Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

Hi everybody!


The Community Chat will open at 2pm and will remain open until 3pm on Wednesday. After that it will be closed for further questions. Of course, we will continue to take care of answering any questions that may still be unanswered—We’ll get to everything as quickly as possible. 


Please ask your questions in the thread below. In order to be able to answer your questions as quickly as possible, we ask you to have one question per post. Of course, you can make as many posts as you like in the Chat- the more the merrier!


Our eBay Community Team is made up of dave@ebay and marco@ebay. Between us, we have knowledge in Buying, Selling, Fulfilment, Payments, and the Community itself. Anything we aren’t sure on we’ll know the people who will be! Please ask us any questions you may have and we’ll do all we can to support. 


To ask your question, click Reply in the lower-right corner of this post, type your question, and click Reply between 2pm and 3pm. The community team will answer each incoming question in chronological order, and will quote the original question in each answer. 


Please note that any reply without a question to the community team or discussion replies may be removed from the chat. We want to keep on track to get through as many questions as possible. We welcome all discussion to be moved to the discussion boards. 


If you missed the weekly chat time, please ask your question in the community boards and tag us or we will be back next week with another chat! 


Many thanks,

Your eBay Community Team

Available via Email for Community-related inquiries:
Message 1 of 46
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

To report a technical issue, you can contact customer service and they would file the report for you, or you can let us know over here, and we will do that for you. While I understand the situation is not ideal for you, you'd still need to report the issue.


Thank you,



Well I have let you know over here and on the thread and would really appreciate it if you could them know as I would rather spend my time working on listing items, selling and making money for myself and Ebay!


Perhaps this shows there needs to be a better way of reporting with issues that isn't contacting customer services as if you try to do this yourself you will know it is not easy.

Message 21 of 46
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

Case number 1-476393911871  can you tell me please why you have refused to remove the negative feedback the customer has left when they are claiming they have not received the item when we have tracking details proving they have the item and gps tracking details ?

Message 22 of 46
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

@reynardnoirrailwayana2015 wrote:

Hello - is there an issue with the Notification bell or notifications - I keep getting "Notifications aren't available at the moment"

Hi reynardnoirrailwayana2015, thanks for your post.


Yes, there is an ongoing issue causing this problem at the moment. I've just reported that your account is being impacted, so this can be resolved for you as soon as possible.


Thank you,


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Message 23 of 46
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

Hi humbercraft, thanks for your post.


Please note that if you've been in touch and you were provided with a resolution already, no further actions would be taken at this stage. While we understand you'd like more information on this, some details we don't share in order to prevent users from bypassing our policies and procedures.


Thank you,


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Message 24 of 46
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

Thank you Marco for your reply.


I do hope that when I visit the roadshow they do not say "We have had no further reports of this issue".


I will print off your reply from chat today to confirm that ebay have been informed about the issues.


Lets hope that someone in the ebay team see common sense and evidence I put forward that the EDD's are not working, they are being fabricated at the detriment of the seller.


For all the sellers with the same issue, I am going to tell them it is not an isolated case and is happening everyday for many sellers.


Best wishes 




Message 25 of 46
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

Message 26 of 46
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

Thanks Marco, I have jusr submitted a fresh application.

Message 27 of 46
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

If there are no tech issues then the search functionality is concerning and has taken a backwards step since last year. I am unsure why a perfectly working feature of the site would be made worse? It would be like taking the fact you can now add 24 pictures to a listing away and reverting it back to 12...


Take my "gold meter" example - search for this now on Ebay and you get all sorts of random stuff, mainly gold coloured fabric, paper or craft accessories sold by the meter!


Google "gold meter" and you get gold testing meters which is what you want and the Ebay page for the category for that particular item even comes up in the google search but ebay itself does not know what that term means.


This can be repeated with thousands of search terms, each time a member of the public does this and has these random results it will cause that person to leave the platform and shop elsewhere.


The search algorithm and programming is flawed, it is like Google in the late 90s and early 00s before it was developed into something more learning based, the Ebay engine seems to literally take the two, three, four or however many words you type into the search box and throw up things that have those words in.

Message 28 of 46
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

Good afternoon team,


The search doesn't work properly on active listings.
If we are trying to put stuff back in stock, we do that by SKU.


It used to work, so you could search your active listings by the SKU in the seller hub and it would be super easy to put them back up again when we get new stock arriving.


It has not worked for quite some time, maybe 6 months - 1 year.

This is selling 101, you can't sell what is not for sale.

It takes a lot longer to do, when we could be busy doing other things like making new listings or answering the questions from buyers that ask why the item didn't arrive with economy delivery in 1 working day, as we "told them" it would, etc!!

Please get someone to fix the search on active listings in the seller hub though, that takes 10 times longer to do than it used to.




We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
- Albert Einstein
Message 29 of 46
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

Thanks Marco

Message 30 of 46
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

@candy90_1 wrote:

Marco, why are you saying 8 weeks.   On the top of the form that is displayed on ebay it states - 


We'll review the information provided and reply to you within 3 weeks to advise on the next steps if eligible. Please only submit one application per account.


the page this is on is at



If ebay cannot reply in the 3 week period,  then surely you should change the page to give the correct information rather than sellers getting annoyed when they dont hear anything

Hi candy90_1, thanks for your reply.


