Survivable Sales Drought Or Terminal Decline?

Even ebay admit these are 'exceptional times for sellers'. It's clear that sales for the majority are down by large and unprecedented percentages, whether measures M.O.M or Y.O.Y, the trajectory is vastly down.

I'd be interested in opinions, so, a simple question:

A. Have you convinced yourself that ,whatever the cause, this is an exceptional 'Sales Drought' and if it can be survived, ebay will again return the sales ranges it held for years and maybe ever better? Or,

B. Do you believe this is a 'planned or unplanned', Terminal Decline that will, for whatever basket of reasons, mean the end of ebay as a viable sales option?

Message 1 of 88
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Re: Survivable Sales Drought Or Terminal Decline?


Message 2 of 88
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Re: Survivable Sales Drought Or Terminal Decline?

Screenshot 2024-08-04 200311.png


This pretty much sums it up. Data available to all on Google Trends. You can put in other E-Commerce names too and see their results, hint: they are not this bad and majority are fairly flat.

Message 3 of 88
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Re: Survivable Sales Drought Or Terminal Decline?

Terminal indeed. Sales are down about 80% to a few years ago and at the minute I am running things down towards Christmas. 

Message 4 of 88
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Re: Survivable Sales Drought Or Terminal Decline?

Yes, a decline in the ebay search term worldwide and a similar graph is displayed over the last 12 months UK. Ebay themselves will be aware of this and more, so where is the biz plan/action to fight back and remedy it? There are plenty of reasons for the decline chucked about...where are ebay's plans to remedy them and actually grow and provide a viable sales platform again? Growth needs to be based on plans to increase sellers making sustained/growing sales, not on fooling some punters to pay more for pointless prominence, whether they sell or not. This used to be understood....time to learn it again.

Message 5 of 88
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Re: Survivable Sales Drought Or Terminal Decline?

@vintagewatchpart wrote:

Screenshot 2024-08-04 200311.png


This pretty much sums it up. Data available to all on Google Trends. You can put in other E-Commerce names too and see their results, hint: they are not this bad and majority are fairly flat.

Sorry. Not trying to be thick. I am interested in this thread. What does this graph mean exactly? Is it measuring every time someone types the word ebay into google? WHat if someone had ebay saved on their 'favs' so didnt have to google ebay. Not tryin to be a smart @rse. Genuinely interested in what it means...


Message 6 of 88
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Re: Survivable Sales Drought Or Terminal Decline?

Unfortunately B.

Over the last two years have reduced our Ebay listings by 75%.

Just ticking over for now & at present do not see it improving in the near future.

Message 7 of 88
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Re: Survivable Sales Drought Or Terminal Decline?

Google trends measures how much a topic is searched for or talked about over time.


Yes if everyone suddenly started bookmarking eBay and no longer searched for it it would result in a decline, but why would only those with an interest in eBay be doing it and not other e commerce sites.


You can use it to search for any topic at all as well as brand names such as knitting, how to cut down a tree or climate change.


This coupled with active user data is a clear indicator of decline that shows no signs of getting better.

Message 8 of 88
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Re: Survivable Sales Drought Or Terminal Decline?

@vintagewatchpart wrote:

Google trends measures how much a topic is searched for or talked about over time.


Yes if everyone suddenly started bookmarking eBay and no longer searched for it it would result in a decline, but why would only those with an interest in eBay be doing it and not other e commerce sites.


You can use it to search for any topic at all as well as brand names such as knitting, how to cut down a tree or climate change.


This coupled with active user data is a clear indicator of decline that shows no signs of getting better.

Thank you for the information. I absolutely wasn't being a smart @rse (although I was probably being a tad lazy not looking into it myself). I was just mulling it over.  As an analyst (old job) I knew to expect some of the bigger, longer-established firms (say in retail) to keep losing 'market share' over time. Of course some buck the trend. But on the whole each new entrant to a market wins 'big interest' initially, which then peters off,  but some people love it and swap for good. Take clothing... M&S was the in thing at one point, along comes the likes of H&M... made a massive furore in the market... then it settled down again. M&S has constantly fought back and refused to give up selling clothes despite using food to steady its ship.


