in cars...


good 😄

Message 43 of 69
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Re: No Smoking in car with Children.

Ranting is good - there should be a law to ensure everyone has a rant at least once a day!


I agree that there are important areas that need legislation BUT what I consider important you may not and vice versa.

Message 44 of 69
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Re: No Smoking in car with Children.

End of the day ,its an insulting claim that the population in general needs banning as they are too irrisponsible to judge for themselves (fallen said it with nanny state)  ,The truth appears to me to be the most irresponsible people on earth are called leaders.



I don't think people who honestly want right in todays world are too far from each other and laws are not needed imo to get that. (we may disagree there) and communication ,deffinate ..laws are being used (it feels) to nit pick rather than solve. 

Message 45 of 69
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Re: No Smoking in car with Children.

@joamur_gosof wrote:

End of the day ,its an insulting claim that the population in general needs banning as they are too irrisponsible to judge for themselves (fallen said it with nanny state)  ,

There are plenty of laws in place that get ignored so why should we trust the population?! Why do I see mothers carrying infants on their laps in cars, or kids standing on the back seat or 6 kids lined up along a back seat for example.


Are you sure they can be expected to act responsibly?!

Message 46 of 69
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Re: No Smoking in car with Children.

I'm sure the police will have more serious crimes to investigate than fining motorists for smoking with kids in the car,but i.m sure the plod will enforce the law a bit more stringantly with the local jack the lad for his lip,be very hard to prosecute though if it goes to court,i can imagine the morning police briefing.Rights lads we'll have a crackdown today on illegal car smokers.....don't think so,I can see the enforcement eventually being passed on to those council wardens who fine you for dropping fag dumps in the local shopping centre

We are many,They are few
Message 47 of 69
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Re: No Smoking in car with Children.

Since the smoking ban on smoking in public places, there has been a 15% reduction in hospital admissions of children with asthma attacks, 17% reduction in heart attacks in the first year alone, 10% drop in premature births, also it is against the law to smoke in a place of employment, last I heard a pub was a place of employment


Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.
Message 48 of 69
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Re: No Smoking in car with Children.

Last time I bought paracetamol in Tesc I was limited to 16 tablets, I was told this is the law, only a doctor can prescribe in greater numbers


Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.
Message 49 of 69
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Re: No Smoking in car with Children. Smoking ban farce: Police vow to IGNORE new law coming into force tomorrow that makes it illegal to light up in cars with children Police may turn blind eye to new law banning smoking in car with children From Thursday, officers will be able to pull over anyone committing crime Those caught face a £50 fine but could pay up to £2,500 if taken to court But, police chiefs said enforcing law would hardly be top of their ‘to-do list’
......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................Im a 76 year old Nutcase.. TOMMY LOVES YOU ALL. .. I'm a committed atheist.
Message 50 of 69
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Re: No Smoking in car with Children.

Not applicable

I doubt they have the man power to do it anyway. It's also illegal to be on your mobile phone when driving, still you see it all the time.

Message 51 of 69
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Re: No Smoking in car with Children.

Smiley HappyIt,s A Good Enough Reason To Pull A Driver,s Car Over, Instead Of The Old Stop And Search

Message 52 of 69
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Re: No Smoking in car with Children.

Isn't the point though that, like the mobile phone ban, that whilst some will ignore the law and get away with it the vast majority will comply.



Message 53 of 69
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Re: No Smoking in car with Children.

The ban on paracetamol would be laughable if it wasn't so rediculous. If one chemist will only sell you 2 packs of 16 you can go to the next chemist up the street for more. There are 7 chemists in my small town. As for smoking with children in the car - I did when I was younger as we were not so aware of the dangers, but I never have with my grand daughter. Ironic really because I know she smokes herself.


crooksnanny ~ maz
Message 54 of 69
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Re: No Smoking in car with Children.

Quantity limits on sales of paracetamol are not 'law', they are voluntary code of practice by retailers.

The largest chain of pound shops in the UK is currently offering 3pkts of 16 for £1.


Would provide link, but perish the thought of breaking eBay advertising rules!Smiley Surprised


Message 55 of 69
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Re: No Smoking in car with Children.

From today it's illegal to smoke in vehicles carrying children in England and Wales. Those who break the law could face a £50 fine.
......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................Im a 76 year old Nutcase.. TOMMY LOVES YOU ALL. .. I'm a committed atheist.
Message 56 of 69
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Re: No Smoking in car with Children.

Shame its not banned also today, politicians sending troops to bolster yet another machine gun parade in Somalia ...but still we have our priorities as a nation don't we...and just think of the extra money we can spend in aid via tax pot  that  comes out of that    we earn our 10 percenting arms dealers a few quid along the way so hey we did our bit to help the few ''Needy''.


Message 57 of 69
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Re: No Smoking in car with Children.



I did say priorities didn't I ? ...p, the children ..who when armed to the teeth to vent hate on others of course grow up all caring about ??

Message 58 of 69
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Re: No Smoking in car with Children.


Message 59 of 69
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Re: No Smoking in car with Children.

There are over 3900 chemical alterations in exhaled cig smoke and some of them (5),, are KNOWN by theorists to be on the list of the 150000 'things' that could cause cancer .


Better safe than sorry don;t do it 


Now machine gun bullets MAY (if your hit ) kill you it has 4 main ingredients and 2 are slightly less dangerous ..the bullet and the gun

The very very very dangerous are the people who hand them out at school gates getting kids and adolescents addicted  and the just very dangerous to health are  half witted lunatic pulling the trigger.


Smoking  over children is now thought to encourage law makers to send troops to help lunatics with guns as a deterrent ..,spend trillions of other peoples money in conflict aid and build razor wire fences and stop people smuggling by refusing asylum we banned it as a matter of urgent priority.

Message 60 of 69
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