Auto paid removal

How to remove or disable the option of autopaid on offers you made for a seller ... it's absolutely an the worse option in all ebay .... I am thinking seriously stop making offers if these option still active .... please how can I disable it or remove it .... many thanks 

Message 1 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

Buyers cannot turn it off,you would have to ask seller to turn it off in their account settings.

Message 2 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

Thank you for your kind reply , but how can I ask every seller to turn this awful option off!?? 

Message 3 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

If you bid on items, payment is not taken automatically.

If you want to make an offer on an item, you will have to communicate with the seller before making the offer and ask them if they can disable auto pay.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
Message 4 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

I dislike autopayments as a buyer because it's flawed.

If you provide a payment method once eBay applies it automatically to all future offers you make.

There's no changing how you pay, if you chose PayPal you are stuck with it and won't be able to use a debit card instead. 

There are other drawbacks like you can't get combined p&p.

Autopayment can be stopped but eBay make it hard to do.

For debit card autopayments you have to go to your payments page and remove your debit card then add it again.

To stop PayPal autopayments log into your PayPal account, go into settings to payments and then automatic payments. Find the pre approved payment for eBay and cancel it. 

It won't remove it completely but makes it inactive and will stop eBay utilising it.




Message 5 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

Thank you for your kind advice I will follow your instructions.... I want to stop this auto paid it's inconvenience method of payment and annoying too .... it's a bad move from eBay developers to do this stop ... I am thinking seriously now to shift my buying activity to other websites like Amazon , where they are giving me better option to pay ... it's shame and sad they eBay developers they should make eBay better place to buy and sale not the worse place to buy and sale .... it's shame ... from now on eBay will see less or no activity from me ...   😞

Message 6 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

Agree with OP that this is an absolutely *bleep*py function.  I've had the wrong card charged by this function on multiple occasions, now I just don't bother to make offers on Ebay anymore due to the risk it will screw me over..  PLEASE remove auto pay, or if a seller requires automatic payment it should atleast be made absolutely clear on the "send offer tab" so nobody has the nasty surprise of having the wrong payment method auto charged like many have already... 

Message 7 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

Totally agree with the comments above. In addition to the removal of choice on chosen payment methods this also removes the ability to use cashback options on purchases. Have previously removed the payment method as suggesed above which worked but it's a real pain having to add it back in, especially if you are a regular eBay buyer and have to keep taking off and adding payment options.


I have provided feedback but I really do think it's a waste of time as is the facility (or rather lack of one) to lodge a complaint against rude and unprofessional customer services who end live chats when they decided, regardless of whther they answer your query!

Message 8 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

I stop making offer because of this inconvenient awful option auto payment... it's a shame ebay is a good place to buy until this automatic payments option came up ... 😞

Message 9 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

I dont understand the fuss, if you get the item your going to have to pay anyway.

It puts a stop to none performing buyers which is very frustrating.


However I can see it upsets some buyers so I have removed the option from settings.



Message 10 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

"I dont understand the fuss"


As said elsewhere, because you cannot use combined P&P, cannot change delivery address, cannot use cash on collection, cannot use click & collect, cannot use Global, cannot use alternative payment methods etc.

Message 11 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

You state "It puts a stop to none performing buyers which is very frustrating."


eBay already know who the non-performing buyers are - why treat every buyer as a potential non-performing buyer?


In more than 15 years of selling I have had very few non-payers.  They are easy to deal with; non-payment strike, block bidder list and move on.  Potential buyers should always be treated with respect and courtesy until they prove otherwise.  This feature is tackling the problem from the wrong direction.  eBay have excelled themselves - upsetting buyers and sellers whilst inhibiting sales.  Madness!

Message 12 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

@nigel_paul_wright7557 wrote:

I dont understand the fuss, if you get the item your going to have to pay anyway.

It puts a stop to none performing buyers which is very frustrating.

Same here. I use paypal (which is funded by my bank account) for any purchase from ebay. Isn't Paypal the best option to make payments for the extra protection a buyer gets? Plus you can link multiple debit/credit cards / bank accounts to fund Paypal and select which one to use.

Is it that the buyers who complain about this don't want to pay straight away?


If you move over to Amazon or in fact any shop, guess what? You still have to pay straight away!


I think the moral of this story is, if you can't afford to buy something then don't!

Message 13 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

It's a pity that you ignore what I've just said -


As said elsewhere, because you cannot use combined P&P, cannot change delivery address, cannot use cash on collection, cannot use click & collect, cannot use Global, cannot use alternative payment methods etc.



Message 14 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

"If you move over to Amazon or in fact any shop, guess what? You still have to pay straight away!" - You get the choice of payment option before you pay


"I think the moral of this story is, if you can't afford to buy something then don't!" - the moral of the story is - be prepared to pay more than you need to if you are buying more than one item

Message 15 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

@therma-tec wrote:


If you move over to Amazon or in fact any shop, guess what? You still have to pay straight away!

Yes but Amazon don't allow offers.

Wait until automatic payments are applied to eBay auctions.

Who will want to bid knowing eBay is pre authorising payments on items they might not win.





Message 16 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

It is absolutely *bleep* bec they take auto payment once seller accept it. U hv no choice to make payment from other card. Leave the *bleep*ty sellers on ebay as i already asked 2 seller if they just can turn off auto bec at the end i will ofcourse pay from other card due to high value and they said no. Absolutely disgusting with this no where to go choice. Ebay is living in stone age. 

Message 17 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

It wont help much bec many sellers on ebay are backward and poor, lolzz. I already tried to ask but u get no where. I wanted to buy s23 ultra and wanted to make offer and the guy said no he cant turn off. I dont understand whats the point of auto. As a buyer u just sending offer and u pay with any card once seller accept ur offer. I dont understand ebay and these sellers

Message 18 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

U dont understand . I get cashbacks 10% and making offer and autopay thrn i get nothing from cashback sites. Also as a buyer, u can hv less and more money in one card and other. I wanted to make offer on s23 ultra which is alot of money to hv in my card and i asked seller if he only could remove so that i hv bigger choice to use any other card and he said no. If he takes auto then i will lose 10% of my cashback which is quite alot. I cant do anything but keep checking for good offers on amazon or somewhere else. 

Message 19 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

You can't even get a benefit from PayPal pay in three options with eBay auto payments because once the seller accept your offer the whole amount of the offer price will be automatically paid!!!! , ...It's the worse ever option done by eBay developers... I am shifting my main buying activity to Amazon now as they offer for most of there selling products 5 months interest free payments , No inconvenient auto payments option over there in Amazon ... 

Message 20 of 67
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