Etsy is a another example nearer to home. Everyone thought it was a rival to ebay. Now it's just a small competitor.  Vinted is another... which is still putting up a big fight and is undoubtedly causing ebay a headache. But I know for a fact that ebay is pushing back hard. Barely a week goes by without eBay checking am I happy. What can they do to make me stay. 


My point is, I expect ebay to show a slide. Because it was in so early and got so big. Plus (for your chart) it is a household verb...  just 'ebay it'.  If any sites do get bookmarked - or simply never searched because everyone knows what they stand for - it will be Amazon and eBay. (And yeah, Temu is getting there)


So - I agree this is one hell of a year. I have a sales decline of 19% ytd y-o-y. And a profit decline of 12%. I did expect this. Every single year I fight back over the summer, pay huge PL fees, and keep my sales higher. Then come December my back is up against the VAT wall and I'm turning down sales at better margins. So this year, with other commitments in the spring/summer as well, I told myself I would keep PL low (in fact I have have them turned off 90% of the time - thanks @vintagewatchpart  for your thread on this),; the plan being to make sure my rolling sales were at @75k when I hit September.  So far I am 100% on track for part one of this strategy (which also involved tactical buying of different stock but this post is already too long for that). Whether part two of the strategy will go to plan - and I sell well Sept-Jan to make up the deficit in extrememly high margin stock - is still to be seen.


I suppose what I think is eBay will constantly be seeing its market share decline. It will constantly be re-positioning itself to attract buyers. I suspect it is trying to offer a high end pre-loved market vs Vinted (hence its interest in little old me). It knows people get fed up with rubbish Vinted buyer protection and will drift away unless they can fix that. So at the moment I see a cost of living drought, worsened (in my category) by the cheap prices on Vinted and the fact Vinted is still more of a Johnny come lately. But my money is on eBay pulling through.  (but then I've been called relentlessly upbeat... @padanpcparts )


Ebay will turn its attention to other categories when it sees there is money to be made there. I have thoughts on that too. But sorry, this post is too darn long. 


Just food for thought I hope x

Message 9 of 88
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Re: Survivable Sales Drought Or Terminal Decline?


Sometimes I need a post like this to pull myself out of the negativity I'm feeling over a poor July, ( although I'm the first to say there have been endless distractions over the summer,) and the lack of eBay policing the site themselves for all the rule breaking going on.

So to answer OP  I'll go with A, as I did question viability this weekend, but looked at my figures and set myself a few targets for Q4. It was just one bad month for me. Baby and bath water moment. 




Message 10 of 88
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Re: Survivable Sales Drought Or Terminal Decline?

There is hope and i have no explanation for my recent experiences on the site.


For ages and ages i was hardly selling anything and yes i did buy into the theory that my listings for whatever reason were not very visable on the site.


BUT saying the above.......for the past week or so my items do appear to be a lot more visable and nearly everything i list is selling.  I do not list a lot generally and did stop listing for a couple of weeks.   Its since i restarted listing after a break everything "is flying".

Message 11 of 88
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Re: Survivable Sales Drought Or Terminal Decline?

My money is on eBay continuing to do well, its not just 'pulling through' at the moment, looking at the share price.  The trajectory of eBay share price over the past 12 months is a mirror image of the chart shown on this thread - so they are doing the one thing right that they need to do right - keep investors happy.  


And I'm guessing that they are keeping that important 20% of their customers happy!  Though I wonder if its good luck or good management, I strongly suspect luck!


I am not convinced that they know what they are doing right, but good to see that they are at least talking to some of the little folk, makes me wonder if they are regretting playing the Vinted games. 


At least the increase in sales threshold means that you have a good bit of flexibility if you are looking to hold to £75k and your sales start galloping! 



Message 12 of 88
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Re: Survivable Sales Drought Or Terminal Decline?

Really...the share price was at 80.54 on the 22/10/21, today in pre-market its at 54.75........Ye they are doing great....not.

