Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....

It might seem an easy option but I won't buy from sellers who use the lazy option for descriptions, it's sometimes completely wrong or just nonsense and does not tell me want I want to know to make a buying descision so I don't.


I want real descriptions of the item not made up ones by a machine!


I recently looked at some Lens filters and I was informed they were circular, obviously the pics weren't a clue....LOL. What I want to know is the condition of the glass, nothing else not that they are a great item to have in my kit....Yawn.


Technology is even making websites dumb.

Message 1 of 63
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Re: Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....

I have found it rather good and find I can vary some of what it says to fit the item.  

Message 21 of 63
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Re: Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....

That's what I do just pick what I want to use, if not tweak it. 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 22 of 63
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Re: Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....

To the persons who said I was lazy using AI, to get my listings up quicker I use AI (as for the past 8 years I've been carer to my mum who had dementia / Alzheimer's. 
so I looked after her as well as doing my eBay (which by the way is my only source of income).

so while she sat sleeping I added my new items, or using the AI whilst she slept as it was quick to do , as I didn't have the time when she was awake. My mum had dementia with Alzheimer's since 1999. I had to give up my job as a librarian in 2016 when mums illness got worse.

My store is down maybe for another week, or a month who knows - as mum earned her wings last Saturday and flew to be with my dad. 
Hopefully, eBay won't ring me up asking why my store is down, like they did when dad passed.

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 23 of 63
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Re: Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....

Thank you all for your contributions, they make interesting reading, I knew I wasn't the only one. ; )


Just to add from a personal POV, I maybe should have elaborated and not just put 'Lazy', it is the option for some, which is obvious, as some others have pointed out, they make no real sense and as I've read, an option that others use, wisely BUT....


For me as a buyer, I'd rather have straight to the point descriptions and not 'fluffed' up in any way, I want to know if it works as it should, is it in in the condition I want to buy, that's it and feel the AI can't tell me that, as someone says, if the seller doesn't know, how can the AI, making it pointless.


Here's a quick example:


"Capture stunning portraits and produce high-quality images with the Nikon Nikkor AF 50mm f1.8 lens. This portrait lens is compatible with Nikon AF cameras and features a maximum aperture of f/1.8, allowing you to capture sharp, detailed images in low-light conditions. Its focal length of 50mm makes it an ideal choice for portrait photography and produces a natural-looking perspective.


Constructed with durable metal exterior material, this lens is designed to withstand intensive use. It is compatible with 52mm filter size and comes with a compatible brand of Nikon for both film and DSLR cameras. With its focus type as manual, the lens provides you with precise control over your shots.


Above is eBay’s AI description."


The seller wisely added their own additional description after this, otherwise this tells me nothing I really want to know, as an experienced Photographer I know all this already and it's just blah blah sales talk, which is the same on other listings....and don't get me started on using pics for descriptions.... ; )


And here's a real example of one as it should be:

  • In good cosmetic condition
  • Focus is smooth
  • Aperture works well
  • Some minimal dust 
  • No fungus
  • Nikon Ai mount - easily adaptable to digital with the correct adaptor
  • Comes with front branded lens cap (see last photo)
  • Last few photos are a quick unedited test on a digital camera - was a joy to use.

See the difference, I'd happily buy the second one without hesitation but the first one, I'd never buy on the AI I.D. and would have thought  any time saving difference is minimal.


Also from another perspective, it's not AI in reality, there is no such thing, it's dumb machine learning, and the spread of the use of such technology is damaging certain areas of the www, including here....But that is another story....


Once again your input is welcome and thanks for keeping  it civil, a thoughtful insight by all types of users.






Message 24 of 63
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Re: Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....

As my last post shows, some descriptions are just wrong, so agree completely, sellers are leaving themselves open to unnecessary returns, I always double check my wording when selling, so is the reliance on 'AI' making it harder for buyers or making sellers lazy?


And you raise an interesting other point about the 'algorithms that ebay use to enhance your item on the search engines and google'


For me,  that tenuous link is not needed as personally, I don't use Google to search for stuff on EB, I go straight to EB as I'm sure many others do, so all linked for Data collection!

Message 25 of 63
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Re: Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....

Yep, there's been a few times I've had to double take a description and see if I was imagining things....; )



Message 26 of 63
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Re: Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....

That's great if you know how to use it, properly, some unfortunately don't and some descriptions are just wrong if relying just on 'AI', my original post doesn't apply to you if you are savvy enough to make sure your descriptions are accurate....A lot of 'AI' ones are not, leaving sellers open to unnecessary returns or non sales.

Message 27 of 63
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Re: Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....

Glad to hear it's not just me then and I've also missed some potential great deals but as you say, it's not worth the hassle or risk and I take the view that 'There will always be another....' Might take a few months but another bargain always turns up....eventually!


And whilst it's of no concern of mine directly your point about buyers who aren't as knowledgable about some things is valid and possibly buy things they shouldn't be based on an 'AI' description, which to me is a little iffy/dodgy/misleading possibly!


One could say that it's the buyers fault and agree mostly, as a little research goes a long way but in the long term the www does dumb people down, yes it really does regardless if you don't think the same, look at some research and how the internet has effected kids attention spans, some can't read a full page in a real book but that is for a different topic on another arena....

