24-02-2022 2:34 PM - edited 24-02-2022 2:39 PM
So I managed to find some info on yesterday's eBay 2021 Q4 Results.
It came as no suprise to me - after seeing my own declining site sales last year - that again for the third consecutive quarter that the "Number of Active Ebay Buyers" has fallen down to 147million, an overal yearly decline of nearly 10% .
2021 Q2 = 156million
2021 Q3 = 152million
2021 Q4 = 147million
2021 Q1 = 163million.......................2021 Q4 = 147million (-9.8%)
While I am no fan of eBay and the manner it treats it's sellers - I would not like to see the site fail.
Why do buyers appear to be deserting eBay?
We need the answer fast and eBay need to find a solution even faster to help save our businesses.
Is the current "eBay search" (The Sales Prevention Tool) to blame?...........................or is it something else?
Answers on a postcard please!
21-04-2024 7:58 PM
I think it's sad to see sellers who have been on eBay years to leave eBay. EBay should really be working hard to keep trusted sellers on this platform.
but it seems we are all expendable
I wish you luck with the future endeavours
03-05-2024 11:57 AM
For me the poor quality of multiple listings is a major disincentive to plough through the search results looking for the thing I want. When multiple listings gained the ability to have multiple prices, it was easy to predict that sellers would add "a paperclip" or "the empty box" to the listing, at 99p, so their listing would appear at the top of the results.
Maybe it is intentional, to discourage people from sorting results by ascending price and get them to pay higher prices, making more commission for ebay? That sort of behaviour is exactly why I don't use amazon unless I can't find something first on ebay.
I'm not sure what can be done about it now. Maybe put a price band width restriction on existing listings, and prevent new listings from being created with more than one price? One listing should still handle colour variations, but "250ml bottle, 1l bottle, 5l poly" should be separate listings with separate prices.
04-05-2024 12:28 PM
That would not be fair if all had to have one price.
I have many MVLs some with a mix of old and new stock so have slightly different prices, others are variations of a theme. I have never manipulated the price. No longer willing to give shed loads of money to ebay for little return which is why I'm mainly listing MVLs.
I don't buy on ebay that stopped when money was no longer going into paypal and I do wonder how many others stopped buying at that time.
04-05-2024 12:52 PM
It's always been a dream of mine to be able to reduce my working hours or even to stop work and make this my sole income but sales on here are so erratic it's just not possible for me. I'll have one or two good months followed by months of bad sales and in these periods of quiet if I didn't have a steady income I wouldn't be able to pay the bills. What I sell is not really seasonal although summer months are traditionally lower than the winter months. So it has to remain a top up income for me. I'd love to return to the lockdown period ( only as far as sales go ) because that was a bumper sales time for me
04-05-2024 1:32 PM
Recent bugs on eBay and high postage caused me to look further afield for collectibles, with success.
Just an example from your [very nice] listings -
A used tea saucer for £3.95 but with Global charges to Eire of £21.75 [6 times the item cost].
04-05-2024 4:34 PM
Thank you for your comments. Global shipping rates are high and I'm considering not selling internationally
unfortuantely I had my fingers burned by using Royal Mail international. Global shipping whilst pricey does provide a degree of protection for the seller
07-05-2024 10:33 AM
They have just stopped me buying parts for my car and want me to pay by another method .. no I want to use a visa card so I can keep control of the out goings .. seems I have to go elsewhere .. such a short sited shame for everyone .. N
11-05-2024 3:12 PM
I agree that Royal Mail are charging too much for postage and eBay are charging too much for fees now.
I was trying to sell a repeatable item at £5.85 to maintain a constant revenue stream, which after 15 sales I cancelled the listing as I discovered:
eBay sales fees are actually about £1.25 on this particularly item due to little add on fees they have (I used their free promotion credit offer and never made a single sale by the way).
Due to the item's size it is 0.5cm too deep to class as a large letter by royal mail so now is charged at £3.65 to me as a small parcel. After including the cost price of the item it still makes a loss of over a pound so I just stopped.
