New listings price not correct since yesterday

New Listings prices not correct

all my new listings are showing the incorrect price from yesterday.. The listing itself is correct but the price shown to buyers is 20% higher.

Message 1 of 228
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227 REPLIES 227

Re: New listings price not correct since yesterday

Don't forget those extra seller fees :  Given eBay charge fees on the import duties they collect on overseas sales, you can be pretty sure they'll be collecting fees on their imaginary VAT

Experience is something we gain, just after we needed it
Message 121 of 228
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Re: New listings price not correct since yesterday

I have been thinking of reporting issue to trading standards as ebay is just treating its sellers/buyers as idiots with lies and false hope. While thousands of pounds and hundreds of sellers/buyers out of pocket, with no means of getting an honest answer. Just left in limbo for over a week now

Ebay should be ashamed with their customer support and their assistance in a big breakdown of our contract which is explained as a glitch

Come on Ebay be a responsible business and inform your sellers/buyers (your bread and butter) what is going on and how come it takes you over a week to fix a GLITCH as you are calling it.

It is not right as people are in desparte need for money to live in this time of high bills. 

I don't know and i don't speak for everyone here.

I am a single father of two teenage daughters, my bills are getting on top of me and school is starting back! i was hoping to get some money to help through this period. then this all started, Only for you to spend a week lying to me on customer support. i have the transcripts here if you want the proof plus my phone calls are recorded. you have said to me you know about and are working on it but i don't think that is going to pay my bills and buy my daughters their uniform. the way you have treated me is disgusting and your customer support should be ashamed and retaught how to speak and treat your sellers/buyers.

I know this will fall on deaf ears as every other method has.

But sure my personal life is not your problem as long as your finances bulge, profits are more important than your seller/buyers 

Message 122 of 228
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Re: New listings price not correct since yesterday

Damn you ebay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I have no help financialy anywhere else.............................   

Message 123 of 228
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Re: New listings price not correct since yesterday

Just been on chat with customer support about fees charged, which i think i got sorted????

and still no further on with my messed up account..............

OMG ebay the way you have treated me is disgusting and down right disrespectful

Message 124 of 228
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Re: New listings price not correct since yesterday

You nust need to remove this note 20% VAT will apply. People don't like it and byers as well. After sale ebay charging VAT on ebay fees, but not on all price, but people don't see it?

Message 125 of 228
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Re: New listings price not correct since yesterday

A point well made.

Kudos to you.

Message 126 of 228
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Re: New listings price not correct since yesterday

Stil waiting on this to be fixed. Tried starting another listing and it was ok for about 4 mins and then it change the price again.



Message 127 of 228
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Re: New listings price not correct since yesterday

And are you really surprised that eBay done nothing?  The powers that be are not based in the UK, so they (a)  don't understand the concept of VAT and (b) are unable to replicate at their end.


There are only two ways it'll get fixed. It either gets picked up by mainstream media and plastered all over TV, or HMRC launch an investigation into eBay for VAT fraud.

Message 128 of 228
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Re: New listings price not correct since yesterday

I may be wide of the mark, as i'm no IT expert, but what I dont understand is I always thought back ups were in place before introducing new code or algorithm's, so that if something was wrong you could roll back and revert to previous ? It's pretty obvious something has been changed somewhere, so if thats right why cant they just roll it back ? Over a week seems a long time for paid IT 'experts' to rectify a problem when it's impacting so much.

Message 129 of 228
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Re: New listings price not correct since yesterday

There appears to be an error in the 'paintings - art' category for new listings, so have relisted mine in another category - not ideal, but after several refreshes, now showing the correct price. Has ebay ecplained why it has done this, or is it an error?


Message 130 of 228
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Re: New listings price not correct since yesterday

Just listed two new items in arts. One was dispayed with vat another without. Fought maybe they did something, but after minute all goes back VAT 20%. on both. Sales fallings down, buyers not understand whats going on, ebay not did nothing. Very sad.... Probably forever.

Message 131 of 228
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Re: New listings price not correct since yesterday

Hi all, I'm also facing same issue from

last 2 days. I sell coins & banknotes.

Issue is still there. Thinking of giving a call to eBay UK

fingers crossed  

Message 132 of 228
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Re: New listings price not correct since yesterday

I'm having same 20% price increment in my listings too in coins & banknotes section

Message 133 of 228
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Re: New listings price not correct since yesterday



any news on getting this fixed?


it's been a week now and there has been no change

Message 134 of 228
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Re: New listings price not correct since yesterday

Hi all,


At the moment I do not have an update on this.


The team are still working on it and I will be sure to update you all here when I have more information.




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Message 135 of 228
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Re: New listings price not correct since yesterday

I know you are doing all you can, but these sellers are losing sales



surely the programmers know what they did to cause it and they just need to revert things back to before the change, ( common sense to create a restore point before making major changes!) then they can rewrite the change so it doesn't do this!

Message 136 of 228
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Re: New listings price not correct since yesterday

I wonder just how many are actually effected, but never come to these boards?

Over promise, then under deliver = negative buyer experience, INR cases, unhappy buyers and sellers.
Under promise, then over deliver = Positive buyer experience, joy and happiness all round. 
If only eBay could get their heads round this basic concept, this would be a happier place for all.
Message 137 of 228
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Re: New listings price not correct since yesterday

I feel for UK sellers who aren't VAT registered and shouldn't have had any VAT, inflating their prices, fees and giving the customer a bad experience, but I suspect there's a great many European sellers who also list on who aren't aware that eBay have just ramped up the correct rate of 5% to the erroenous 20%.

Obviously it should never have happened in the first place - surely there's sandbox testing done first, and then this is reviewed and met by approval at a high level? As it's a relatively recent change you'd think it could be rolled back with no adverse effects.

Message 138 of 228
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Re: New listings price not correct since yesterday

@amphibolous wrote:

...surely there's sandbox testing done first, and then this is reviewed and met by approval at a high level? As it's a relatively recent change you'd think it could be rolled back with no adverse effects.

You would assume so, wouldn't you?


However, when you look at the history of ridiculous, inept, unworkable, mis-conceived changes that have happened over the years, it would appear not 😞

Over promise, then under deliver = negative buyer experience, INR cases, unhappy buyers and sellers.
Under promise, then over deliver = Positive buyer experience, joy and happiness all round. 
If only eBay could get their heads round this basic concept, this would be a happier place for all.
Message 139 of 228
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Re: New listings price not correct since yesterday

Does anybody know how to add a message to all listings at once ?


Since all 60 or so of my listings have had 20% added to them I am not going to sell anything, and so much for the "80% off final fees" by the time they fix it I would of lost that discount as no body is going to buy at the moment.


This is the message I want to add :

"Please add item to your shopping basket to see the true price. There is a glitch in the eBay system adding 20% to the price on most items in the Silver coin catergory. I'm told it's adding VAT by mistake but true price is shown in your shopping basket. Sorry for the inconvenience"


Can this be done ?


Message 140 of 228
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