Message 28 of 63
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Re: Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....

@a45heaven wrote:

But what about sellers who have no idea about what the products they are selling ?

Its use, its critical features and such.

The AI won't know either or will make stuff up....One of my last posts clearly demonstrates the 'AI' was wrong about a Lens and its construction!


It depends on what the item is, for me, if I'm looking to buy a camera, I already know what its features are and what it can or can't do, all I want to know is, if it works as it should and the true condition (Pics do not accurately describe an item) I don't need a QVC sales pitch to find out if a camera needs a battery or is faulty.


If I don't know about something I want to buy, EB is the last place I'd come to for any reliable info!


Should sellers be selling stuff they know nothing about, as an experienced buyer that is obvious to me and does not instill any confidence in buying from such a seller and they are the ones I stay away from.


Thanks for your input, always good to get different views on the subject.


Message 29 of 63
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Re: Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....



I am genuinely sad and sorry for your recent loss x


Just do what you can and when you can. 


I am not a fan at all of A1 but if works for you then carry on as you are 🙂


Message 30 of 63
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Re: Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....

My deepest sympathy to you. I also lost my mum on friday the 8th, I know how you feel.


Back to the topic i have been experimenting with AI some of my listings have an AI description.

I think what people need to realise is thos AI descriptions can be edited, rewritten, you can delete and choosea again for a completely different AI description.

It can speed up listing, wether it damages sales is still yet to be proven that is why i have done several and not all my listings with AI assistance. I will report my results be it positive or negative.

Message 31 of 63
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Re: Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....

I think what people need to realise is those AI descriptions can be edited, rewritten, you can delete and choose again for a completely different AI description.


As can my manual descriptions, and less chance of errors as self checked whilst making the listing.


Did we, as sellers, be forced into spending a lot of time and effort on I.S. - which was muted as a way to improve searches (that aspect has yet to mature as the boards are littered with complaints about that function), It appears in fact that the I.S. activity was to provide a base for A.I. - which has had a mixed reception at best. 


Message 32 of 63
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Re: Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....

I write my own descriptions but then sometimes add "please enjoy this hilarious AI description" after. Theres some crackers out there..

Message 33 of 63
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Re: Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....


Discovered on a certain online shopping site, a summary of reviews "written" by AI

Message 34 of 63
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Re: Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....

Thanks for quoting a tiny section of my reply,

As i said i am experimenting with it an a tiny selection of my listings. 20 out of 1160.

So far i can not spot any difference in sales.

You should use it as an assistance to your descripotion not the actual final draft.

Message 35 of 63
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Re: Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....

Definately interesting what you may find but unfortunately unless you ask each buyer if they made their descision based just on the description, it will be hard to get a definative result, some people don't even read the descriptions and it also depends on what the item is,  too many variables I think but may return some results that may help you.


As others have stated,  they don't buy from 'AI' Descriptions, they are easy to spot, so sales for those sellers are reduced as buyers don't buy from them, so sales are suffering, one indication would be to check items that have not sold for months and see if the I.D.s are 'AI', a mix or not at all, but that would take weeks to do properly to get any real findings, not something most of us have the time or inclination to do. ; )


Please keep us updated with your findings.

Message 36 of 63
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Re: Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....

Thanks for that, it's hilarious and made my day. ; )

Message 37 of 63
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Re: Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....

So far i can not spot any difference in sales. -

There are more factors than AI which could affect performance i guess ?

You should use it as an assistance to your description not the actual final draft.

Are you suggesting using A. I. to create a base description? If so why?

I tend to supply facts, or my supported opinions, in a bullet point set up for my Bidders.

I cant see how A.I. can add Actual item scans or actual sound clips to the listing.


Listing Used Items is a very personal venture as i perceive it to be - i know ebay promote the use of no pictures or 'borrowed' from other sellers scans and item information.

This is why, with my buyer hat on, i have often requested the ability to block those kind of seller.

Message 38 of 63
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Re: Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....

waste of time if you are having to adjust, amend, add to or re write the description.  Much easier and looks better putting in your own version to start with.  As a buyer i tend to be put off by all the flowery waffle that i see now on so many descriptions.  It is all so false.

Message 39 of 63
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Re: Sellers - Stop using 'AI' nonsense for descriptions, you are losing sales....

@annemann-2009 wrote:

I write my own descriptions but then sometimes add "please enjoy this hilarious AI description" after. Theres some crackers out there..

Now that could be the way forward if the godawful "AI" descriptions raise a listing's visibility in search results and on Google. Perhaps that's what we should all be doing - writing the proper description for the benefit of buyers and to gain sales once a buyer actually clicks on the listing but also adding the "AI" version below it in a mocking fashion to trick the artificially stupid bots into giving the listing a boost so that it's more easily found in the first place.


Seriously though, they're awful, can be instantly spotted and are full of meaningless waffle as well as frequently being completely wrong and/or containing misleasding info. I previously said that I wouldn't buy from an AI listing but I've since found some absolute bargains because so many other buyers won't buy from such terrible listings, so good items are sitting there unsold.

Message 40 of 63
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