Simple Delivery

I don't sell a lot, just a few things that I don't want if I buy a set of things from QVC.  What is bothering me is this simple delivery.  I have always just taken my parcels downtown to the Post Office, which is a 10 minute walk away. 


We have no Evri or Yodel or any carrier drop off points in our town or anywhere near, nearest thing would be the Leeds Depot (don't know if you can drop things off there, mute point anyway as I don't drive) which is 9 miles away.  What would happen when it becomes compulsory to use simple delivery, if ebay decides I should sent something by Evri?  Thanks for anyone's help. 

Message 1 of 51
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Simple Delivery

eBay really need to address this and keep the " custom" mode available so that sellers can use their own postal choices and continue to " manage" their account for their " customers."


But they state that if simple Delivery is not used it forfeits any " cover protection?" which I cannot see how? 


So far there hasn't really been any " concrete" updates on SD and it is confusing... I certainly cannot use it and will stop selling, and buying due to the BPF.  They really have not taken into consideration everyones " circumstances" and are trying implement a " one size fits all"...  it is just not going to work! 


Edit to add



as the reply button did not work again!

Message 2 of 51
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Simple Delivery


If Simple Delivery works as eBay intended you should not be offered Evri labels if you have a local Post Office but no Evri ParcelShop. However the words "eBay" and "works as intended" rarely inspire confidence when used together, and there's another thread here somewhere about sellers on the Isle of Wight being given Evri labels, even though there's apparently nowhere to drop them off on the island.

Message 3 of 51
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Simple Delivery

All you have to do is buy your postage from eBay and then either print out a label or take the QR code given to the post office. This covers you and then you will get paid quickly 

Message 4 of 51
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Simple Delivery

If only it was that " simple".... 

Message 5 of 51
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Simple Delivery

@chwo_52 wrote:

All you have to do is buy your postage from eBay and then either print out a label or take the QR code given to the post office. This covers you and then you will get paid quickly 

Well no, because the buyer will be buying the postage and ebay deciding what the postage will be. The seller will not get a choice of where they will have to post the item. 

Message 6 of 51
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Simple Delivery

EBay say that Royal Mail and Evri are their preferred couriers. You set your prices according to size and weight and eBay will direct you to the right label just as they do now 

Message 7 of 51
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Simple Delivery

@chwo_52 wrote:

EBay say that Royal Mail and Evri are their preferred couriers. You set your prices according to size and weight and eBay will direct you to the right label just as they do now 

The buyer will be given a choice of standard or express delivery and ebay will decide which label to send. The seller will get no say. 

Message 8 of 51
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Simple Delivery

@chwo_52 wrote:

EBay say that Royal Mail and Evri are their preferred couriers. You set your prices according to size and weight and eBay will direct you to the right label just as they do now


 @buffster1963  wrote... The buyer will be given a choice of standard or express delivery and ebay will decide which label to send. The seller will get no say. 



Which is why many can not or will no longer use the platform to sell. 

Message 9 of 51
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Simple Delivery

I've just been creating a listing and during the Delivery section there was an error. 

That section has suddenly changed and i can only select one domestic delivery option - is this right ?


I'm trying to complete the listing and am getting the error message " Secondary Listing Service " 

Message 10 of 51
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Simple Delivery

and it will be them that decides whether RM or EVRI and as i would not touch EVRI with a barge pole I will not be selling on E Bay come SD.

Message 11 of 51
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Simple Delivery

Really good points, if only eBay could be made to read it and even act on it!


eBay's forthcoming Simple Delivery doesn't WANT to cater for the fact that sellers naturally have very varying circumstances. eBay seems to expect everyone to be fully able-bodied, have their own transport, and plenty of free time to devote to eBay activity. Does eBay secretly want all sellers to move to a large urban area?! 🙂


Large urban areas may have more than one courier drop-off point and more than one post office. But for small towns, villages and more rurally, you're very lucky if there's a single courier drop-off within reasonable reach by car let alone by public transport, even luckier if it's one approved by eBay. You're lucky if your area actually has a bus service, which might not run often (I have a single bus route in my area, runs once an hour, we feel lucky!), nor run every day, and not have a direct route to a courier drop-off point/post office.


