HMRC data sharing

Can someone confirm when they have stated "starting January 1st 2024" they will being to share all data with HMRC does that mean that all sales starting from Jan 1st 2024 will be shared in the new format? I know historically that they have shared data but is this new rule in relation to all sales from 1st Jan 24 or everything historically?

I'm not a master criminal or a huge fraudster I literally sell £200 - £300 a month on here so think I may be over this limit and fear a taxman letter. 

Message 1 of 229
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228 REPLIES 228

Re: HMRC data sharing

I've just had a chat with eBay.. they said if somebody closes their ebay  before the end of the year no information will be shared as they atere gathering this  year to give information in 2025 ..  


I think eBay are wrong , 

Message 61 of 229
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Re: HMRC data sharing

@pausmyt_29 wrote:

I've just had a chat with eBay.. they said if somebody closes their ebay  before the end of the year no information will be shared as they atere gathering this  year to give information in 2025 ..  


I think eBay are wrong , 

I agree.

Pretty sure eBay legally HAVE to provide the info to HMRC at year end if a threshold is breached, even if the account is subsequently closed? Otherwise they could be complicit in tax-evasion.

The only way to 'hide' would be to stop selling before a threshold is breached.

I can see why it would be in eBays interest to delay requesting NI numbers from sellers for as long as possible though.
I assume if a seller refuses to give their NI no, eBay will stop them selling (hence why they may delay asking for as long as possible)?


Message 62 of 229
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Re: HMRC data sharing

Another example of bad misinformation from customer services which could land somebody in bother with HMRC. ebay really needs to get a grip of customer services. If they don't know - say so and refer the enquiry to HMRC or a tax expert. Staff need to stop saying what they think the caller wants to hear. 

Message 63 of 229
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Re: HMRC data sharing

@pausmyt_29 Most definitely wrong. That would only apply if they stop before hitting one of the thresholds. CS are well known for saying anything to get rid of you. They probably thought that's what you wanted to hear and didn't want to encourage you to stop selling. But once either threshold is reached, ebay have no choice in the matter.

Message 64 of 229
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Re: HMRC data sharing

Yes I did think they are losing ebayers by the 100s atm ..thanks for the
Message 65 of 229
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Re: HMRC data sharing

Prior year as mentioned on ebay site so anything sold from Jan 24 -Jan 2025 onwards would be given over 

Message 66 of 229
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Re: HMRC data sharing

@thepublandlord1972 wrote:

 Until then I would say  register your business in the EU and carry on. 

Doing that will mean eBay add 20% onto all sales as you would count as an overseas seller, so 20% additional import VAT would be added to the buyers total (by eBay) when they paid. Even if you item is located in the UK.


So your sales would go through the floor, you would get negative feedback and requests for refunds or sales that did not go through due to the extra 20% VAT added by eBay on top of the total. 

Message 67 of 229
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Re: HMRC data sharing

It takes 180 days to close an account after the last sale has taken place, and do not listen to what CS tell you. 


When the poop hits the fan because you acted based on their advice you have no recourse


How on earth would a person in the Philippines know and understand UK tax laws? They don't. They tell you what you want to hear.



Message 68 of 229
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Re: HMRC data sharing

@thepublandlord1972   "We should support, why? When they start chasing eBay, Amazon, Starbucks  et Al to pay reasonable amounts of tax I may just agree. Until then I would say  register your business in the EU and carry on. "


Anyone trying to follow this advice is like to find themselves in a whole world of trouble.  Besides having to probably apply to be VAT registered in that country, as most have very low sales income levels for VAT registration, it would just confirm to HMRC that you are a business trying to avoid taxes.  The EU countries are signed up to this international agreement and would be reporting your sales to HMRC anyway.  You would face being hit at both ends.

Message 69 of 229
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Re: HMRC data sharing

Just a heads up Amazon is already tightening up they're VAT checks and it will most probably hit ebay at some time. I think this is to do with the amount of illegal VAT businesses that just disappear when its time for Vat payment. IE there was a flat in Wales that apparently had 11,000 businesses working from it. Guessing Chinese sellers. You often see them with low feedback but the same item over several business identities. With the new documentation this should cut this loophole out.

For genuine business sellers this is all going to be a good thing. Unless ebay F's up the sytem like they did a year ago and just closed people shops because they had given out wrong information to seller. 10 years of work down the drain and ebay did nothing.

Message 70 of 229
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Re: HMRC data sharing

Companies House is working on new regulations that will also prevent registering businesses at the address of an unsuspecting member of the public. With the new HMRC regulations it will be interesting to see what happens. 

Message 71 of 229
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Re: HMRC data sharing

That seems to be what the new paperwork they want from us is all about. It was already a nightmare providing Amazon with information a year ago but the new paperwork they want specifically ties down the location of the business is actually a business.

