03-10-2024 4:36 PM
As with the new move by eBay to give private accounts free listings has anyone been able to report accounts that are clearly business, Im not meaning Jeff selling his collecting but the ones that are so painfully businesses that even a blind man galloping on a horse at Leopardstown would see.
Whenever I try and verify the user it just says this doesnt match so whilst we are being asked to report these accounts the system is actually broken at the front end so god knows what the backend looks like.
You'd have thought as they knew this was going to cause some anger from business accounts trading legally that the intelligent folks in management would have made sure everything was working before launching it.
03-10-2024 5:22 PM
I reported one yesterday that didnt work. stressing as I got his name right etc...
I had to click on contact seller button and in the URL it gave a completely different seller name to the one on display. I am assuming the shop name overwrites the actuall username.
03-10-2024 5:54 PM
The verify part does not work, even when I cut and paste the shop name so I know the info is correct.
Absolute shambles.
03-10-2024 5:58 PM
Have you seen the new header when submitting a listing report?
Maybe there will be a future improvement....
'This feature has now been replaced with a new reporting functionality and will be deprecated in the near future. Going forward, please use the new reporting functionality which can be accessed by clicking the question mark icon in the bottom right hand corner of the listing you are reporting, and clicking "Submit a Report" under "Report Content".
03-10-2024 6:09 PM
Thats the new system I'm using but to my utter shock it seems to have a bug already, its like they didnt test the system before they launched it, basic levels of management I'd have thought.
03-10-2024 6:11 PM
Oh, I've just seen it.
Sounds normal for Ebay!
03-10-2024 7:55 PM
@stormatic2015 wrote:I reported one yesterday that didnt work. stressing as I got his name right etc...
I had to click on contact seller button and in the URL it gave a completely different seller name to the one on display. I am assuming the shop name overwrites the actuall username.
I had exactly the same - took about four attempts and much swearing before I realised there were 2 names.
03-10-2024 8:39 PM - edited 03-10-2024 8:43 PM
I think I must be being stupid but my username and shop are the same right?
I've just tried to report myself and it says no match was found, I'm pretty sure I know mt username and Im a user 😂
03-10-2024 9:21 PM
It seems to work if you pick product or listing just not member or shop information, seems convinient.
04-10-2024 3:27 PM
Hi @pg_kicks
Ive taken the examples from this thread and reported them to Tech.
Ill let you know what they come back with.
04-10-2024 3:32 PM
To be honest Dave it isn't anywhere near good enough.
Ebay is a multi, multi billion pound company, these things should just work.
04-10-2024 4:58 PM
Thanks for that, I just dont understand how any manager has allowed such an update to go live when they havent tested it before and after the launch it just seems like basic common sense to make sure a new system which lets be honest is placing a broken system is not broken itself.
04-10-2024 7:44 PM
I've just reported a listing using the 'Report his seller' on the listing, reason 'Avoiding eBay fees'. Umpteen variations, ten options for each, brand new.
Let's see what happens.
07-10-2024 5:53 PM - edited 07-10-2024 5:57 PM
There doesn't seem to be any urgency at all to sort this out.
Surely this is very important, isn't it? I really am baffled by this.
Do Ebay genuinely think legitimate business sellers are just going to accept this absolute shambles they have created?
07-10-2024 6:48 PM
Hi Dave I know you are just chasing people but do eBay really care that little that they cant be bothered to fix it still? I say fixed but really as time goes by it seems like they want it broken but they messed up and left the message alerting us that it is broken still there. This should be fixed in 24 hours from being notified yet its still broken.
Also the account I have reported multiple times which has we are a small family ran business in the about us that you passed over to the security team are still selling on a private account? I know you can not go into specifics about certain accounts but I'd love an explantion of why eBay think its acceptable to allow this accounts to still trade when they are not only breaking the law but numerous eBay policies? All words and zero action spring to mind.
07-10-2024 6:59 PM - edited 07-10-2024 7:00 PM
It really is ridiculous, does Ebay actually want us all to move over to private accounts ? If things continue along this path that will be the only viable option.
We cannot compete with businesses paying zero fees, it's not sustainable for days let alone weeks or months.
07-10-2024 8:00 PM
Maybe now Ebay will be losing money from Private Sellers they will take more notice, I am sure if it was 1 persons fulltime job it would pay their years salary in a day!
07-10-2024 8:34 PM
Just in the sneakers category they'd make over £500k a year as I know how much I pay and theres hundreds of accounts selling a lot more than me in total. Even if these accounts didnt sell eBay would still get fee's as buyers would buy from the correctly registered accounts who would buy more stock and list more.
07-10-2024 8:39 PM - edited 07-10-2024 8:40 PM
Just say Ebay employed 50 people working full time on this at 35k a time, that would cost 1.75 million a year....
1000 sellers who should be paying £1k a month is 12 million a year.
08-10-2024 1:01 PM
Yes and when you factor in the revenue they will continue to make when business sellers do not leave the platform because of action finally being taken it is even greater!
E.g. I paid Ebay nearly £50k last year, if I leave that revenue is gone and almost certainly won't be replaced.
My motivation to remain on Ebay has never been lower to be honest.