New listings price not correct since yesterday

New Listings prices not correct

all my new listings are showing the incorrect price from yesterday.. The listing itself is correct but the price shown to buyers is 20% higher.

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New listings price not correct since yesterday

@mervyncp wrote:

This is the 3rd day and it still ain't sorted.  The young lady I spoke to today didn't seem very hopeful for a quick resolution!!!

When they say a week they aren't necessarily on the same time (or planet) as you and I.


Things will get done, eventually. Sometimes they'll even email the IT people about a problem.

Just don't treat any timescale given by their staff as gospel. 


A week, a month, a day .... if its based on other people doing stuff then don't bet on them following a timescale set by someone else.


The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.
Message 61 of 312
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New listings price not correct since yesterday

When they say a week .....


They never have said a week regarding this issue, another poster did.

Message 62 of 312
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New listings price not correct since yesterday

Katie from the ebay Community Team said she would get back to us today  (further up the thread) - so let's see if she does. To clarify, for me this problem applies to everything newly listed, or listings automatically renewed on or after 17th August. I have had another apologetic email from ebay customer services this morning. They clearly know there is a problem, whether they know how to fix it or not is another issue!

Message 63 of 312
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New listings price not correct since yesterday

I've been doing some various searches on Ebay this morning and it seems that it's only a few categories are affected by this VAT glitch.  
My affected listings are all in 

Message 64 of 312
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New listings price not correct since yesterday

Also, I have just relisted one of my affected items, putting it in a different category (Motorhome Accessories) and it is listed correctly without any VAT skullduggery.

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New listings price not correct since yesterday


  • Does anyone on here have affected listings on other categories??

I saw another thread where someone complained the same issue with Coins

Message 66 of 312
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New listings price not correct since yesterday

I sell in the coins category on my main account, and it is equally affected.


I've been playing about with my listings to overcome this. Basically, it appears that eBay are mistaking some 'Foreign' items, as being imports and are adding import VAT onto them. So they are treating it as if the items were from a foreign seller sending into the UK market. Obviously this is incorrect as these are UK to UK Sales.


Ebay are picking the 'foreign' country part out of the item specifics. Firstly its the country of manufacture, that seems to guarantee that 'VAT gets charged'. Also within the coins some sub-categories guarantee it also, those where the coins are from Asia, Americas, Africa etc.

The work around this, is to list the items as British, you can still use the correct title including the country. Obviously this doesn't help solve the problem, or help buyers find the items you are selling, but I'm certainly not relying on eBay to fix it anytime soon. I have yet to find an eBay CS rep that can understand or replicate the issue – mainly because they are not in the UK and hence can't see it, nor do they understand UK VAT.

Message 67 of 312
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New listings price not correct since yesterday

Interesting about the country of origin part, i just checked a couple of my listings as I know sometimes ebay autofill some item specifics with spurious things. However this does not appear to the cause in the Art section. Like you say though, as I had same experience, CS reps do not understand the issue or seem able to replicate the issue. My person ended by saying it was down to UK VAT regulations, having first blamed myself and my VPN.

Message 68 of 312
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New listings price not correct since yesterday

ebay standard response is they are applying UK VAT regulations - which obviously is incorrect.  Given there are no UK based CS reps, its impossible to get them to replicate the problem.   They need to have an account which is set to a UK address, and view UK items from it - something they can not do.


I've got over 50 items affected.  All of mine are auctions (thats all I do). All the affected items are coins which are originally from a different country - but not all my foreign coins are affected, if that makes sense.   I only had about a dozen affected listings which had no bids, so I played around with those - editing made no difference, even if I completely wiped it and changed the cat totally.   


So I ended and relisted some, and 'sold similar' for others, (still on the old listing form).  Some were ones which had 'country of origin' which I lchanged to British, all of which I changed the sub-cat to a British coin one rather than the correct say Malaysian, Canadian etc.  There's a fair time delay until these are searchable, so I've only done this dozen so far, but by doing that it removes the spurious VAT.  Hence my conclusion.   


I'm going to list another batch tonight, and will follow my above rules, and keep an eye on the whole lot  as well, to see if any more existing listings go wrong, or if any of the new listings get caught.

Message 69 of 312
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New listings price not correct since yesterday

If the coins section is related to the country the coin originally came from, that is a difference to the Art section, where French, Russian, British art is all affected in the same way.


It is quite feasable the issues affecting each catogory though related, differ in some way.

Message 70 of 312
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New listings price not correct since yesterday

@amblesideart  My person ended by saying it was down to UK VAT regulations, having first blamed myself and my VPN.


Typical CS responce. It is not us it is you.

Message 71 of 312
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New listings price not correct since yesterday

If you search in 'coins'  restricting to UK sellers, auction only, and going by most recent

Search for '50p' which would be predominantly UK - there aren't any on the first few pages with VAT added.
If you change the search to 'Germany' virtually all listed in the last couple of days have the spurious VAT added
Message 72 of 312
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New listings price not correct since yesterday

I checked google about ebay issues today here is the answer: No problems detected at eBay. At the moment, we haven't detected any problems at eBay

So this chaos with VAT is not issue from ebay point of view?

Message 73 of 312
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New listings price not correct since yesterday

@dv-art-antique  So this chaos with VAT is not issue from ebay point of view?


Well obviously not. As can be witnessed by the word of an eBay rep.... katie@ebay  said: 

Hopefully I can update you by the end of the day but if not it will be Monday.


Quite as a mouse! Not even: "the techs are working on this issue though it is taking longer than expected". Just silence or as some might call it, ignoring the issue.


Likely to come up with some hogwash tomorrow like: Sorry I was not in on Monday.


Message 74 of 312
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New listings price not correct since yesterday

Today 22/08/22 I listed two paintings in art category and ebay added VAT again to my listings. So no changes, problem not fixed. AAnd looks never will be fixed

Message 75 of 312
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New listings price not correct since yesterday

Hi all,


My apologies I wrote back on the other thread related to this yesterday and not this one. 


I'm continuing to work with our teams and sharing examples. I do not have a further update but will share here as soon as I do.




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Message 76 of 312
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New listings price not correct since yesterday

katie@ebay My apologies I wrote back on the other thread 


Hi Katie. Thjere are several threads on the same subject so perhaps you should post any (non) updates on each thread as not everyone reads all the threads.

Message 77 of 312
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New listings price not correct since yesterday


When there are several seperate threads on the same issue, and you are dealing with it, e.g. the current VAT fiasco, perhaps YOU could start, and PIN, a thread, specifically for you to add updates etc. This would make things much easier for members with problems to keep up to date, and easier for you to keep everyone informed.


If this is somehow not possible, maybe have a chat with your Tech Team - I'm sure they could make it so.

Over promise, then under deliver = negative buyer experience, INR cases, unhappy buyers and sellers.
Under promise, then over deliver = Positive buyer experience, joy and happiness all round. 
If only eBay could get their heads round this basic concept, this would be a happier place for all.
Message 79 of 312
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New listings price not correct since yesterday

@hill-walker  maybe have a chat with your Tech Team - I'm sure they could make it so


The Tech Team are otherwise engaged.....hopefully

Message 80 of 312
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