Negative Feedback

I've recived negative feedback from buyer who found very similar item on Temu and wanted refund since items ars cheaper there.

On the listing I offer persanalisation option (  you can pick whatever length you want) -so item is handmade and that's why price is higher, plus the cost of delivery are expencive.

Is any chance this feedback could be removed? They very openly advertise to buy on Temu instead of eBay, also they lied that I refused to refund, I refused  refund without return.I offered full refund for return the original items. Is it requesting refund without return against eBay Policy?

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Negative Feedback

The simple answer is who knows. Yes it seems to be unfair feedback but only eBay can decide.


Go there and select the offending feedback. Type up in full a reason why it should be removed, max details. Then someone will review it.  

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