Think on big business for soon, you shall have no small businesses
13-05-2024 12:57 PM
Yes I agree I have now decided to call it a day on here as hardly getting any sales just lots of watchers and the odd sale now and again so now I am doing part time on ebay now and will put on time away more often now so part time for me now and I will go and do sum thing else away from ebay like carboot sales etc.
20-05-2024 4:15 AM
I used ebay a great deal many years ago. Seemed sellers were honest, shipped out their products quickly and accurately described their merchandise.
About a year ago I saw a pair of slippers I wanted. I bought them. When tracking USPS showed non delivery due to insufficient address. I contacted the seller who said it was my fault, but if I paid for postage AGAIN he would send them. I rechecked my account and my complete correct address was there. I told him and asked for a photo of the returned package. The dicdwad would not send the photo, did not refund my money and he kept the shoes.
EBAY did nothing.
I recently ordered seven different items and SIX of them were late! O ne item was six days late and 3 days before the item was going to be delivered I contacted the seller and said I HAD to leave the RV park, would never be able to receive the item snd to retrieve it. The jackass asked me to stay at the park (USPS showed it would be 7 days late. The manager of the park returned the unopened item the day after she received it (20 days ago today) and the seller won't refund my money.
I can tell you why I won't deal with ebay, I am sick of dealing with irresponsible thieves
20-05-2024 8:26 AM - edited 20-05-2024 8:28 AM
@papers-mate-420 wrote:Yes I agree I have now decided to call it a day on here as hardly getting any sales just lots of watchers and the odd sale now and again so now I am doing part time on ebay now and will put on time away more often now so part time for me now and I will go and do sum thing else away from ebay like carboot sales etc.
I recon them watchers are eBay employees !... they sometimes watch my items within a minute of me submitting the listing with 0 views !... Zero views and 3 watchers within 5 minutes sounds an alarm that this is not normal !
I think they do this to give people FALSE hope that something is happening and people are interested in their items when in reality their listing has been GHOSTED !
20-05-2024 9:22 AM
Anyone can watch an item without viewing it, I do it, most people do now. With your locks you can see the item title, images and price on the results page so perhaps I wouldn't need to view it before watching it.
You need to look at the traffic page on the performance tab of seller hub to look at impressions and conversion and not page views.
Why would Ebay pay its employees to watch the items of a small private seller to give them false hope?
20-05-2024 10:00 AM
As you know I also list elsewhere and the same happens to new listings on there as well. The minute it goes live it will have one view for sure, sometimes two. I don't get Watchers on there, only on ebay.
So I think you're mistaken about ebay employees, my guess would be it's bots. checking listings for 'restricted' items or factors within the listing that are against the law or site policies. (ebay employees have better things to do, like thinking about new ways to annoy sellers🙂)
The Watchers on ebay are annoying but par for the course these days. Why worry about them? In a way they show that your items are good but in all probability they don't even know that they're your listings. They're mostly re-sellers looking for 'bargains' and all they've done is Saved Searches for items of interest, filtered by Newly Listed.
They can probably set-up Notifications / Alerts from ebay whenever a new item is listed so they can hope to see new items first and if the seller is very green and foolish enough to take ebays pricing advice, bag a bargain. (Ebay seems to think that virtually everything I list should be priced at 99p.)
If there's nothing to grab strait away, then they skim down the new listings, looking at the main photos and adding anything interesting to their Watch List, hoping for a an offer low enough to make their margin worth the effort of pressing the buy button. Until they see that, they probably have no idea who the seller is, or even the details of what the item is.
Last week I listed a Uranium Flower Frog, very likely made by Bagley in the 30s as an auction, views, a few Watchers - no bids. Yesterday I re-listed it with the start price as its BIN price. Just checked, 16 views and 2 Watchers in about 24 hours.
But I guarantee that it won't sell to either of them, or any of the others that will join the queue over the next few days. It won't sell at all until someone looking for a frog for their vase is shown it (if ebays allows that to happen). They will know what diameter they're looking for, or take the trouble to go measure their vase. The Waiters won't be bothered and have no vase to measure.
