Are buyers as daft as some sellers think they are?

We've all seen "Untested" written as part of an auction listing and translated that into "Broken" but I've just seen one that takes the biscuit. It's a guy selling a mobile phone and he is selling it with the proper charger. He says that this is a phone that he lost a while ago and thinking that he had lost it for good, he contacted the powers that be and had the phone what he calls "barred". Here's the thing though. He says that he hasn't tried the phone to see if it works. That's not the exact wording though 'cos we can't have any advertising on these boards. But back to the point, if he has the phone and he has the charger, what possible excuse can he have for not seeing if it works?

The mind boggles.

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Re: Are buyers as daft as some sellers think they are?

Are buyers as daft as some sellers think they are?

Yes they are....unfortunately  😞

Some poor mug will buy that phone and be genuinely shocked to discover it doesn't actually work.

Which reminds me, did you manage to get your iphone 3 to work in the end, Stevie?

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Re: Are buyers as daft as some sellers think they are?

The iPhone 3GS is currently in the repair shop to see if it can be salvaged.

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Re: Are buyers as daft as some sellers think they are?

Ah..hope you get it sorted, hun x

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Re: Are buyers as daft as some sellers think they are?

what i find also bothering is a listing with 4 images and yet the items most important thing has been forgotten  for example a car with no tyres or a  firework that is listed as untested but is clearly a used firework its almost as unless as ebays REFURBISHED Monika if a car has had a damp sponge rubbed over the screen its not refurbished .🙄 ebay freely  allowed 12 images per posting maybe more SELLERs please utilise this wonderful free feature a picture can say more than words 

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