IBD in dogs

Hi - after a very worrying 10 days and waiting for blood test results, one of my little dogs has been diagnosed with what the Vet thinks is IBD. She will be starting a prescription diet tomorrow. Now, I am no stranger to IBD, having Crohns disease myself, but has anyone else got a dog with IBD? If so, any tips or advise please? I know I will have to be strict with her food and not give her titbits or treats whilst we see if the food is going to settle her symptoms.

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Re: IBD in dogs

one of mine is like that, eat anything and everything, and yes that is the one with the dodgy tummy of course. She doesn't have IBS just sensitive and an allergy (or whatever) to rice, I feed her on a salmon and potato kibble now but it's very high protein so I have to watch amounts etc. Hope you get your little dog sorted out, can sympathise with all the worry.

Message 21 of 28
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Re: IBD in dogs

It wouldn't be so bad if they learnt from what gives them a dodgy tum but Tilly has been trying to pick Rabbit muck up again today, little monkey. We wouldn't be without them though, would we? Smiley Happy Do all vets charge for completing the insurance claim forms? Ours have been charging for several years and it is now £7.75 for them to do their bit. As if you don't pay enough as it is in fees and premiums.

Message 22 of 28
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Re: IBD in dogs

Hi, it is possible after a tummy upset that a dog will eat faeces containing the vitamins that they have lost ie rabbit, horse etc all of which contain vegetation . Unfortunately it also contains high fibre which as you know yourself is not helpful if your suffering from IBS,Crohns, & colitis . Basically it's a no win situation in those circumstances, but persevere & you will get to know which things trigger an attack, also consider stress can trigger the symptoms!.

Message 23 of 28
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Re: IBD in dogs

my little so and so even eats her own!!! I have to almost stand behind her with a bag to remove it before she gets it!!!! She will honestly eat anything, but she's an adult rescue so don't know history of why she is so obsessed with food but it occupies her every waking moment. I don't pay my vet for completing insurance forms, in fact my insurance pays the vet directly so apart from the excess I don't have to hand any money over - although my old boy in un-insurable so it is only the girl that this applies to.

Message 24 of 28
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Re: IBD in dogs

Oh dear! That's very often a habit picked up as a puppy caused by stress , boredom, etc or even picked up in a long term kennel situation same reasons, it's a great shame but at least she is now in a stable loving home & is safe from that torment! Good on ya!.

Message 25 of 28
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Re: IBD in dogs

I hope that your little dog feels better when the tablets kick in.

Message 26 of 28
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Re: IBD in dogs

Carol, my parents had an English mastiff that had IBS: he had to have special food from the vet only - it's going back a way, but I think it was made by Hills.  He literally wasn't allowed anything else - no meat, rice or veg - because it all affected him and ended up making him quite poorly.  


As for vets charging: is that their equivalent of the NHS prescription fee?!  I've not heard of a vet doing that, but we've not had large animals for a good while (and no insurance on the cats) so perhaps this is standard these days - it didn't use to be, though.

Message 27 of 28
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Re: IBD in dogs

Damn, managed to edit, but then the time ran out... (Thanks, rose for showing me how!)  Just removed something I'd originally had in my post that might have caused you unneccessary worry, that I ought to have googled beforehand, as then I'd have known what I said was incorrect: apologies.


I once worked for a family who had me grilling fillet steak ("because the dogs don't like gristle")  and steaming rice for their dogs every day - they ate better than I did (the dogs - though probably the family too!) - but I had a Lucas Terrier when I was a child who was a devil for pulling half burned anything off the bonfire and chewing it with gusto: especially if it was stinky, unpleasant or should never have gone on the fire in the first place...

Message 28 of 28
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