Is it odd?

I received a message from ebay saying I have to upgrade to a business account. But I don't have any messages about my nin number. If I past the market for a business account then wouldn't I pass the market for taxes to?


I don't have business account on ebsy but I do submit taxes. 



Message 1 of 55
See Most Recent

Re: Is it odd?

You obviously misread both my post and the OP's, I hope all is clear now.


I was confused because you seemed to be both agreeing and disagreeing with me in the same post.


'Ebsy' is usually a typo for Ebay, not Etsy.

Message 21 of 55
See Most Recent

Re: Is it odd?

Reporting of sales activity by ebay  to HMRC  does not necessarily make you a 'trader' business, self employed or any other descriptive.   


It means that your activity has reached the threshold for reporting.


HMRC may  at the worst ask you to fill in a tax return - if in the tax return you correctly declare your additional income and that income is non taxable then that will be the end of it - if it arouses suspicion they will question the declaration - if you declare it as taxable income then the appropriate level of tax will be applied.


Filling in a tax return does not make you a business - the declarations in the tax return may class you as a business for tax purposes or it may not depending on what you declare.


I really do not know why anyone is worried unless thay have been deliberately evading paying tax by not declaring their income.


If someone is claiming to be already paying tax on their ebay income then they must already be filing a tax return to do so - so as long as that declaration ties up to the information supplied to HMRC there will be asolutely no reason for HMRC to take any interest in their tax affairs whatsoever.


With regards to the ebay account type, it looks like ebay have aligned themselves with the thresholds for reporting to HMRC - this may have been an agreement with HMRC to do so or it may just be the way ebay want to administer their accounts  but in any event has no relevance to your tax affairs.


What members need to realise is that ebay's definition of 'business'  in terms of ebay accounts has no real bearing on an individuals tax status whatsoever.


Whether an individual agrees with them having to comply with ebay's decision or not to force them to use the type of ebay account  ebay insist upon is something they need to take up with ebay.


Message 22 of 55
See Most Recent

Re: Is it odd?

I don't understand about january 2024. I do taxes from April. And I thought they were sending everything this year. I'm very confused about dates. When things are being sent. What is sent. I don't understand. Please explain.


My question are...


I do taxes for April dates, so if they send jan does that make sense?


Are they sending from Jan last year or Jan this year?


Are they only sending new sellers this year? 


If they are sending older sellers next year, but they send two years, I don't even understand what that means for dates. So if older is next year 2026. Then I would be April 23 -april 25? 


I don't do well with not understanding things. Please help me understand.

Message 23 of 55
See Most Recent

Re: Is it odd?

You really need to speak to an accountant and not rely on what you are being told on a forum.


Go read the announcement about HRMC on Ebay.  It literally tells you exactly what they are doing, it is just a reporting thing.  If you are paying your taxes correctly, then you have NOTHING to worry about.


Tax years usually run from April, but this reporting starts in January.


I really don't understand why you are stressing so much over this, when it's actually very simple?

Call HMRC if you really don't understand.  They will be able to give you the correct information.


Message 24 of 55
See Most Recent

Re: Is it odd?


People are different and they see things differently. Ebay didn't tell people a lot before two days ago. I went to the forum and I saw some knew and others learnt as they go. I guess you probably knew for a long time and know what to expect and if you had questions asked them months ago and found calm with answers you got. And you might be a confidant and calm type of person. I am not and I am trying to understand many questions that because I and lots of other people didn't have several months to ask questions about how it works or whats happening that is bound to cause anxiety and fear for a lot of people. Do hat with any goverment change and many people are scrambling and asking questions and confused. 


So I just learned about the business acct and when I was looking it up on the forum I saw about the taxes part. Then I asked a few questions and some answers I donm't understand which is hard. Im not blaming anyone for those answers but it can be upsetting when you are trying to understand. ebay should have given sellers...all sellers clear communication. Group one is this and we will send this information in this format. Group two is this and etc. 


I don't even understand when someone says january 2024 because I do taxes from april. How do they match up?  It is very confusing because people have not been told very much. Even if they did something wrong they still should be told what to expect. I didnt do something wrong but I dont know how to compare myself to other sellers. I have multiple accts. I sell bulky items so I pay high postage comapred to others. And even if I do things right I have had a very bad year with health issues and loss so I am really needing calm. Finding out something that has given very little information to people who should be given that information because it effects them would put a lot of people into a state of confusion and fear. 


