I Got Stuck in a Lift Today

I live in a 9th floor flat.

Earlier today, going out for a meal, I got in the lift with a couple of friends.

It went down for a short while, then clunked to a stop, and the display said "Not in Service"

None of the buttons worked, including the door open one.


Pressed emergency alarm button, and a disembodied voice said an engineer is on the way.

A few minutes later, he spoke again "Are you still there?", dont know where he thought we would be.

Then told us that engineer would be about half an hour.


Sure enough, engineer arrived, forced the door open, and we saw that we were nearly on the 8th floor, with a steep step down.


At least I know the emergency button works.


First time that has happened to me in over 7 years living here.  Hopefully the last.

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Re: I Got Stuck in a Lift Today

I don't care for lifts although I use them if I have to.


The worse lift I've ever been in was years back in the tower at Birmingham University. It was very small, just big enough for two and you'd better be friends......


Going up, it took off and drove your legs in to the floor. By the time you'd recovered, you were at the top, it stopped but you kept going....


Going down, it went down that fast you momentarily stopped where you were.... At the bottom, it stopped but you didn't.


I wonder if it's still the same?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

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Re: I Got Stuck in a Lift Today

I remember the paternoster lifts at Sheffield university, you were meant to hop on and hop off one guy stayed on it while it went over the top and stood on his hands to reappear as the down lift😃it was hilarious
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Re: I Got Stuck in a Lift Today

We had one of those hop on, hop off lifts in a department store in Bristol

Must have been back in the 1970s


Wouldn't happen now, health and safety would have a field day.

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