27-02-2024 4:03 PM
I have been going on about this issue like a broken record. I have reported it several times and even been on the community chat several times. Ebay claim the EDD's are working fine. They are not.
Ebay are giving buyers delivery dates as same day deliveries, next day deliveries. Even when buyers have have selected the free, three day delivery, they are including non working days as delivery dates being Saturday and Sundays.
I know that other sellers are being affected by this too, and have reported it too.
However, I am now spending hours replying to buyers whom think their parcel is late based on ebays estimated delivery dates.
This leaves my business open for negative feedback and the issue of asking ebay to remove it.
The messages I am getting from buyers are:
" Hi not to pleased due to the fact I ordered this part from your company because of the delivery time and it’s not happened! Hopefully this item will turn up soon"
"parcel not arrived yet ??"
Both of those cases where when they purchased over a weekend, and they were dropped of at the parcel shop for collection the same day of purchase. However, this was over the weekend. Ebay tracking has said to expect the delivery on Monday, which is wrong, as they included weekends as the courier collection and delivery days.
When you look on the couriers webiste the delivery dates are correct and ebays are incorrect.
We have had the same issue with Royal Mail tracked on ebay too.
How many more sellers are now getting messages like this on a daily basis, and what are you telling the buyers.?
I have been selling on ebay for 16 years and we dispatch the items on time, but, this ebay EDD are on another level now.
We look like we are fabricating delivery dates just to obtain a sale, and although we have tried tweaking the postage days etc, it does not help.
06-11-2024 6:59 AM
Look at the photo. Ebay claim that if they buy item on 06/11/2024 it will be delivered with 24 tracked 7-8/11/2024 and the same days are for Tracked 48. I have set 1 day handle time. If i post item on next day 07/11/2024 there is no way it will be delivered with 48 tracked on the next day. Even second class large latter is 2-3 days delivery time.
06-11-2024 8:27 AM
It's a total disgrace. Ebay are a making a mockery of delivery times... and making us sellers look bad or incompetent in the process.
As said before there is nothing to make a buyer want to pay for a faster and better delivery service when, according to eBay, everything, including economy post is delivered at the same time! And eBay making the buyer think that economy post will arrive by the next or second day is ridiculous. It's an absolute joke!
06-12-2024 2:51 PM
Hello there, I’ve been looking for a way to automate such a message like this but can’t see any way of doing so. Could you please provide some guidance as to how to do this?
08-12-2024 11:47 AM
The thing that really annoys me. I have came here to find if this was an issue with others and it’s seems so!
I have already been onto eBay who have told me the edd are correct. I always post the day after, 2nd class. With next day or day after delivery dates shown. When I asked eBay why this is shown to buyers they say it’s correct due to my dispatch time of 1 day.
funny thing is, I am not eligible for the top rated seller plus because I have 1 day handling time and use 2nd class. But the dates shown should make me eligible for the top rated plus. I was going to work things out to be able to post same day so I could get top rated. But as eBay tell customers 2nd class could be next day, how can it be any different if I post same day?!!
08-12-2024 12:16 PM
Yep, welcome to the club.
We will never win as the geniuses at eBay know what is best for us as sellers and what is best for our businesses. We've given up trying to make them see the error of their ways. You simply can't reason with idiots... or those in power that have ulterior motives!
08-12-2024 1:18 PM
And so the INR cases start..........................what a way to run a business.
08-12-2024 4:47 PM
@exponential_developments wrote:And so the INR cases start..........................what a way to run a business.
Yep, going to be fun at this time of the year with extra demand on postal services... and the inevitable ensuing backlogs. Happy holidays!
08-12-2024 5:53 PM
That's on top of unnecessary returns because people don't read the description, because the page is full of other peoples listings, PM and general *bleep*.
08-12-2024 7:16 PM
After over 20 years on here, I’m getting my first negatives due to late deliveries. I post by Royal Mail second class and eBay tell the buyer it will arrive the next day - it won’t. I’ve given up stressing about it, it’s totally outside my control.
08-12-2024 7:35 PM
Some buyers are really not very nice at all. I sold an item late afternoon Thursday 28th Nov. Packed that same afternoon with a message to buyer thanking for purchase advising it would be dropped off at local sorting office first thing next morning 29th Nov.
Friday 6th Dec receive the following message:
Needless to say I sent a very polite reply firstly saying there was no need to be so rude and in fact it is down to Royal Mail and I sent a copy of my Royal Mail order form which confirms my posting date. I also gave them a full refund and explained that their item is likely to turn up in the next few days and if it does then keep it my with my compliments.
I really despair at some people and cannot understand how someone could be so rude as to send a message like that.
Yes they are now on my blocked buyers list.
