40 year old platic toy broken, buyer wants refund

Hiya guys, sold a classic toy, a 40 year old MB Games bigfoot monster truck, buyer gave it to his grand childen at christmas to play with, they broke it. now he wants a refund.  ebay said hes entitled, under seller guarantee. 


buyer is known to be an evasisve and bad seller

Message 1 of 22
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Re: 40 year old platic toy broken, buyer wants refund

You need to upgrade to a business account.


A Business seller is someone who buys or makes and item to sell on.  They need to be registered as a business to meet the requirements of UK law. They need to declare income to HMRC (eBay will be providing HMRC with your details anyway even if you masquerade as a private seller so it's vital to keep correct accounts for your tax return). You can obviously offset more expenses as a business seller, but can't offset any at all as a private one.  


To correctly register as a business seller simply go to your Personal Information in your account and to the right of Account Type, which will be showing as 'Individual'  you'll see an Edit option.




This doesn't affect your feedback profile or any current listings, it merely upgrades your account so that you're legally compliant. 

Message 21 of 22
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Re: 40 year old platic toy broken, buyer wants refund

" A new plastic toy should be fit for purpose (children's play)"

Older toys can have hazardous materials in them.

Like leaded paint etc

So kids should not be playing with a 40 year old item.


Message 22 of 22
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