Error message when trying to open drafts

For the last 2 days I've been unable to open my drafts. I get an error message saying 'unknown error', I've spoken to eBay twice and their advice is basically wait for it to be fixed. I am a business this seller so this is my job and I'm pretty much unable to work. I can list and edit them if I use the desktop site but it's glitchy and takes me about 3 times as long. Anyone have any idea why this may be happening or when it will be fixed?



Message 1 of 59
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Error message when trying to open drafts

I have been experiencing exactly the same issues within the android app. If I go into drafts > manage, any draft I click on returns this error and so I am unable to edit/publish any drafts. As you mentioned, it works fine on desktop so it must be something app specific.

Message 2 of 59
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Error message when trying to open drafts

Exactly the same problem here too...  Drafts can be accessed from the selling page in the app, but not when you then press 'manage' to see more than the 5 or so visible from the selling page.


We are also business sellers and use our phones to add images to drafts we have previously created.


Since the morning of Tuesday 11th June we have had the same issue.


Raised it with eBay immediately on the same day, including emailing a screen shot of the error and providing various info such as device type (phone) make/model, operating system etc. We were assured that it would be looked into as a priority, but no change so far.


We also received the same 'helpful' advice to use the desktop website instead...


Currently we can only draft upto 5 listings at a time - the max visible on the selling page of the app, before needing to make those live and rinse/repeat. Option B would be to import a ton of images onto the computer and then add them to the various drafts. 


Either option is clunky, glitchy and immensely slow compared to our usual process, so productivity is currently through the floor.


Hoping this is fixed fast as it's a royal pain in the ***.


Also as a Brucie bonus, when adding images to the app (as it still doesn't work with different aspect ratio's and/or does not allow editing), the preview page for adding images is now big enough to be visible from space...


Fun times.

Message 3 of 59
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Error message when trying to open drafts

Yep, you're in exactly the same boat as me, I've been in contact with eBay 3 times now and still none the wiser as to if anyone is actually working on it. I'd guess that no one is seeing as its now the 4th day with zero change. 

Message 4 of 59
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Error message when trying to open drafts

Yes, no change as yet - perhaps it is a complex issue? It's odd, as we have family who sell on eBay (much bigger than us) and they are unaffected, so it seems (I assume) that it is not a blanket problem affecting all users and is possibly device/operating system specific...  


Our family do have phones that use the android operating system (as do ours), so logically that would mean it is a problem with the app on certain devices - we have Huawei phones.


Either way, it is an ongoing problem that is properly annoying, it also means that a new phone isn't necessarily the answer either as it would be a lottery as to if the issue would still persist.


Hopefully it will be fixed soon!

Message 5 of 59
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Error message when trying to open drafts

Quick update, have just completely uninstalled eBay from the phone, re-downloaded it and signed it, so far it's working 🤞🙏 


I had done this prior to contating eBay and it didn't make a difference so perhaps something has changed?


It's Worth a try!

Message 6 of 59
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Error message when trying to open drafts

This has just worked for me too, thank you very much for sharing! Fingers crossed it holds out so I can catch up on listing again

Message 7 of 59
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Error message when trying to open drafts

I'm having the exact same problem. Its driving me bonkers! I'll try uninstalling & reinstalling as suggested. I cant run my wee business properly otherwise! 

Message 8 of 59
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Error message when trying to open drafts

Thank you. I've been having the same problem all week but have just reinstalled the app and 🤞 seems to be working. 

Message 9 of 59
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Error message when trying to open drafts

Worked for me as well! Cheers for sharing, I aslo tried that to begin with and had no luck. Got there in the end, would be nice if ebay offered some sort of support in situations like this! Again, cheers for letting us know 👍🏻

Message 10 of 59
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Error message when trying to open drafts

I just did an uninstall and reinstall and still getting the draft error on my Android phone. 


This is so frustrating.

Message 11 of 59
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Error message when trying to open drafts

Yeah, it's come back for me as well this morning. Ridiculous. 

Message 12 of 59
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Error message when trying to open drafts

No point uninstalling, reinstalling, clearing cache or cookies when there's a problem like that. It won't work as it's some server errors. 


The fix for now is go to "selling" on app. Scroll down to drafts section (don't press drafts at the top). Then select the one you want (it's the section you have to scroll across). Should be fine there. 

Message 13 of 59
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Error message when trying to open drafts

Same here again. So annoying 😡 

Message 14 of 59
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Error message when trying to open drafts

Same problem here - seems eBay just wants to bury its head in the sand - I might try facebook market place instead. If they do not want the business I'll take it somewhere else!!

Message 15 of 59
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Error message when trying to open drafts

Don't go to drafts directly at the top of the selling page in app (pressing the number of drafts and picking one). 


Scroll down on that page to the draft section which should be the section which is swipe right or left to scroll through drafts and select the item there. 


Just tried it myself and it works. 

Message 16 of 59
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Error message when trying to open drafts

Thanks, I normally write drafts on a computer or modify another item. I tend to use pictures from my phone and it seems you can access them my requesting pictures from your mobile!

Sent from Outlook for Android<>
Message 17 of 59
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Error message when trying to open drafts

I'm having the same problem since May. They just fob you off every time. Reported x 4 times.   I've got over 100 drafts & currently  every one says unknown error. Over the last several weeks Ive had to re do every listing in drafts. . They are going to lose customers because despite being a billion dollar huge company they just can't get the app right.  Stop changing things Ebay it all worked fine in the last 10+ years. 

Message 18 of 59
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Error message when trying to open drafts

As mentioned. Via the app can you not press the number of drafts the the top and then the draft which gives the error:





And instead scroll down that selling section of the app to see the drafts section and scroll to the listing you want to edit:





It works, I've just done it and screenshotted it for this example. If people chose to ignore it, so be it. 

Message 19 of 59
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Error message when trying to open drafts

As per the above. In other words..... 


Don't access drafts there:





 Scroll down that app page and press the draft you want to access in the section below:




I've tried it on my 2 accounts and asked others to try and it works. So there is a workaround for now. If people don't want to read the posts and just scroll to the bottom to complain, disregarding any helpful posts, so be it. 

Message 20 of 59
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