More and more places outside large urban areas are lucky if they've still got a post office. Often they're just part-time. Mine is open 4 days per week for a few hours either side of closed-for-lunch (when most working people can visit a post office) because it's run by just one person, and it doesn't offer full post office services.


Message 12 of 51
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Simple Delivery

I am totally with you Jane! I do not drive and live in a remote area of the Scottish highlands. Their is a post office counter within the village shop, so I drop parcels off there. I can also get the bus from village to Inverness at least once a week and it stops by the main post office. That is due to close next year though! There will only be a few local post office counters within shops. The nearest Evri collection point is 12 miles away, and would take a full day as needs two buses and a train to get there! Any Evri delivery to me, gets as far as local depot, then sits and waits for a subcontractor who comes out once a week to village, with courier deliveries together, from various courier companies. It is just dropped on front door step, he does not collect anything. I am going to stop selling on ebay, sold mistake clothing purchases, for last few decades, nearly new or new, or unwanted gifts. Will now take to charity shop in Inverness instead, at least it will help the local hospice.

Message 13 of 51
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Simple Delivery

Your Evri drop off,   is an unmanageable 12 miles away ,  a 24 mile round trip to post an item !


Some though , for example,  those on Isle of Wight I believe have NO Evri drop off points,  boy those ferries will be busy carrying all those eBay sellers to the mainland to post their items !


In my humble opinion,  me thinks that the Big Plan has not been thought through thoroughly.  A few problems which could do with a review ?  !  🤔



Message 14 of 51
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Simple Delivery

'Does eBay secretly want all sellers to move to a large urban area?!'


In a way probably, yes! 😂     at least they *wish* we all lived there...


A bit like the way the rest of the world (businesses, services, govt depts, NHS, etc etc) want everybody up to speed with the digital modern world with smart-phones and apps etc.


The few who can't or won't get up to speed or use drop boxes etc can whistle ☹️


Businesses, like ebay, reckon they can make up the losses incurred by not dealing with the small % of 'left behinds', by the savings made on wages to human staff, and attracting more new (younger and more fashionable!) customers.


Govt. depts and the NHS etc are just waiting for us to die off!


(mmmm.... feeling a bit gloomy this morning..sorry!)

Message 15 of 51
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Simple Delivery

In 2017 the 2-way IoW ferry fare for a foot passenger (i.e. not taking a car) was nearly £40 off-peak.


I hope eBay would be sensible enough to allow IoW sellers to use Royal Mail instead of Evri, unless Evri sets up on th IoW.


Many courier companies do collections from an address on the IoW, with some firms specialising in IoW deliveries/collections by providing regular shuttle services between island and mainland, often including door-to-door collection and delivery. For instance, Parcel Monkey currently offers courier collection from the IoW at the same rates as other UK locations, likewise Acclaim Logistics offers specialised IoW services, but no one knows if eBay will specify those firms, and how cost-effective they are would depend on a seller's circumstances.

Message 16 of 51
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Simple Delivery

tressygirl said "me thinks that the Big Plan has not been thought through thoroughly.  A few problems which could do with a review ?  ! "


eBay would do well to start reading and heeding the feedback left on its own discussion boards!

Message 17 of 51
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Simple Delivery

My understanding though,  is that the buyer selects the postal service they wish to use.  For the time being it looks like it's Royal Mail and or, Evri.


Will eBay be up to speed and realise Evri is not available in the I.O.W.  ?  I'm sure it's not available in many villages too, around mainland  UK.


How does that song go..... ?   ' I can see trouble ahead......   '☹️

Message 18 of 51
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Simple Delivery

EBay can’t really stop Royal Mail as they are the postal service of the United Kingdom. 

Message 19 of 51
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Simple Delivery

No one is saying they are stopping Royal Mail.


It is to be one of the two initial choices a seller can offer,  but it's the buyer who selects the service they wish to use.



Message 20 of 51
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