01-02-2025 10:22 PM
As I understand it, eBay are required to send information about most sellers to HMRC by the end of January to cover sales for the preceding calendar year. eBay also say that they will send sellers a copy of this information.
Well, it's the 1st Feb and I haven't heard anything from eBay. They also haven't asked me for my NI number which I believe they need in order to send the information.
Should I deduce from this that I have fallen below the relevant thresholds and am not considered worth reporting on?
Sorry if I haven't used the right "Label" for this Message. None of the ones available seemed relevant to this topic.
01-02-2025 10:56 PM
ebay has been collecting National Insurance numbers for accounts opened over the last year or so. HMRC has permitted the collection of NIs for accounts registered prior to 2024 to be collected later.
For any seller who has exceeded the limits of 30 sales or approximately £1700 in the last year then ebay is required to send the information to HMRC. How this will work out without a National Insurance Number or unique tax reference nobody knows.
I've not had anything from ebay concerning what's been passed over to HMRC. Not that I expect it in any sensible format.
01-02-2025 11:03 PM
@the_book_seekers wrote:ebay has been collecting National Insurance numbers for accounts opened over the last year or so.
My wife opened an eBay account a couple of months ago (so she didn't have to keep using mine) and they haven't asked her for her NI number yet. Presumably they will only do so if she decides to start selling.
HMRC has permitted the collection of NIs for accounts registered prior to 2024 to be collected later.
Yes, I think I did see something about that, but I presumed that it still meant before the end of January. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
01-02-2025 11:08 PM
It would've been sensible and helpful for ebay to have used the January Seller Update to explain how this system is going to be progressed, when we can expect to see a copy of the data that has been sent to HMRC, and when NIs will be collected.
01-02-2025 11:08 PM
Heaven knows. HMRC seem to be in utter chaos. I am unable to submit my tax return because my "info is incorrect" seemingly yet I can use it to sign in to HMRC. This has been going on for years and I need now to write for a paper tax return to fill in by hand (groan).