How many of you is going to take in Refugees

How many people on Ebay would take a refugee family into there own home?..... I wouldnt.....
......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................Im a 76 year old Nutcase.. TOMMY LOVES YOU ALL. .. I'm a committed atheist.
Message 1 of 112
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Re: How many of you is going to take in Refugees

@mikes*corvettes wrote:

@upthecreekyetagain wrote:

 which only leaves its population as the creator of its wealth.

That might be the case at the moment, but we are quickly approaching the situation in which the private sector workers who not only support the public sector workers and those on benefits will become the minority.... What's going to happen then ?


Bleeding heart liberalism is okay in society but these bleeding heart liberals should look at the long term picture and not what's put in front of them at that moment.


Mr Cameron is correct in saying that we will accept 20,000 refugees in the next 5 years but only the ones picked from the refugee camps in Syria none of these ones demanding entry now.


These way we will not only be helping but we will also be in a position to only let people in who will give to our country and not just take from it.



I'm not sure I understand your logic - if you are correct in your assertion that workers in the private sector are becoming a minority then surely that is an argument in favour of immigration - unless of course you are suggesting, contrary to all the figures available, that the majority of refugees and immigrants end up on benefits. 

Message 21 of 112
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Re: How many of you is going to take in Refugees

What about George Galloway, didn,t he oppose war yet suggest that the Turks and Iraqis sort things out by force of course. In major conflicts it is always the innocent that suffer unless technology like a drone is used to pin point aggressors and take them out. Of course it would be preferable just to stun them with the drone safely picking them up and taking them to Court. There they would be entitled to a defence team and the means of their capture would be used to force a not guilty verdict. They would then be released into a country of their choice to continue their legitimate campaign of violence.

Blair and Cameron could be handed over to Isis and put before a Sharia court which I'm sure would treat them with fairness and allow them to defend their actions.

Message 22 of 112
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Re: How many of you is going to take in Refugees

Just curious here on a note mentioned that because this country has no resources except mass of people and that equates to wealthiest kind of country....could some explain how wealthy is 1 . 9 trillion in the amount of debt your in mean how wealthy you are ? ...if the books balance at minus 1.9 trillion ,I would say 'LOOK' the 4th worse off country in the world ...must be ......and then I would not know ,as we have no resource or money so wth ?? must be dog bone skintest not wealthiest at all.


Is it all statistic talk this wealthy business ,is it x amount of people worth x amount over x amount of years equals loads of money ? which equals 1.9 trillion in debt to some bank or other 


Message 23 of 112
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Re: How many of you is going to take in Refugees

Smiley HappyI Know The Answear,It's What We Owe The Americans The Last Time We Bailed Europe Out

Message 24 of 112
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Re: How many of you is going to take in Refugees

@joamur_gosof wrote:

Just curious here on a note mentioned that because this country has no resources except mass of people and that equates to wealthiest kind of country....could some explain how wealthy is 1 . 9 trillion in the amount of debt your in mean how wealthy you are ? ...if the books balance at minus 1.9 trillion ,I would say 'LOOK' the 4th worse off country in the world ...must be ......and then I would not know ,as we have no resource or money so wth ?? must be dog bone skintest not wealthiest at all.


Is it all statistic talk this wealthy business ,is it x amount of people worth x amount over x amount of years equals loads of money ? which equals 1.9 trillion in debt to some bank or other 


Is someone who owns a house worth £1 million, earns 10k a month but has 15k in credit card debt more or less wealthy than someone who rents their home, earns 1k a month and has no debts?


I would say the former was the wealthier of the two.  The same with countries, the relevant factor is the earning capacity or GDP.   Debt really only becomes relevant if income is insufficient to cover repayments. 

Message 25 of 112
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Re: How many of you is going to take in Refugees

ah,thank you it is a statistic thing....ok debt and cant pay it....err ok we are skint then as 70 million divided by 1.9 trillion over lifespan equals 1.9 trillion as interest has just been covered...sooo we had better ask the whole world to come here as then it will only take 200 yrs to pay off a gdp to mif at euk by artyfarty

Message 26 of 112
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Re: How many of you is going to take in Refugees

@right-then-petal wrote:

Smiley HappyI Know The Answear,It's What We Owe The Americans The Last Time We Bailed Europe Out

Petal, I think you'll find we repaid our WW2 debts to the Americans and the Canadians in 2006. Smiley Happy



Message 27 of 112
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Re: How many of you is going to take in Refugees

Ok Thanks For The UpdateSmiley Very Happyhmm Wheres All The Extra Money Going Now

Message 28 of 112
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Re: How many of you is going to take in Refugees

