Page Layout change Today

Is anyone else experiencing a page layout change. 


Everything is altered. I no longer have the headers at  the top of my watchlist... just a Watchlist and a drop down box... and now have a sort list on the left, with the option to search sellers name ? 


Did I miss an announcement about the  " alterations?"

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Page Layout change Today

I have not noticed any changes to my Watch List page.


eBay rarely announces such changes, and often eBay will test pages by rolling out changes in stages, so it is possible you are seeing something new that others are not yet seeing.


Also possible that your browser is dealing with conflicting info from your cached copy of the page and what eBay is trying to deliver. Try holding down the shift key and refreshing the page to bypass your cache if you are using a desktop browser. Or try manually deleting just your eBay cookies once to see if that makes a difference.

Message 2 of 3
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Page Layout change Today

Thank you for your reply... I have tried that but it is still the same except  I have a search bar now at the middle to top right of my page to search ... 


Maybe it is a new rollout and only on a number of accounts ...something new in the pipeline? 

 I just wish they would let us know when " tinkering"...;-) 

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