Message 13 of 88
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Re: Survivable Sales Drought Or Terminal Decline?

one immediate thing ebay should/could do is the boost offsite viewings promotion shouldn't be down to individuals to pay for - ebay should do that for all its sellers  as part of their service as it's in their interest for things to sell as they take a percentage 

I don't think that's rocket science - you expect good visibility for the listing fee when you list on ebay not to have to pay more to get it

If things don't sell people stop listing and no one benefits

When someone sells something on ebay they are then just as likely to buy something with the proceeds on ebay


Message 14 of 88
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Re: Survivable Sales Drought Or Terminal Decline?

It's not a bad thing! xx

Message 15 of 88
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Re: Survivable Sales Drought Or Terminal Decline?

@padanpcparts wrote:

It's not a bad thing! xx

I'm only teasing. You were forgiven long ago. I hope your sales pick up soon. 

Message 16 of 88
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Re: Survivable Sales Drought Or Terminal Decline?

But eBay won't see it that way and nor will the investors - 2021 was an age ago for a business that is looking quarter to quarter results.  


You might not feel that they are doing well, but you can be sure the management at eBay will be having different thought!


And the reality is that the answer to the subject of this post is - eBay simply isn't interested.

Message 17 of 88
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Re: Survivable Sales Drought Or Terminal Decline?

I had an absolutely dire January this year - on reflection due to external circumstances HMRC decided I needed a full Audit for the 21 tax year and DWP decided my eldest child is no longer disabled.  Both took a lot of headspace and time to sort.


As a result my eBay Jan was 56% down on Jan 2023.  I've done quite a bit of work on how I sell, what I sell, revising prices, upping marketing (a long way of finding my groove with this)  resulting in eBay July being 7% up on 2023.  Cross business July was 20% up. YTD is currently 11% up across all platforms.  All turnover as I haven't yet sorted my profit formula per sale per platform taking into account all promotions.


My forecasts are for eBay at year end overall to be 12% down in turnover but slightly up in profit. 


So my leaning in response to A is I think things move in one direction, things don't return to what was but we find new ways of making money from what is, tweaking stock, working within the current remit/ rules/ categories that are getting promoted.   eBay is a massive company with one hell of a lot of customers still buying.  Just need to ensure we're finding our way into the sales streams that have buyers!


I don't believe in all eggs one basket, I think having a few sources of supply and a few sources of revenue gives the best spread of risk.  The grass isn't necessarily greener elsewhere, its just different.



Message 18 of 88
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Re: Survivable Sales Drought Or Terminal Decline?

Ebay isn't the only part of our business however it's contribution has dropped considerably over the last two years, we used to sell 4 - 6k a month on here, that is now down to around 2 - 4k a month. Selling 4k a month here costs us around 20% in fees so circa £800 a month. Moving forward most of our fresh listings will be added to our own site only and advertising spend on that will be ramped up considerably as up to £800 a month will get a lot of traffic to our own site.


No doubt Ebay still works for some sellers however from my experience it has lost it's way and I don't see how things will improve in the short to medium term.

Message 19 of 88
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Re: Survivable Sales Drought Or Terminal Decline?

My money is on eBay continuing to do well, its not just 'pulling through' at the moment, looking at the share price.  The trajectory of eBay share price over the past 12 months is a mirror image of the chart shown on this thread - so they are doing the one thing right that they need to do right - keep investors happy.  


While ebay continues to buy back shares propping up the price investors will be happy. The company has spent billions of dollars doing so. I saw a chart and over the last five years something like $22b has been spent in this fashion. I don't know if this is usual for big business but that is an eye watering amount of money.


There have been tough periods before, but this one seems to be prolonged. While ebay concentrates on its selected areas of the business the rest of us are going to be left to make what we can of the situation.  I have never known the on/off feeling to be so pronounced.  June was my worst month in 20 years on the site, so it was a relief that July has been slightly better. I though August was going to start okay but the brick wall has been hit again. 

Message 20 of 88
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