Page loading exceedingly slow, what's going on please?

Over the last 48hrs or so page loading on the eBay platform has almost grinded to a halt.  Is there maintenance work being carried out or is this a glitch of some sort?  Please advise.

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Page loading exceedingly slow, what's going on please?

Any difference if you temporarily disable your ad blocker?


If that speeds things up when searching, try disabling just the Anti-Circumvention filter in Ad Block, or the ABP filters in Ad Block Plus, or the equivalent filters in other ad blockers.


Those filters have been associated with search results loading slowly and heavy resource usage in the past.

Message 2 of 3
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Page loading exceedingly slow, what's going on please?

You very kindly responded to my query regarding not being able to add listings to my customised watch lists and in my response I mentioned clearing my history going back five days and restarting the computer.  Well, that seems to have speeded up the page loading!  However, I will look at your suggestions as no doubt it will happen again…  I am very grateful for your knowledge and taking the time to respond, thank you so much.

Message 3 of 3
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