10-09-2024 10:15 AM
Hi all,
I know there was another thread on this topic closed recently, but as a business seller doing things properly, I am increasingly being undercut by private sellers who are clearly businesses but have not registered as such. One seller I have seen in the same category we mostly operate in has had over 7,000 sales and has sold over 300 items in the last 12 months, and has over 400 items listed. This clearly is not someone who is operating as a business but is registered as a private seller. There are of course endless similar examples of this.
eBay could easily police this but clearly opts not to, but should we as business sellers be able to report private accounts that are acting as businesses. Or are we all just hoping HMRC take action on these sellers (HMRC being efficient and fast moving seems unlikely).
What action should eBay be taking to protect and encourage business sellers, who seem to be at a massive disadvantage...
01-11-2024 1:13 PM
Then why not report VAT fraud, directly to HMRC?
Whilst I understand that Ebay should take action on this kind of thing, it is far more likely that HMRC will do.
Though they may get further, if they stop relying on these bots, that simply are unable to identify issues. Though support really isn't that much better.
01-11-2024 1:17 PM
That was my thought.
01-11-2024 2:13 PM
Furthermore the reports to VAT & HMRC are totally annonymous!
Simply google for the link.
01-11-2024 3:31 PM
@southeast-trailers wrote:I purchased 5 items last week for my business, all from UK based addreess's but Chinese details at the bottom, the companies flatly refused to issaue a VAT reciept even though there was a UK vat number displayed
Did you purchase using this account or a different one?
01-11-2024 4:10 PM
Just spoken to one of the senior concierge agents and he said there is an imminent announcement about business sellers operating on private accounts. Maybe next week. He was not at liberty to disclose more, however, I was away 1-2 months ago about the buyer fees on private seller listings a few weeks ago in a similar vein so I am hopeful
01-11-2024 4:49 PM - edited 01-11-2024 4:49 PM
They have to do something to close off the GPSR non-compliance of "Private" accounts and appease the EU by Dec 13th.
Just a guess, but I reckon the announcement could be something along the lines of "private accounts can only have sales totalling £1000 in any rolling 12 month period before having to upgrade to a business account (or similar fee-paying business lite? account)" and maybe also "members will be limited to a maximum of two private accounts?".
If they did that, whilst it would unfairly hit a few genuine private sellers, it would automatically police those trying to cheat the system, stop those who open new accounts to get round blocks or poor feedback and improve eBay's control on GPSR compliance.
It would also help small business sellers and bring in more fees from the prolific "private" sellers which eBay needs to survive.
The down side of course is many private sellers (who also buy) may just leave?
Oh well, let's see what (if anything) materialises and hope it works well for the majority of account holders.
01-11-2024 4:56 PM
I honestly can't see how private sellers having more than one account would be an issue?
Why on earth does anyone need more than one account to sell off their own personal goods?
It's not like it needs to even look coherent, it can literally be anything and everything.
I do like the idea of limiting sales on private accounts, to then start charging at a level. Though £1000, may seem like a lot, it's not really. I think it needs to be higher than that, or we lose private sellers.
But aside from the above, one of the biggest things that they should be doing, is limiting private sellers from selling brand new goods. No matter what way you look at it, if you have previously purchased something retail, it is no longer "New".
01-11-2024 5:06 PM
and multiples!
01-11-2024 5:08 PM
Yes IMHO 'private' sellers should not be selling multiple new items.
ebay should ban this immediately
01-11-2024 5:13 PM
I had meant multiples by default. 🙂
01-11-2024 5:32 PM
Also stopping listings rolling over would be good. 300 is about the size of a basic business shop.
01-11-2024 5:48 PM
@therenewalworkshopltd wrote:I honestly can't see how private sellers having more than one account would be an issue?
Because any limits set by eBay will likely be by account as opposed to per person.
Multiple accounts could allow people to get around that limit.
EBay allowing multiple accounts also gets bad buyers neatly around any non-paying account strikes. This has been a problem for years so perhaps needs reviewing?
Why on earth does anyone need more than one account to sell off their own personal goods?
They don't but eBay currently allow it.
01-11-2024 5:48 PM
@bojangled wrote:and multiples!
Or shops!!
01-11-2024 5:55 PM
@lupo-store wrote:Yes IMHO 'private' sellers should not be selling multiple new items.
ebay should ban this immediately
Yes, it's the biggest giveaway that they are trading on the account.
01-11-2024 6:34 PM
I possibly didn't write that in the best way, but I actually meant the opposite.
Why would a private seller need more than one account, I can see no reason for it.
"whilst it would unfairly hit a few genuine private sellers,"
That was the comment I was replying to.
I am well aware that you can have as many accounts as you want, but I have never understood why that should be the case. But I don't see how that could unfairly hit genuine private sellers.
01-11-2024 6:51 PM
Sorry, yes when I replied I re-read your response then wondered if that's what you meant :0)
.....and I meant the selling limit of say £1000 would hit a few genuine private sellers, not the number of accounts...
i.e. if someone is clearing out their home, selling off kids toys or clearing the house of a relative could easily go through a £1000, I've done it myself, but that would generally be a non-repeating one time selling spike.
The illegal traders sell their items, then more come, then more and more etc. so it doesn't spike.
02-11-2024 6:17 PM
And this is what we are up against. People on Facebook openly buying and selling private accounts and credit card details to verify those accounts and are selling on those accounts as businesses.
I feel for eBay as these are hard to ID but just stop private accounts selling multiple new items and having shops.
03-11-2024 12:42 PM
13-11-2024 11:12 PM
Any news on this imminent announcement ? Have you spoken to this person since ?
Thank you
14-11-2024 9:37 AM
No new news on this unfortunately. I have not spoken to them since, although, I have spoken to other agents who have also alluded to this