I think we had already done 1 to 3 and it was 4 they were on about.


2024-01-28 00_05_24-Amazon — Mozilla Firefox.jpg

So I supplied suppliers invoices to the address... Not good enough.


If you are a sole trader (natural person),
-- Provide evidence that you are physically operating your business from your provided address.

A recent UK council tax bill or business rates of the current year, addressed to the company or a director or partner of the company.

A recent utility bill dated within 180 days addressed to the company or the director or partner of the company.
• If sellers are using a shared working space, they can provide one of the following:
o A recent licence agreement
o Copies of invoices for payment of rent
o A proof of payment of rent.

-- Provide a company registration extract or share allotment document from your local trade registry that lists all directors or partners of your company.
--Provide a documents in one of the acceptable formats such as PDF, .PNG, .JPG or .JPEG to avoid delays in reviewing accounts.


Hopefully what I sent them but Amazon dots the I and crosses the t's with everything.

Message 72 of 229
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Re: HMRC data sharing

Screenshot 2024-01-28 at 02.11.29.png


To clarify, the above is in public domain, not private material.


This still happening on a daily basis (this is just a search for post code L6), so large scale operation. The UK is currently under siege from fraudulent company creation. One network created 50 new companies yesterday, every one of them using stolen identities, to add to the 150+ they have already created. One poor chap now has 30+ companies registered in his name.


If a company is registered at a residential address then a physical letter and form should go out to that address asking them to confirm.


This is why residents end up getting VAT and HMRC bills for international companies.


I monitor this kind of stuff, it's a joke. 

Message 73 of 229
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Re: HMRC data sharing

"If a company is registered at a residential address then a physical letter and form should go out to that address asking them to confirm."

I can see some flat somewhere with several large Royal Mail delivery trucks parked outside their property with several trollies full to the brim with letters being deliverd.

But as you say HMRC needs to send a letter out with a web address and a security code. If you enter the code ok, if not you are not allowed to go any further with your business.  Seems so siple it's amazing HMRC dont't do it.

Message 74 of 229
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Re: HMRC data sharing

It's a disgrace. They " Wrote off " £13 billion in fake PPE contracts yet they are going after people selling their old gear on eBay.  

Obviously those operating a business should be subject to tax rules...


Resellers yes, every day Joe selling his old jeans no... 

Message 75 of 229
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Re: HMRC data sharing

You have obviously not read either this thread or the other related threads, or more importantly the advice on HMRC's website.


They are NOT "going after people selling their old gear on eBay".  They are attempting to recover tax avoided and owed by people running businesses or trading on private digital selling platforms.  This is also to detect other forms of criminality in conjunction with an initiative signed up to by more than 30 other countries.


"" Wrote off " £13 billion in fake PPE contracts" - a link would be appreciated because this is neither the figure or action I have read about.

Message 76 of 229
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Re: HMRC data sharing

As I said those running a business must pay tax, but those selling for example an expensive piece of DJ equipment should not be subject to this. If that is indeed the case then that's a good thing. I can sell my old gear in confidence.. 


As for the information you requested with regards to my comments on the Conservative Governments " wasteful " PPE contacts..


The amount has now been revised to 9.9 billion out of the 13.6 billion spent.. Still pretty disgraceful if you ask me..


I'm not getting into partisan politics with you on an ebay forum. 

Message 77 of 229
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Re: HMRC data sharing

All media outlets, certainly in the UK, present the story to suit their listeners or readership.  Much of the PPE ran out of shelf-life due to many of the restrictions being lifted and serious illness / deaths dropping rapidly.


Perhaps people would have preferred the consequences of this not being available if it had continued or had become more severe; such as it was at the beginning when there was a global shortage of PPE.  You can't just go to the shops and purchase a 100 million masks and testing kits, or several million gowns etc.


With regard to the fraudulent contracts the NCA is investigating these and is already preparing cases.  It is much the same as those who fraudulently claimed Covid support payments fraudulently.  Anyone who has filed a Self Assessment in the last couple of years will have noticed the questions added.  HMRC are investigating into that with a view to recovering the fraudulent payments.  Nothing is written off.


Incidentally I have made no reference to any political party - you are the person who is driving that agenda.

Message 78 of 229
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Re: HMRC data sharing

Hi, I just wanted to ask if the change is happening this month is this all data going forward or will it be for previous tax periods?


Message 79 of 229
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Re: HMRC data sharing

Do read this from Ebay.  It is short and clear:

UK digital sales reporting | eBay.


If you sell more than 30 items this year (January to December 2024), Ebay will give all of your details to HMRC.  That is, full name, address, bank account details and NI number as well as amount of your sales and how much money you were paid through the site.

If HMRC think you may have any tax liability, they can then ask you for details of your Ebay sales from previous years and request information confirming where the items you sold came from.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
Message 80 of 229
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