27-10-2024 4:30 PM
We sold an item yesterday that was for sale for £150 plus £5.49 postage. The customer has been charged £155 plus the £5.49 postage and wondered if anyone else had seen this before? They live in the UK so was not related to any international taxes. We've given them the £5 difference back but surely this shouldn't happen with the amount actually charged to the customer being different to the one on the listing.
27-10-2024 4:38 PM
Have you looked at the actual transaction? It should break it down for you there.
27-10-2024 5:03 PM
Yes, the transaction breakdown shows £155 charged, postage & transaction fee and when you look at the sold listing it shows £150 - not sure how eBay can charge more than the item was listed for.
27-10-2024 5:26 PM
Are you quite sure that you just haven't made a mistake with the listing itself?
ie. you put 155, when you meant to put 150?
If the customer is telling you this, then be wary of what they are telling you. 🙂
Otherwise, your only real option is to contact support.
27-10-2024 6:30 PM
No mistake, it's very clear the price charged the customer is different to the listing. No point raising it with customer service, i just wanted to make people aware of this and wanted to know if the same had happened to anyone else.
27-10-2024 6:45 PM
You mentioned "transaction fee" ?
27-10-2024 7:34 PM
Yes, charged to me, which is normal. The issue is the amount the customer paid was different to the actual listed price........
27-10-2024 7:37 PM
Ok, here is the item and the price it sold at and the other screen shot is from the order, showing the £5 refund we gave the buyer....clearly a higher price........ just don't know why it happened...
27-10-2024 8:04 PM
You need to go into the payments reports and look at the actual breakdown for it. The fee details etc.
Could it extra for first class postage maybe?
We used to have loads of those signs, if I had known they would be worth that much now, I would have kept some. Used to be part of a family run confectionary wholesaler.
27-10-2024 8:14 PM
No extra postage...the difference is definately £5....... we've bought and sold 6 of these signs over the last 18 months, they came from a salesman who worked for the company in the 60's and was old shop stock never used - sadly no more left to buy off them now so probably won't see anymore. But do have other Bassett's signs and playing cards 🙂
27-10-2024 9:52 PM
I notice that you have Best Offer on that listing. Did the buyer definitely purchase using Buy It Now as opposed to using Best Offer? If you had the listing set up to automatically accept offers over a certain amount and the buyer somehow entered £155 then it would be accepted, as daft as that may seem.
28-10-2024 8:26 AM
The customer had used up their best offers so it was purchased at the price listed. It was originally for sale a little higher so we amended the listing to the price we had agreed with the customer and they purchased at that price. You can see on the screen shot in one of my earlier messages that it was purchased at £150 - no line through it to show it was purchased at a different price.
28-10-2024 8:45 AM
I know you don't want to ask ebay customer service about this, but to be honest it's such an unusual situation that they are probably the only ones that can help.
If you get the answer please let us know what it was.
30-10-2024 6:35 PM
Did you reduce the price from £155 to £150? If so, how much time elapsed between the change to the listing and the purchase? It could be caused by a lag between your listing update and the database update.
30-10-2024 7:12 PM
No, it was for sale for £175 and it was purchased at the amended price of £150 - It was about 3 hours after we had reduced the price when they purchased it - just eBay decided to charge £155 for no apparent reason........
30-10-2024 7:18 PM
No logical explanation unless the buyer made an offer of £155 before the price drop - that is if you had offers enabled !
Only thing you can do is refund the £5 after talking to CS and seeing if they will make a courtesy refund to the buyer -
30-10-2024 7:47 PM
Not related to an offer and we refunded the buyer the £5 as it was over and above the amount we had agreed anyway, plus we threw in a Bassett's Allsorts Pack of Cards and placed them in the box when we shipped the item 🙂 My reason for posting this was to make people aware this has happend and if anyone else had come across the same issue before, but so far it seems not.
30-10-2024 7:52 PM
Nice one - never ever heard of this - struggling to make any sense of it - £5 as a percentage doesn't relate to anything in particular - but your response to the customer was fantastic - great customer service - hope they appreciated your efforts.
30-10-2024 7:52 PM
This is the third post I have seen this week saying the same thing had happened to them.
Maybe I should tag dave@ebay
In the meantime I'll try and find the other threads,
30-10-2024 9:02 PM
It's a very round figure to be some blip caused by some currency conversion (for no good reason) somewhere
Do you remember the amounts overpaid on the other items? Were they round numbers or £5?