ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

In case you missed it - eBay will *not* be adding Buyer Fees in all categories tomorrow, instead opting for a phased rollout starting in Electronics and then expanding to other categories "in the following weeks."


The update was tucked into a broader announcement posted to the community earlier today:




Starting from 4 February, Buyer Protection will be live to give buyers more peace of mind when shopping on ebay.co.uk. To minimise any potential disruption on our platform, the Buyer Protection fee will be gradually rolled out across items listed by private sellers, starting in Electronics and coming to all eligible categories in the following weeks.

Message 1 of 120
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119 REPLIES 119

Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

@ioweddie wrote:

It would be a little fairer if it was for items listed over £10...Not fair on small items listed at £3.99 for example as it makes it too expensive

It would have been a lot more fairer if they had just left things the way they were 10 years ago and let us all    carry on as normal without them constantly ruining everything because some spark has a bright idea  😞  

Message 81 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

@cspurchasing wrote:

When is the 4% BPF due to go live in electronics? I thought it was today. Only, I've looked at a number of items in that category listed by private sellers, and they are all still showing rounded / standard prices ie, £14.95 etc, no incongruous figures as would be expected with 4% added. Am I missing something?

I can't see it yet either - I'm looking at private seller's listing, buy it now, in the electronics category, the price is a round £150, so the buyer fee should apply as far as I understand it. When I go to checkout the price is still £150, no breakdown including buyer fee is shown.


Maybe ebay haven't turned it on yet? Can anyone see any listing with the buyer fee applied, just curious to see how it's implemented really.

Message 82 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

Is Starmer running this site? a complete and utter shambles.

Message 83 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

'Is Starmer running this site?'


Can't think of anything further from a Labour Politician than an American Mega-Corps. (i.e. ebay....)

Message 84 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

I wonder if they have decided that for listings that were already active before today, the BPF will be included in the original listing price rather than programme the software to add the BPF to the listed price originally selected by the seller?


While that would make life easier for ebay, it's a bit harsh on the seller who chose a particular price without allowing for the BPF and gets paid less the BPF.


Alternatively, it's not happened yet!

Message 85 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

Hardly. The bloke selling jigsaws at £3 a pop or the lass selling old books at a fiver is hardly going to trouble big business.

Power to the small person.

Message 86 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

Basically a hidden tax on the sellers price..Like the BBC licence fee.

Message 87 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

@papso22 wrote:

Alternatively, it's not happened yet!

My money is on this!

I'm doing a search for chargers, newly listed, buy it now only, then scroll down until you find a private seller

Message 88 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

Yet both appear to be completely out of touch !!

Message 89 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

@jdaw-2564 wrote:

No, I mean a kick in the teeth for business sellers as these private business sellers get to continue undercutting business sellers and operating as businesses without the fees or responsibilities, because eBay bottled it 👍 If eBay actually bothered to police these accounts I wouldn't care.

Everyone has the right to sell their stuff on eBay whether it is big business sellers or tiny private sellers trying to sell a few bits in order to raise a few pounds to supplement their low income or go on a holiday.


Long before business sellers discovered eBay and started using it - private sellers were buying and selling on eBay with no problem... so what right do you have to come on here now and start playing police ?...


You business clan already have the big advantage of your high Street stores to sell from ! - This is just a side line for you lot to get EXTRA sales and make EXTRA MONEY  that you would not have been able to do if this was sill 1985 and there was no internet and no eBay !


So please stop trying to cause trouble for private sellers, they have just as much right to sell on here as you do !    

Message 90 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

I don't have a high street shop thank you very much, I very much have the same overheads and circumstances as the vast majority of these "private" business sellers. Except that they don't have to pay fees and can afford to undercut me and other business sellers attempting to do things properly.


Isn't it wonderful that you've been able to make extra money and now are having any costs that eBay have to pay covered by business sellers whilst crying every time private sellers are asked to pay anything to use someone else's platform - so maybe take your own advice.


Genuinely questioning how much you understand about the world in general to be honest. For someone that has lost interest in eBay altogether, you sure spend a lot of time here.

Message 91 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

Holiday, what is one of them? Have no idea why you believe that all business seller are raking it in. As far as it goes to my mind it's morally and ethically wrong to pretend that you are some poor little private seller when selling 1000s of brand new items. Not talking about you as a seller personally, but the site is rife with them, which is why I left.

Message 92 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

As a top rated seller I "do things properly" thank you very much! Lost interest yes because they are ripping people off left right and centre.  Extra money? Interesting. Maybe 300 quid in 1 year most of which supports charity.

Maybe there are some "big time" private sellers, but this is about all the 100s who sell under a tenner. It isn't worth it if this nonsense is implemented. I've had almost 70 messages this morning alone in this issue, multiply that by all those who don't come on here or complain. Think about it.

Oh I understand the world alright. This once great country has become a woke infested third rate state. Bloody shame. That for a different platform.









Message 93 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

And small business sellers with an equal amount of sales make even less, and will sell less if the same items are bought and listed at a lower price than the business seller can possibly afford to sell them for. I know it's a really difficult concept. Just because some items that they sell may be under a tenner does not change the fact that they should be registered as business sellers if the intention is buying to sell, which you know full well are the exact type of accounts I'm referring to.


Do you understand enough to read who I was actually replying to previously though? Not really sure what your Daily Heil political views have to do with eBay to be quite honest.

Message 94 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

@jdaw-2564 wrote:

I don't have a high street shop thank you very much, I very much have the same overheads and circumstances as the vast majority of these "private" business sellers. Except that they don't have to pay fees and can afford to undercut me and other business sellers attempting to do things properly.


Isn't it wonderful that you've been able to make extra money and now are having any costs that eBay have to pay covered by business sellers whilst crying every time private sellers are asked to pay anything to use someone else's platform - so maybe take your own advice.


Genuinely questioning how much you understand about the world in general to be honest. For someone that has lost interest in eBay altogether, you sure spend a lot of time here.

You sound the same as another poster on here


I'm off now, my only interest on here was for fun and so I  don't spend much on eBay this week... now time to close the laptop and head out into town to browse some real shops !  Take care bro 😎

Message 95 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

Replying to you. You Broughton the political thing. Actually don't message me again. Thanks.

Message 96 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

Nah I'm good, I'll reply. I think you'll find your little moan about the state of the country and everything being "woke" was the political comment I was referring to. I was questioning what it had to do with eBay and the discussion at hand. Thanks.

Message 97 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

Has anyone bought an item from a private seller from the Electronics category and seen if Ebay are showing the BPF separately at checkout?


I wondered if Ebay might not show the breakdown in order to hide the extra fee from buyers.  As a buyer I didn't receive a message from Ebay informing me of the new BPF.

Message 98 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

'....Everyone has the right to sell their stuff on eBay whether it is big business sellers or tiny private sellers.....'


Nobody has any *right* at all to use any private company (like ebay) They can choose who they want and don't want on their site.


We have to put up with it or go somewhere else....

Message 99 of 120
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Re: ICYMI - Last Minute Buyer Fee Change, Will Be Phased In Starting With Electronics

Exactly i looked through kettles and they were all business 2nd hand kettles might sell on facebook but not on here. They have chosen something that will rarely be affected as business rules stay as they were. A face saving exercise 

Message 100 of 120
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