08-12-2024 9:42 PM
You reacted very well to the buyer although I would not have refunded so quickly to such a customer - in fact I would have drawn it out for as long as possible - their attitude stinks - if they decide to open an INR so be it - it adds time to get the delivery to them - I would not suggest they open an INR - let them work it out for themselves - we would give an explanation as to why it was late and suggest they wait at this time of year
This said it is a common claim by buyers - the problem is that it depends where the items were posted in the country - which route they take and the depots the post travels through and the biggest is RM's policy to delayed post !
What RM do is when a depot has a backlog is remove the backlog to storage and allow the newer post to continue, then drip feed the backlog into the system over days or even weeks at peak times (so it does not create a surge and another backlog).
From RM's point of view it ensures only the backlog of post is late whereas post before and after the backlog is on time - this means that the minimum number of packages are flagged as late - helps reduce possibility of fines for missed delivery date targets
From the customers viewpoint items ordered after an item pulled out of the system to be drip fed back in again arrive earlier and with no communication to you or the customer as to why from RM - the customer assumes you did not post it.
08-12-2024 10:57 PM
@knit-in-styles wrote:Some buyers are really not very nice at all. I sold an item late afternoon Thursday 28th Nov. Packed that same afternoon with a message to buyer thanking for purchase advising it would be dropped off at local sorting office first thing next morning 29th Nov.
Friday 6th Dec receive the following message:
Yep, unfortunately it is inevitable that we will get these responses from rude, thick and ILLITERATE, low-lives given the ammunition provided by eBay's ridiculous EDDs.
We now always let rude buyers stew for a day (that gives them a chance to send a further nasty message if they are that way inclined). Then we reply politely with facts about our dispatch date and inform them of the sometimes sketchy, economy RM 2nd class postal service they went for, emphasising that all we can do is dispatch on time, thereafter it is out of our control. We also state that eBay is responsible for the highlighted EDD, not us, and send them a copy of the dispatch label which shows the date too. We also do always like to point out that faster delivery options were available at the time of purchase... but they went for the 3 -5 working day economy option which is stated on our listing.
If we again get a rude follow up response, we politely ask them why they are being so rude and aggressive, and ask them to stay calm and be civil. This is a deliberate tactic on our part as it will often wind them up further and set them off with obscenities. We then have ammunition of our own to inform eBay of this buyer. Thereafter any messages we get from the buyer we simply ignore - not worth the time or stress.
We will NEVER immediately refund any rude or obnoxious buyer, but leave that for eBay to do in their own time if things go that way - which they inevitably will with a buyer like this who will never then tell you or admit that the item has actually turned up.
We do get people who are polite in opening a INR, and have done so not to try to scam us or be an a..hole, but simply because they were expecting it to arrive when EBAY said it would, and are concerned that it is lost or has not been sent out. Decent people tend to respond nicely and accept our explanation without issue. And in our experience the items always do turn up sooner or later.
The rude and obnoxious are blocked without hesitation... even eBayers that haven't actually bought anything, but have just sent an impolite, rude, illiterate or incoherent message of some sort for any reason. We don't want or need business from these people!
08-12-2024 11:17 PM
@knit-in-styles wrote:Some buyers are really not very nice at all. I sold an item late afternoon Thursday 28th Nov. Packed that same afternoon with a message to buyer thanking for purchase advising it would be dropped off at local sorting office first thing next morning 29th Nov.
Friday 6th Dec receive the following message:
Needless to say I sent a very polite reply firstly saying there was no need to be so rude and in fact it is down to Royal Mail and I sent a copy of my Royal Mail order form which confirms my posting date. I also gave them a full refund and explained that their item is likely to turn up in the next few days and if it does then keep it my with my compliments.
I really despair at some people and cannot understand how someone could be so rude as to send a message like that.
Yes they are now on my blocked buyers list.
Why on Earth would you reward such behaviour? That's insanity.
And worse still, it encourages them to repeat the behaviour with other sellers. Even if you don't have any self-respect, at least please respect other sellers.
08-12-2024 11:25 PM
I do have lots of self respect thank you. I wouldn't normally refund, its the first time I have ever immediately refunded. The item was less than £4. If buyers advise an item has not arrived I politely ask them if they would mind waiting a few more days and they always do. Then I will replace or refund.
Based on this person's aggressive message my fear was they were about to leave me negative feedback which would concern me far more than refunding them a few pounds.
09-12-2024 8:31 AM
@knit-in-styles wrote:
Based on this person's aggressive message my fear was they were about to leave me negative feedback which would concern me far more than refunding them a few pounds.
The problem with doing this is that these type of people will still likely leave you negative feedback anyway, just for the hell of it, so it's a win, win , win for them. These disrespectful types get pleasure from exerting such power.