I know this one ...all the money isnt going anywhere its all stacked up in neat piles..barrels of oil ,gold bars and diamonds...All the figures that suggest 900 million sent in aid...40 billion for rocket to mars or 20000000000 million zillion on benefit scroungers (its actually true that amount if you take into account what a benefit  is )  is all made up numbers so you look good in your Hello magazine picture with your baronesship and pipe 🙂

Message 29 of 112
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Re: How many of you is going to take in Refugees

Until the begining of the week i would have said no, i wouldnt take in any refugees. My stance has changed and would take in refugees in the short term say one or two years. I guess i put myself in their situation, many have fled some truly horrific situations, if it was my family i would want a safe place to go, until the situation is right that it is safe to return..


What does worry me is that many will not want to return home, at the moment it is said that immigration and migration has not been a cost to the uk but a benefit and net gain to the economy.  We know statistics can be misleading and many migrant workers are on low wages, the higher earners distorting the stats, people such as Mark Carney, what will the strain be on pensions and the NHS in the future.

Message 30 of 112
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Re: How many of you is going to take in Refugees

I won't be taking in any refugees. at least not until I see a few houses filling up from the owners of the folk living in the posh houses that form part of the House of Lords etc

I may also keep an eye on the bosses of people like the big-wigs who run top chatities whe take money off us and send it to Gawd knows where every month but never seem short of a bob or two.......... Maybe then,

Message 31 of 112
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Re: How many of you is going to take in Refugees

@blackburn_stevie wrote:

I won't be taking in any refugees. at least not until I see a few houses filling up from the owners of the folk living in the posh houses that form part of the House of Lords etc

I may also keep an eye on the bosses of people like the big-wigs who run top chatities whe take money off us and send it to Gawd knows where every month but never seem short of a bob or two.......... Maybe then,

I agree with this..
......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................Im a 76 year old Nutcase.. TOMMY LOVES YOU ALL. .. I'm a committed atheist.
Message 32 of 112
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Re: How many of you is going to take in Refugees
......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................Im a 76 year old Nutcase.. TOMMY LOVES YOU ALL. .. I'm a committed atheist.
Message 33 of 112
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Re: How many of you is going to take in Refugees

@blackburn_stevie wrote:

I won't be taking in any refugees. at least not until I see a few houses filling up from the owners of the folk living in the posh houses that form part of the House of Lords etc

I may also keep an eye on the bosses of people like the big-wigs who run top chatities whe take money off us and send it to Gawd knows where every month but never seem short of a bob or two.......... Maybe then,

I don't understand - do you depend on the well off to show you the right thing to do?



Message 34 of 112
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Re: How many of you is going to take in Refugees

yes for sure you need a good wealthy person as an example...thars why kings and queens are the wealthiest nation leaders isnt it,    good example setters = rulers 🙂


Or in the famous words....'' can get you in a lot of trouble thinking,I shouldn't do so much of it if I were you ''  


Wont stop me mind ,no amount of police batons can stop me doing what I think is right,but it gets you nowhere in UK ,better advice apparently is, go off doing flip flops on the simon cowell monkey show if you want a worthwhile pass time and even less care for others.if your very lucky you might get a bit of paper with some numbers on it annnd a certificate .



How many angles and established methods did I fit into post ? answers on back of hands please.

Message 35 of 112
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Re: How many of you is going to take in Refugees

So......if it is the right thing to do, how many are you having?

Message 36 of 112
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Re: How many of you is going to take in Refugees

You know the Queen has plenty of spare rooms..
......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................Im a 76 year old Nutcase.. TOMMY LOVES YOU ALL. .. I'm a committed atheist.
Message 37 of 112
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Re: How many of you is going to take in Refugees


......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................Im a 76 year old Nutcase.. TOMMY LOVES YOU ALL. .. I'm a committed atheist.
Message 38 of 112
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Re: How many of you is going to take in Refugees

After the council want to charge me £780.00 building regs for converting my garage and a small extension, and on reading the above ive withdrawn my offer., until someone can explain why many arab states are shunning helping these refugees.


Also youll need to get in touch with my council and negotiate my building regs.

Message 39 of 112
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Re: How many of you is going to take in Refugees

@tommy.irene wrote:

@astrologica wrote:

I wouldn't either...for reasons already stated on a previous thread.  Why have I got this overwhelming feeling that this mass exodus is all part of the 'Big Plan'?  


Tommy, “Jihadwatch” is run by a Far-Right Christian (Robert Spencer) with links to the English Defence League. He’s even banned from the UK:


There’s quite alot of misinformation being circulated out there on social media by Britain First type groups…

Message 40 of 112
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