These re-sellers have always been on ebay hunting for bargains to re-sell. Not so long ago there were enough buyers to give them some competition. With so few buyers, they stick out like a sore thumb and what they're up to is obvious, but they're not worth getting frustrated or annoyed about, they're just part of the scenery on ebay these days.
I suggest that to avoid raising your blood pressure unnecessarily, do what I do. Launch your listing, check it thoroughly to make sure 'offers' or 'ISP' boxes haven't been re-ticked, go away and forget about it until you get the 'Sold' or 'Time to Relist' message. 🙂
20-05-2024 10:10 AM
Hi Elench - Point taken.
I will NEVER let any of my listings reach the auto relist stage, I'm NOT paying eBay anymore than I have to.
They charge you if they have to auto relist - with almost 60 listings I have...this could be very costly...
20-05-2024 10:18 AM
@vintagewatchpart wrote:Anyone can watch an item without viewing it, I do it, most people do now. With your locks you can see the item title, images and price on the results page so perhaps I wouldn't need to view it before watching it.
You need to look at the traffic page on the performance tab of seller hub to look at impressions and conversion and not page views.
Why would Ebay pay its employees to watch the items of a small private seller to give them false hope?
OK, So please explain HOW does my listing get 3 watchers within 1 minute after it is listed when eBay states that "all listings go through an indexing stage and could take up to 24 hours to appear." ???
20-05-2024 3:55 PM
Most listings appear instantly, it says could not will. Mine are instant.
Quick watchers on newly listed items are usually people with search alerts set up or browse newly listed items by category regularly, it's what I do, then I batch watch to view in more detail if I want to later.
I've tried and tried to keep saying to you to stop focussing on watchers and views and look at your impressions and conversions.
Most of what a potential buyer needs to know can be ascertained by looking at your item in the search results page without having to view it
06-08-2024 5:40 PM
When trying to resolve a problem with Ebay U.K. and you wind up talking to someone heavily accented script reader in the Phillpines tells you all you need to know why Ebay is a spent force.
12-11-2024 3:37 PM
Those same roadshows where they ask your name and then sanction your account for complaining in front of everyone , those ones you mean
21-11-2024 3:09 PM
As a Buyer I'm considering stopping using ebay. The quality of sellers has gone south, plus problems with missing deliveries, and unresponsive and uninterested customer service who actually ignore UK consumer law IMO. I've had enough. I have got a delivery missing worth £20, and this is the second gone missing this year. I can't afford to throw away money. I might as well give it to Bezos, more than the scammers than run and sell on ebay. Sorry.
21-11-2024 3:32 PM
@mawill_651790 wrote:As a Buyer I'm considering stopping using ebay. The quality of sellers has gone south, plus problems with missing deliveries, and unresponsive and uninterested customer service who actually ignore UK consumer law IMO. I've had enough. I have got a delivery missing worth £20, and this is the second gone missing this year. I can't afford to throw away money. I might as well give it to Bezos, more than the scammers than run and sell on ebay. Sorry.
Well, that's your prerogative if you wish to stop buying from eBay... but it is unfair to tar everyone who sells on eBay with the same brush as there are some genuine/good people who sell on eBay too.
Deliveries can go missing or get delayed/lost in the post, sometimes this may be out of an eBay seller's hands... but as long as the item is under £500 eBay money back guarantee does protect you, so you will get your money back if the item fails to arrive within a reasonable time if you open an item not received case with eBay.
Sometimes you can order an item from Boots or Amazon and the item can not arrive if it gets delayed or lost during transit... ie the Royal Mail lorry carrying a load of parcels for your area might have been involved in a major accident on the M6 and all the parcels have been damaged or destroyed... it can happen... so just take a moment to consider this as there is lots of great and hard to find stuff on eBay which you would struggle to find anywhere else so it would be a shame to miss out just because of one or two transactions that didn't go well for whatever reason...
Have a great day 🙂