I am sorry I am not trying to yell at you but I know I am a particular cup of tea not like others but I dont also think im alone in my confusion and feeling very under informed by ebay. I know it is a hmrc thing but hmrc cant write to private sellers on ebay. Ebay can write to private sellers though to give them information so they aren't confused. And I am not confused because I am a private or business seller on ebay anymore. I read that informations but I do not have any information about taxes. That hasn't been told to many people very clearly.

Message 25 of 55
See Most Recent

Re: Is it odd?

It was a typo meant past the mark meaning if I'm past the threshold.

Message 26 of 55
See Most Recent

Re: Is it odd?

As I said in another message ebay has not given a lot of information about this change and not a lot of time. I'm surprised that anyone is surprised people are asking questions. My question are...


I do taxes for April dates, so if they send jan does that make sense? How do they reconcile these dates? 


Are they sending from Jan last year or Jan this year? I keep hearing different things. And new ones go in and if I stopped being confused I got confused again.


Are they only sending new sellers this year? 


If they are sending older sellers next year, but they send two years, I don't even understand what that means for dates. So if older is next year 2026. Then I would be April 23 -april 25? 


Please just help me understand my questions. I know I can ask HMRC but I don't even know sometimes what I am asking them so I'm asking more experienced sellers and those folks who seem to know for a long time what is they're understanding of this. What do they know? What do they think they know but can't be sure? No information has been given to people so if you guys know something it would help to know what questions I may still have for hmrc.  I'm mostly not confused about the business acct.  Information there is a lot online about that to learn. But very little about the taxes and that's confusing. 

Message 27 of 55
See Most Recent

Re: Is it odd?

Ok, firstly, this was announced many months ago.

Ebay did actually communicate it to sellers months ago.

It was also announced by HMRC quite a long time ago now.

So ok, you didn't see it, but have you looked at the page I linked?  It tells you all that you need to know.


You are confusing different things and mixing them up together, to come up with something totally different to what you are asking about.


1.  HMRC requires that online marketplaces collect information about their sellers and reports this to HRMC.

This is not just Ebay, but pretty much everywhere.

This becomes active in January of this year.


2.  April, is when the tax year runs to/from.  Nothing to do with 1.


3.  If you are buying items to sell, whether it be on 1 - 50 accounts, you ARE a a business.

And as such, you should be using a business account for everyone of those accounts.  Unless you keep one separate to sell off your own personal items.

If you do not have these accounts registered as a business, you are breaking the law.  Note, this is nothing to do with HMRC and taxes.  This is to do with Consumer law.

There are certain requirements that you must conform to as a business, such as displaying your business details, taking returns and so on.


4.  And lastly, just to clear it up.  Whether you are selling on a private or business account as a business, HMRC has absolutely no interest in you, as long as you are reporting your income to them correctly.
The issue is as the prior point, if you are buying to sell, you are breaking consumer law by not using a business account.  Irrespective of whether you are paying your taxes.


Message 28 of 55
See Most Recent

Re: Is it odd?

Basically you need to carry on as normal but you have to change all your eBay accounts that you buy to resell on to a business account.


File your taxes as normal, if eBay request anymore information supply this.


The only things that will change are:


You will be paying fees.

You have to accept all returns.

Your business address will be shown on all your listings and your about page.


All of the above applies to UK consumer law.


We can only help so much, it is down to you now to do as eBay have requested, failure to change your account(s) will end up with them being suspended.

Message 29 of 55
See Most Recent

Re: Is it odd?

Sorry this is why I said it was confusing and ebay didn't announce it. I saw many people on this forum saying that and I looked through my emails many many times. There wasn't anything so where was this announcement? They may have told some people but not all. Maybe they told people who it effected first. And I didn't know anything about this. And I didn't see any news about it but Ill have to except that I may not have seen it because as I mentioned I had ill health and a lot of serious things going on.  


Can I ask for you to explain 1 and 2 a bit please? If they are reporting this january but is it for april and if so which april dates? Which years. When ebay sends it I kept seeing things like january to december? 

Message 30 of 55
See Most Recent

Re: Is it odd?

As long as you have been declaring your tax correctly you have absolutely nothing to worry about, you have no reason to be concerned about the reporting date the HMRC has given all marketplaces. 



Message 31 of 55
See Most Recent

Re: Is it odd?

If I can politely disagree? It depends on what people are afraid of. 

