ATOS - Telling lies, all the way to the end

So ATOS want out of their contact with the DWP to run the grossly unfair 'Fit for Work' program


They filled the media yesterday with stories of woe, about threats to staff etc, as  the reason they want out




The Government and  especially Iain Duncan Smiths DWP are furious about the announcement




Because if you 'were in the know' , you already knew ( about 10 days ago) that IDS and the DWP, had a great Plan to save face and gain some street cred ( don't laugh at the back).


They were all ready to dump ATOS from this contract, in a massive media jamboree and try to blame ATOS (yes they deserve blame, but not all of it) for ALL the ills of this despicable scheme, in an attempt to keep the spotlight off, more failures with the new Universal credit roll out and the continuing onslaught from Charities, Church People and even some of their own MPs on this vote loser.


So looks like the leak from inside the DWP reached ATOS Boardroom, as well as campaigners


And they decided to jump before they were pushed, I've heard IDS is apoplectic, they stole his thunder




It is despicable that Cameron, IDS, Osborne and others are deflecting criticisms in their cuts to Benefits by saying Universal Credit will cover the cuts, it might do, but it will be years before it is in place and, the harm to the poorest is happening NOW


rant over

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Re: ATOS - Telling lies, all the way to the end

Thanks for posting, as one of the many made fit for work i welcome this decision, unfortunately we really want IDS out of a job, the man is self obsessed with letting the poor and disabled suffer, i live on £433 per month  + housing benefit but nothing else, if i'm lucky i might sell a couple of things on Ebay but generally it really is a struggle, but i'm in a boat with lots of people in a lot more pain than me.

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Re: ATOS - Telling lies, all the way to the end

I read somewhere IDS was considering charging to appeal a decision.

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Re: ATOS - Telling lies, all the way to the end

Could be Mags


But people did question the amount of 'Appeals' that had good standing


Could it be that the reason was ATOS made more money from each appeal, than they did from their original judgement/recomendation Smiley Wink



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Re: ATOS - Telling lies, all the way to the end

I'm another one that has been fit for work.  I should have gone for another assessment on 7th of this month.  I arrived at the centre 15 minutes before my appointment only to be told that they were running 90 minutes late and I might not even be seen that day.  They gave me another appointment which I couldn't keep.  Instead of asking me was the new date they'd given was alright or not, she just went ahead and made the appointment.  I had then got to ring up and make an appointment to suit.  If this has to be cancelled, the air will be somewhat blue.  ATOS wonder why claimants get so annoyed.  I know that before I go for the next assessment that they will find me fit for work again even thought my condition has worsened. 


I think that things will be just as bad when they appoint some other firm instead of ATOS because they will be the new puppets of IDS.  That man is evil.


I could go on but I'll spare everyone all the gory details.


BTW, has anyone read what Dr Greg Wood has had to say about ATOS?  It makes interesting reading.



Message 5 of 30
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Re: ATOS - Telling lies, all the way to the end

The Universal Credit has now been delayed has it not???. It was supposed to be in place now!. Have not heard or received any paperwork for my application. Just wondered if anyone knew anything.


Woman Indifferent

Message 6 of 30
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Re: ATOS - Telling lies, all the way to the end

I've heard that it's been delayed for a while due to technical problems.  I don't know how long for though.

Message 7 of 30
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Re: ATOS - Telling lies, all the way to the end

Rose, I've just found this.  I hope that it helps.

Message 8 of 30
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Re: ATOS - Telling lies, all the way to the end

There's another good article in the Beeb



My body is an old warehouse full of declining storage, my mind is a dusty old reference library, strictly for members and archaeologists only
Message 9 of 30
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Re: ATOS - Telling lies, all the way to the end

I read that article last night and they even let you send them your comments if you worked for ATOS or you had been affected by an ATOS ruling and there's another one which I've forgotten.

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Re: ATOS - Telling lies, all the way to the end

The sooner all people realize that IDS is malicious in intent as are most of his supposed government of the people party,the sooner at last the people of this country will join together again and vote for fair or die trying in the once normal spirit of england and its people.


This of course means voting all the media puppets out ,regardless of what name they pretend to be .

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Re: ATOS - Telling lies, all the way to the end

I'm hoping that I'll be rubbing my hands with glee after the next election and fingers crossed, IDS will have lost his seat in Parliament.  I know that it's not nice but I hope he rots in hell.

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Re: ATOS - Telling lies, all the way to the end

IDS keeps getting the blame for this, Labour put ATOS and this scheme into place not the Tories


Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.
Message 13 of 30
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Re: ATOS - Telling lies, all the way to the end

Yes the previous government did bring these assessments in but the current government have made them worse.

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Re: ATOS - Telling lies, all the way to the end

Laugh because   ,the corruption is all parties are the same agenda and have no intention of helping you's,only taking off.


.however IDS is one hell of a bigot that needs out of politics ,that's why he is being pointed at, we need people of fair minds to make decisions ,not that creep or his opinions ,............who needs opinions in governments ? in this day and age and country,? 



Message 15 of 30
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Re: ATOS - Telling lies, all the way to the end

@treefrog6352 wrote:

IDS keeps getting the blame for this, Labour put ATOS and this scheme into place not the Tories


But they were put in by Labour to test NEW applicants , and also still using the OLD DHSS system of tests (which were carried out by DHSS DOCTORS)


When the Tories came in, they decided to expand ATOSs remit to then include retesting existing holders of Incapacity and Disabled benefits


At the same time they tightened up the tests, ATOS being a computer company used under-trained and non medical staff to do the new tests, which was really just ticking boxes


IDS decided not enough People were being taken off IB & DLA, so tightened the tests even more.


He is an abject failure in the Job and accepts no blame for anything, but blames everyone else


IDS when He appeared in front of a Parliamentary committee , it's long, but you should watch it all, in installments- shocking


When Parliament had a session on the harm caused by his policies, He sat for about 10mins, then got up and went off for a slap up meal, missing the debate.



He is arrogant and has cleared out, most People in the DWP heirarchy who didn't agree with His viewpoint


No one inside can put forward a balanced view to His Office, from inside the DWP without being ostacised

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Re: ATOS - Telling lies, all the way to the end

I have not seen the item on Youtube but didn't this arrogant man tell a Commons committee that it wasn't up to anyone else what went on in his department.  Just what has this arrogant apology for a man got to hide?  I think that he is one arrogant, thoughtless prat of a man.  Mind you, normal men wouldn't behave like this idiot has and still does/

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Re: ATOS - Telling lies, all the way to the end

Todays news   Man who was too ill to attend fit-for-work interview but terrified of losing benefits dies after Atos test




A SERIOUSLY ill man died hours after he was hauled into an Atos fit-for-work assessment.

Terry McGarvey knew he wasn’t well enough to attend the hearing. But he was terrified his benefits would be stopped if he didn’t turn up.

He dragged himself to the assessment but had to be taken to hospital in an ambulance. Terry, 48, died the next day.

His brother Charlie, 50, said: “He said he felt terrible and didn’t think he could leave the house.


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Re: ATOS - Telling lies, all the way to the end

Iain-Smith1.jpgIain Duncan Smith reacts to suicide note.jpg

We are many,They are few
Message 19 of 30
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Re: ATOS - Telling lies, all the way to the end

@bitsnknots wrote:

Rose, I've just found this.  I hope that it helps.

Thank you books and bits,,i will take a look. Woman Happy

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