Is it just our family

I get scared easily...(not in a spooky way) but our David keeps waiting in dark corners and comes out screaming at me.


Tára and Conall have jumped on the band-wagon.


Tára hid under the duvet..... which I was changing and put it on the floor while I got a fresh cover.... picked the duvet up and nearly had a heart attack, as she was lying in wait.


Conall hid behind my bedroom door while I went to get a bottled water....... he jumped out.....and instinct kicked in an I cracked him over the head with it.


this goes on at least twice a week..... thank god...... we live in a society that does not have guns etc.  You can only imagine!!!


If I die of heart failure..let it be known..its down to them........ who hides under your bed for 10 minutes then grabs your leg (David)

Message 1 of 7
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Re: Is it just our family

eerrrmm i think its just your kids


or maybe not

Take a breath, then count to ten, then breatheeeeeeeeeeeee out
Message 2 of 7
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Re: Is it just our family

If appealing to their better nature didn't work, they'd be getting their privileges cut off if they were my children!

Message 3 of 7
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Re: Is it just our family

Make up a couple of these ( easy really, just a couple of old white sheets you don't need ) and stand them in the corners of their Bedrooms, after they've gone to sleep; then ensure they wake up sometime during the night. If they don't Die of fright, they sure as Hell won't scare YOU again.








Message 4 of 7
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Re: Is it just our family

I like that Evo.............


our wee girl Tára hid behind the bathroom door, long hair (if you have ever seen the ring

she put her long hair over her face).


never heard my hubby sceam ............. it was hilarious

the ring.jpg

Message 5 of 7
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Re: Is it just our family

It's that jerky action She moved with, that made it even more creepy.Smiley Happy

Message 6 of 7
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Re: Is it just our family

I have to  ninja moves............ coming out of the bathroom...... I call...David? Conall etc.... they think its brilliant cause I scream like a banshee


alas they still get me............. went to wash the dishes....... it was dark ............. and our David was hiding outside


he put his face up to the window...........not funny at the time.........but they are hilarious...... i have the same type of humour



such a sad family............we are......  thats nothing to what I kept them going about!

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