15-10-2021 5:05 PM
I gave negative feedback to a seller for what he/she claimed i have not checked the parts comparrison chart !! I had done a comparrison check and the photo on the listing was what i wanted . I recieved a item that was poor quality and was not the item i ordered . They said i was in the wrong and would have to pay postage . lol.... My issue is how has my feedback dissapeared and if they have managed to get Ebay to remove it and have done this for other neg feedback how does that give a true representation of a company selling **bleep** !! how does that protect buyers or should i say how does it help a buyer to make up their mind whether to buy from them . If ebay has removed it then they should be giving the buyer the oppertunity to have it reinstated for good reason otherwise ebay are covering up bad sales practices.
08-12-2022 10:11 PM
I did say in one of my original posts that I wasn't sure if eBay was removing negatives or of the sellers had found a way to do it to do it themselves. Obviously, in your case, eBay removed it. I wonder if this is just random but it can't be as some sellers have negative after negative removed.
16-12-2022 12:56 PM
This does seem to be a very regular ABUSE by eBay usually for 'pet' members, i.e. members with high volume sales and who only have a 100% feedback score due to this corruption of the system by eBay, who as you say, delete any negative/neutral feedback at the whimsical requests of these pampered but equally corrupt dishonest sellers.
16-12-2022 1:02 PM
Exactly ...of course a quite few years ago Ebay had their own staffed Customer Services department to deal with these sorts of complaints, but realised that by creating a Community Service board which allowed members to moan and complain and winge amongst themselves and Ebay not having to respond to any of it, made for an easier life and made corrupting the system even easier. What can be doen about it ............NOTHING !
16-12-2022 1:09 PM
No, it's definitely eBay that is doing it, how do I know that? Because the feedback's are not just disappearing from the sellers accounts, the negative/neutral ratings along with the comments left are disappearing from our own feedback history lists, only eBay could do that, corruption & dishonesty at its best or worst.
16-12-2022 1:22 PM
Its what happens when you allow a company to have a monoploy of the market. I class Ebay as the Wallmart of the internet. Go in with a good and reasonably priced efficient system, strip out any competition and once you have control of the market, increase your prices, introduce your own payment controls, and fix the feedback...simple !!!
I try not to let it get to me that much, pointless getting stressed over something you cant have any influence on, but I do resent their control of the market in the UK whilst ignoring UK law & standards. I was recently stopped from selling a brass cookign pot on Ebay Uk, to UK sellers (not overseas) because I showed the company mark which stated 'Made in Tehran' and this was not allowed due to US sanctions against Tehran. So Im not allowed to sell a brass cooking pot to in my own country to someone also in the UK, but if I want to get round the system I can list a military sword on Ebay US and sell to a buyer in the UK ...even though edged weapons are banned for sale on EBay UK.
The $$$$$ wins every time ...
My last on this matter, Ive better things to do such as tracking down some Cuban cigars !!!
16-12-2022 1:28 PM
Yeah, but that's the whole point, if the corrupt fatcats/warriors within eBay keep having negative feedback comments removed that were left for sellers "with previously good reputations", then their reputations can never be anything but good, which means the system is just a pile of dishonest corrupt *bleep*.
A buyer cannot possibly make a well informed decision based on feedback that is false because the honest negative & neutral feedback has been removed.
C.O.R.R.U.P..T.I.O.N. is what it's called, nothing else, you can coat dog poo in chocolate but it doesn't make it a sweet.
16-12-2022 3:18 PM
16-12-2022 6:52 PM - edited 16-12-2022 6:53 PM
@crazycatlady24_7 wrote:
I only left negative feedback because the item was never sent, I asked for
a refund if the seller had second thoughts on the price. Just so it's clear
it had nothing to do with my orla purchase. It was a mans tie
Exact same thing happened to me today, The well deseved Neg feedback I left for a seller who took my money and didn't sent the item was removed instantly within hours of me leaving it... It seems eBay are keen to manipulate TRUTHFUL AND HONEST FEEDBACK and PROMOTE BAD SELLING PRACTICES !
That's not good !
20-12-2022 1:30 AM - edited 20-12-2022 1:31 AM
Same here. This guy kept posting an item I wanted and every time he would cancel just before listing ended and would relist. I reported him but ebay took no action. The 3rd time auction ended and I won. I paid and 5 minutes later seller cancelled without my approval and without refunding me. I had to wait 1 week to get my money back after opening a case. I left negative review and now is gone. Dishonest practices from ebay just to promote higher sellers so they can benefit from their selling fees.
20-12-2022 6:15 AM
29-12-2022 4:34 PM
I left neutral feedback for a seller who took weeks to post an item and did not reply to messages . She has had the feedback removed, I only left it a week ago it was a warning to other buyers. I am so angry over this. There does not appear to be any email address to contact ebay, they have made everything deliberately difficult now to avoid any scrutiny. I am awaiting two items and once I receive them I shall be closing my ebay account for good I have been on Ebay since 2003 its just awful what they are doing. There are other sites now to buy and sell from, and Ebay need competition I have had it with them.
30-12-2022 9:19 PM
I personally have had feedback removed without me even asking for it to be. So maybe your comment is silly.
Normally 100 percent perfect feedback and recently I didn't post some items and could not access my account to message the buyers. Each opened a case against me, to which eBay resolved it for me as still could not access account. I was abused by buyers via messages accusing me of having feedback deleted. I have no idea why they removed it.
30-12-2022 10:21 PM
30-12-2022 10:38 PM
If you read back on this never ending saga you will see it has been firmy established that Ebay delete negative feedback. Im some cases because the comments in the feedback break ebay rules (read the small print) & therefor the deletion is legitimate, but also in cases where the reputation of usually high volume (and therefor high fee paying) clients, will be damaged because of the number of high negatives they receive which whilst not legitimate, is within their power to choose to do so and there is NOTHING you can do about it.
30-12-2022 10:55 PM
So, as confirmed by many on here, that makes the eBay feedback policy completely pointless
30-12-2022 10:59 PM
The system is flawed anyway. I receive less than 45% feedback on all my sales, 55% cant be bothered. So any rating I receive does give a true reflection. The flawed system is then further demeaned by Ebays own actions of protecting high volume sellers. So why have it ? ...because its used as a carrot and stick to encourage honest ebay sellers to bend to Ebays in order to keep thier 100% feedback.
30-12-2022 11:03 PM
I agree
02-01-2023 4:39 PM
It has just happened to me also, one negative and one neutral!
Completely gone from my feedback left for others and the sellers are back to 100% positive.
We must remember the corrupt company we are dealing with here, the same company that promotes feedback for real world accuracy about its buyers and sellers but doesn’t let sellers leave negative feedback about corrupt buyers!
This is eBay, are you really surprised? Fall in line with their corruption or leave, your choice..
02-01-2023 4:43 PM
Quite true !
Anyone know any reporters from the Sun or Mirror who fancy a juicy story LOL
03-01-2023 3:10 PM
The flesh on the bones
As a fellow 20 year veteran I feel it too.
Feedback is a flawed system on any platform but eBay's is the most egregious (of late) in our experience.
Like others, we've had a handful of purchases go sour this past year, most of which we washed as they were refunded in due course.
A couple though have stuck in our craw, with one even having the audacity to report us as abusive while at the same time making a patently false statement . Feedback is removed automatically in such cases, and without question or recourse, even when the seller is in clear & serious breach of fairness and honesty. It's made all the more galling when eBay won't share the details of what's written in their 'little black book'.