From what I read on this forum many experienced seller sdon't care much for the private sellers who have not become businesses. Its fine you have an issue. But it tends to colour your view of people asking questions. 
If I went for a driving test and was worried as an anxious person and wanted to know what to expect no one would think my intentions were bad. Theyd see it as someone fearing an unknown new situation. Not that they want to do theyre test wrong.
You all assume I fear that I didn't do my taxes. I fear the unknown and not understanding things. I fear that I dont know how they reconcile april dates and january dates. I don't know if how I do business looks weird to them. I only know how I do things but that may be weird it ,may be normal. I don't also want to be audited because it is a stressful situation and the last year has put my health at real risk. So it doesnt have to go to the worst place in your mind for it to go to the a worse place in mine. what is bad for me may be very easy for you. But you may not have had risky health. 
so please just help someone understand what to expect because it is normal for people to want to know what to expect. I am getting worn out defending myself that I did taxes and that my questions are about understanding what hasn 't been told to people. So I know you all don't like private sellers but look at it as if someone just doesn't understand something and wants to learn from those who do.
Message 32 of 55
See Most Recent

Re: Is it odd?

Ill make it simple

Open a business account Your Clearly trading

Ignore the reporting by eBay to HMRC and the little nuance's that is beyond your control (they will do it without the need to ask you)

What is in your control being on the correct account for trading standards reasons.

So do it NOW



Message 33 of 55
See Most Recent

Re: Is it odd?

Surely, if you are submitting your taxes each year, you understand what the tax year is?


Again, January is just when it starts to be enforced!

Why does it matter to you whether Ebay or any other marketplace reports sales from the 1st January, or any other date.  It's up to them to reconcile it, not you!

If you have paid your taxes correctly, it is going to make ZERO difference.

Message 34 of 55
See Most Recent

Re: Is it odd?

I used to be always worried about my tax returns, I spoke to a friend this morning and they said the same they are worried about submitting their tax return and hope it goes through without issue, it is human nature to be worried about such events that we have no control over even though we know everything is as it should be.


I had VAT inspection many years ago which absolutely terrified me, I couldn't sleep for days in the run up to it and once this was over it wasn't really all that bad and I actually come out of it learning a great deal.


I am and we all are trying to give you some reassurance that as long as you have been submitting your tax returns there isn't anything to worry about, not one person has even considered you haven't been paying your taxes, you have been given plenty of guidance and reassurance that you will be okay and there is nothing to worry about.


You have been given advice by some very experienced sellers that have been trading for many many years and it has nothing to do with whether you are a private seller or not, people are advising about the laws that need to be followed because if they don't they can end up in even more trouble than they realise.


I will refrain from replying more to this, I have and others have tried their best but you keep asking the same question and then get defensive when you are told there is nothing to worry about.




Message 35 of 55
See Most Recent

Re: Is it odd?

Thank you so much. I am crying now because so many people didn't understand me. Its nice to be heard and understood and thats why Im crying because I read your message and its nice to be understood.

Message 36 of 55
See Most Recent

Re: Is it odd?

There was an ebay announcement in January 2024, not just via email.


This legislation was agreed by members of the OECD (The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) which includes the UK. Most countries have tax years running from January which is why that is the reporting date and not the UK tax year.





Message 37 of 55
See Most Recent

Re: Is it odd?

But if it isn't in an email is it not hard for people to see it? It seems odd to me if I wanted to announce something to write it on a website and hope someone reads it. And more so if its a big announcement. I might even say one that big probably should be a many messages message. They did better with telling people stuff about fee changes than this.

Message 38 of 55
See Most Recent

Re: Is it odd?


Also you should have been paying class 2 national insurance as well as tax if you do not have any other income coming in 


Message 39 of 55
See Most Recent

Re: Is it odd?

Hello. I have another question. 


I'm trying to do what ebay asks and get a business acct. But they are subscirptions. Thats alot of money. So I will close some accts. and keep one or two with a  subscrpition. If I close accts. Will that look odd to HMrc? Im doing it because ebay wants me to change accts in 30 days. 


What happens when people close accts? There can be lots of reasons. 



@gymes_0 wrote:

I received a message from ebay saying I have to upgrade to a business account. But I don't have any messages about my nin number. If I past the market for a business account then wouldn't I pass the market for taxes to?


I don't have business account on ebsy but I do submit taxes. 



Message 40 of 55
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