Sudden lack of sales.

Business seller, 2100+ listings. I normally get a few sales per day. For a week, nothing. Called eBay, no restrictions on my account. Anyone else experiencing total drop off in sales or know of any faults or bugs that may cause this? Thanks, Tony

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Sudden lack of sales.

I've had none today. Probably a system glitch and they will all roll in at the same time

Message 2 of 4
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Sudden lack of sales.

Yeah looks like site is full of bugs today, went to end an old promotion and start a new one only to find the percent box would grey out every time i tried to add a number. Took me 4 refreshes to finally sort it

Message 3 of 4
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Sudden lack of sales.

Me too, no sales since Sunday. I sometimes have a day or two without sales but not 4 days! But if the traffic reports are correct im getting a lot of views. Dont know if there is a glitch but lots of glitches going with searches and also i tried changing promotion levels yesterday and gave up after a while as it was so glitchy.


Im also running a 15% off coupon which usually brings a few more sales. Its oh so quiet..... 

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