These applications are reviewed with a queue system, if we have no application, you might hear back from us within 24 hours. However, if we are too busy with an application it might take longer than expected. At the moment it could take around 8 weeks, the page gives you an estimate only and we cannot be updating a page every time depending on the volume we may be handling at the time.


Thank you,


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Message 31 of 46
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

Good afternoon team,


Another week has passed and we are still being used as a punchbag from buyers that leave negative feedback without the courtesy to contact us first.


Most of these are buyers being clueless as to what they are buying and not ordering the right part, rather than something we have done.


Both of our accounts have been trashed when we have done nothing wrong in almost all of these cases.


When are eBay going to help sellers.

We are the only party that PAY you any money?

Why are we so unimportant to you??


Thank you


We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
- Albert Einstein
Message 32 of 46
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

No resolution was provided to me at all. just an email to say my account was suspended. 

Over the phone they asked for me details about my business and was then told i was permanetly banned.

So i want to appeal it fully to the highest level. 

I sent and email from the automated chat option and within seconds got one back stating if we'd made a mistake i could appeal....theres no "straight to the point" option for doing this.

Message 33 of 46
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

@tressygirl wrote:

Hi again !


Any update on the ongoing saga with members having issues converting Nectar points to vouchers?


We seem to be getting daily questions on this, still some unable to use their  points  >>  vouchers.


Any helpful update / answer we can pass on ?


Thank you.



Hi tressygirl, thanks for your question.


No updates at the moment, as soon as we hear more on this, we will start letting people know on the boards. However, I can confirm that both Nectar and eBay are aware of the issue and currently working to get it resolved.


Thank you,


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Message 34 of 46
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

@jamjartoys wrote:

Afternoon Team - When we appeal a defect does the review take place by an automated system or is it looked at by a Human? On a couple of occassions lately I have had reason to appeal a defect - one was due to an ebay error as a postage refund was classed as an out of stock refund (this was escalated to your IT dept).  6 defects were recorded; 5 were removed by an advisor but they were unable to remove the 6th due to system limitations. To get the 6th removed i sent all this info to the defect team the answer was sorry we can't remove it on this occasion. The second was an item not received case that was decided in my favour (which is actually one of the options for getting neutral/negative feedback removed) and again the appeal was declined. On both occasions the defects were eventually removed but it takes far too much time in calls etc to sort out. This seems a waste of your time as well as ours. Is there a training issue in the defects team or is it literally a case of  "Computer says no"?

Hi @jamjartoys,


It can be both depending on volume and how the appeal is routed. I general it can be done by automation but if the appeal is part of a case or its been escalated can trigger a manual review. 




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Message 35 of 46
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

Thank you again, we'll just pass that message on to those asking.

Message 36 of 46
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

Thanks for the reply Dave - I suspected that it might be automated. The system clearly needs tweaking as it is rejecting claims that are obviously valid and any Human with an ounce of sense would remove the defect/feedback. It has got to the stage where I have no faith in the system so naturally gravitate to calling an advisor. This isn't cost effective from ebays point of view and I am certain I won't be alone in doing this. Interestingly there is another example in message 22 in this chat from someone with the same experience. As sellers we should be able to rely on ebays processes coming to the correct decisions. Can you pass it up the line? Thanks

Message 37 of 46
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

@zoe_btn wrote:



I asked in a previous chat about how I could identify what it is that is preventing my account from being upgraded to seller plus...as I think I have met all the criteria. After your feedback I updated my postage policy again but I'm still receiving emails to say that all my items aren't eligible because of the postage policy. 


I'd really appreciate your help with this so I can make the changes before the next review on the 20th. 




Hi @zoe_btn 


I had a quick look and it looks like you're missing an express delivery option. If its within 2 working days and for no more than £10 you should be good to go. 






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Message 38 of 46
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

@vintagewatchpart wrote:

To report a technical issue, you can contact customer service and they would file the report for you, or you can let us know over here, and we will do that for you. While I understand the situation is not ideal for you, you'd still need to report the issue.


Thank you,



Well I have let you know over here and on the thread and would really appreciate it if you could them know as I would rather spend my time working on listing items, selling and making money for myself and Ebay!


Perhaps this shows there needs to be a better way of reporting with issues that isn't contacting customer services as if you try to do this yourself you will know it is not easy.

Thanks for your reply, vintagewatchpart.


We will pass on your feedback, so this can be taken into consideration. Regarding the technical issue in question, one of us will look into it for you after the chat in case it hasn't be reported yet.


Thank you,


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Message 39 of 46
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 17.04.24 @2pm

@magnummotorhomescaravansuppliesltd wrote:

Case number 1-476393911871  can you tell me please why you have refused to remove the negative feedback the customer has left when they are claiming they have not received the item when we have tracking details proving they have the item and gps tracking details ?

Hi @magnummotorhomescaravansuppliesltd 


Unfortunately we don't handle feedback requests here, you will need to contact Customer Support. They will be able to review the case and tell you what happened with the feedback. 




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Message 40 of 46
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About this Weekly Chat!

Welcome to the Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team! Unless otherwise noted, chats occur every Wednesday from 2pm to 3pm.

Our Community Team will be in the Chats to help with the questions.

If you have multiple questions please open a post per question so we can get back to them individually. If it's something we can't answer right away we will get back to you after the chat has finished.