This is why we call them out about being rude, effectively treating them like babies, make them wait and finally ignore them, as it takes some power away from them. You can also politely make them look stupid in a response to any negative feedback they leave.
You may also be able to get eBay to remove any unwarranted negative feedback.
09-12-2024 8:44 AM
Thankfully I've never received such a rude message, but do understand your shock when yours arrived.
With nearly 5K FB as a seller (with only 1 neutral) I wouldn't have been so worried about a single negative, to which you could add a factual explanation in reply.
I certainly wouldn't have been as polite or conciliatory in my reply to their message either. I've found that such people, in the real world, who try rudeness as a tactic will only get worse if you react with anything that they can interpret as "weakness". Basically the bluster is an attempt to bully you, especially if they know they don't really have anything to complain about.
I would have bluntly asked them what they're complaining about. Asked them why they bought from me if they didn't think my handling time was quick enough and asked them if they noticed it was clearly stated on the advert. I'd also tell them that if they intend to buy on-line they should learn about RMs delivery estimates before buying to ascertain whether the item would arrive quick enough for them and again ask why they bought if they had any doubts.
I'd also tell them that if it they believed ebays EDD and were disappointed when their item didn't arrive 'on time', tough, complain to ebay about their rubbish estimate -- not to me as I have no control over what ebay chooses to write on its site.
Would I worry if such a person would never buy from me again -- No.
In fact I'd have put them on my blocked list, as you did, to be sure that they never got the opportunity to do so again. You never know that attitude might even have a beneficial effect on them, confronting them with a few truths about reading all the relevant bits of an ad. and that bad manners won't always make up for their mistake in not doing so.
09-12-2024 8:46 AM
You won’t get any feedback removed as eBay will say “it’s the buyers opinion”. I have a negative on another account calling us scammers, and can’t get it removed.
09-12-2024 9:45 AM
As I am subscribed to this thread, whenever there is a flurry of activity my heart sinks. Best thing you can do over the Christmas period is to write a standard thankyou for your patience to all buyers.
EBay doesn’t care about bank holidays, variations in service, business cutoff times or even handling times. It’s based on your average past performance and is designed to push you to send tracked and send straight away.
Holding onto the anger doesn’t help unless there is a reasonable chance eBay will listen to reason. There has been no evidence of this for all the time this thread has been alive.
(I say this as someone who has been incredibly preoccupied with this issue in the past)
09-12-2024 11:00 AM - edited 09-12-2024 11:01 AM
@qualitycardsandgifts wrote:You won’t get any feedback removed as eBay will say “it’s the buyers opinion”. I have a negative on another account calling us scammers, and can’t get it removed.
I was thinking more of if the negative feed back was offensive... but, wow, Ebay actually allowed you to be called 'scammers' and would not remove that feedback!! Just shows you what an utter disgrace eBay really is and how they do not care one iota about us sellers.
I also agree with crybuyer that it does not help to hold onto your anger. Just stay calm and reply politely to both messages and responses to any negative feedback in a way that makes these obnoxious gits look like the nasty, foolish idiots that they are - it takes away their perceived power. Any potential buyer that looks at the negative feedback and your polite, factual response to it, will quickly ascertain that the issue is with the buyer, not you the seller, and disregard it.
It used to bother us, but we don't let it anymore. There are a lot of nasty people in the world and also lot of people just out to scam us if they can. We used to always give the benefit of the doubt with INRs, and respond quickly with refunds, but that proved costly when seemingly nice people writing polite INR messages turned out to be 'not so nice' after all.
You live and learn, eh.
09-12-2024 11:41 AM
Here's my current template for 2nd class
Hi xxx,
Thanks for getting in touch.
Your order was posted on Monday 2nd December Royal Mail 2nd class post which normally arrives in 2-3 working days so I should be with you very soon but there may be delays due to the volume of post after Cyber Monday.
I have tried your tracking on the Royal Mail website and at first got the following message: "Sorry, there was a problem, please try again". Pressing the button a few times, I got the standard message for second class post: "An update will only be provided when we attempt to deliver your item".
Second class post is only a tracked delivery service meaning that the tracking only gets updated on delivery. In the meantime, Royal Mail normally shows the following message (when the tracking is working): 'An update will only be provided when we attempt to deliver your item'
Unfortunately 2nd class is not a guaranteed delivery date service and is a bit hit and miss nowadays. We offer Tracked 48 for £1.50 on checkout which I strongly recommend for future purchases especially if delivery date is critical - Royal Mail send tracking updates and a date/time window for delivery. You can also log into the Royal Mail website and change delivery dates to a set date.
Best wishes,
Chillout Games
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