How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

I am very dissatisfied with Ebay customer service advisors.  I would like to make a complaint and would like to know how to do this?

Message 1 of 234
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233 REPLIES 233

Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

Have you ever seen a thousand mailbags full of unopened letters or letters that require a response? that's eBay. They could fill every floor of the Empire State Building with staff and not keep on top of the complaints or place them in some sort of order,  it took me almost 3-months to get repaid buyers money owed to me after fees. The problem was their computer did not recognise my bank code or bank account number. it took weeks to solve, everyone ON THESE FORUMS said it must be my fault, it must be, yet in the end, they phoned me and asked if I had another person bank account I could use, I volunteered my wife bank details and it went through, no apology, no how sorry we are messages, be warned the word sorry is NOT an Americanism. 

Message 41 of 234
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Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

 I volunteered my wife bank details and it went through


Good grief, how many rules did ebay break when they accepted those!

Message 42 of 234
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Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

As I asked a couple of weeks ago .................Are you in any way connected to PREMIER PLY LIMITED ?

Message 43 of 234
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Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

None, it was a temporary measure to get my funds released, I am a co-signer on her account. 

Message 44 of 234
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Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

I have been trying to sort a problem I have on eBay for the last 3 hours I have been unable to contact any one to help me I go to contact and help but it refuses to accept my pass word  tryed sending code put code in will no accsept code  it is very annoying that to solve a problem that I have must resort to this 3 hour is long time

Message 45 of 234
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Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

For the three hours preceeding your post, customer services were shut. They open at 9 at the weekend.  

Message 46 of 234
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Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

I know exactly what you mean 😢 I sold a top, described it as black & cream & provided 8 clear photographs. Lying, deceitful buyer said she wanted full refund & 2 lots of postage as she said it was black/beige, not black/cream. Said she hadn't looked at photos & just went by description!! Utter nonsense. She posted a photo of the item and it was EXACTLY the same as the ones I used on the posting..exactly the same colours! However, eBay ruled in her favour and I'm out of pocket and have a damaged seller status and ratings. There is ABSOLUTELY NO seller protection whatsoever. I wouldn't recommend eBay to anyone at all. I've been selling and buying on there for nearly 15 years and it seems eBay reward dishonest buyers and provide no assistance whatsoever to sellers. Beware of selling on eBay unless you're prepared to bow down and be 'shafted' by rogue buyers and by eBay themselves...totally utterly disgusted with the way they conduct business..theiving dishonest **bleep**s

Message 47 of 234
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Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

I thknk it's more black/gold than black/cream, going by the photos, so not as described and the buyer was right.  


You can't be that cross with eBay as you still have 55 live listings. 

Message 48 of 234
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Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

@090363_123 wrote:

I know exactly what you mean 😢 I sold a top, described it as black & cream & provided 8 clear photographs. Lying, deceitful buyer said she wanted full refund & 2 lots of postage as she said it was black/beige, not black/cream. Said she hadn't looked at photos & just went by description!! Utter nonsense. She posted a photo of the item and it was EXACTLY the same as the ones I used on the posting..exactly the same colours! However, eBay ruled in her favour and I'm out of pocket and have a damaged seller status and ratings. There is ABSOLUTELY NO seller protection whatsoever. I wouldn't recommend eBay to anyone at all. I've been selling and buying on there for nearly 15 years and it seems eBay reward dishonest buyers and provide no assistance whatsoever to sellers. Beware of selling on eBay unless you're prepared to bow down and be 'shafted' by rogue buyers and by eBay themselves...totally utterly disgusted with the way they conduct business..theiving dishonest **bleep**s

There is seller protection. Just it cannot override the buyer's legal protection.

Dispute happens, only the buyer and seller have seen the item - ebay have not. How exactly bearing in mind the legal protection for buyers and ebay's money back guarantee that you agreed to do you think ebay should rule? 

The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.
Message 49 of 234
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Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

were is there london office located its the worst company when it comes to return there tech service not working states techinical cannot contact them

Message 50 of 234
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Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

Look in the user agreement for the address.

Message 51 of 234
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Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

Experienced sellers and buyers have known for years what to do, they write
to Santa Klaus, Lapland, and seek his aid, if you write to them will you
mention it took me two hours to list something this week taking the photos
was not the problem, it was the 14 EAN and SKU questions that had me
stumped, then what I listed does not show up when I search for it, search
pages 1-to 5 were penny items from China, the same item listed 100 times. I
think my collpase in sales has got something to do with* 'PROMOTED ITEMS;*
if you do not promote your adverts go way back in the queue to page 8.
Message 52 of 234
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Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

22-24 Boulevard Royal,
L2449 Luxembourg which is still the way Ebay takes money when checking the address via our new system via bank account the is a PAYPAL address still dealing with the money so there you go some crafty way of getting around owning Paypal and ebay.. after all the changes we had to do giving over our bank details etc.. Still Paypal sarl dealing with the money.. Ebay simply cannot be trusted anymore as a seller.

Message 53 of 234
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Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

'Not another problem',


Try NASA, Cape Canaveral, Florida,       Houston, we have a problem.

Message 54 of 234
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Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

Do what i did and stop using them. There are many other selling platforms these days, amazon, etsy, vinted, depop etc..
Ebay used to have it all their own way but not anymore.

Personally, i created my own website. I pay £30 per month for hosting and thats it. I dont have ebays seller fees to worry about. Plus the website can be specifically tailored to your type of products.  
I know a friend that works in business intelligence and he had informed me that sellers are leaving Ebay in droves daily. 
As you probably know, even PayPal fell out of bed with them. 

Message 55 of 234
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Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

Just to add to me last reply. If your not happy. Move to another platform or create your own website. These days this is as cheap as chips. Easy to link to accounts and ive added papyal as an option. 

i raised a dispute as a seller. Ebay wouldnt help. So i delisted all my items. Simple. We have free range to sell on whatever platform we choose. Ebay is not the end of the rainbow lol

and personally, i have a thousand items to list.

im only on here as i have a couple of items out for delivery. Once these have been delivered its adios amigos !!

thanks ebay but no thanks. 

Message 56 of 234
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Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

As you probably know, even PayPal fell out of bed with them.


This is not correct, eBay wanted Paypals fees, so give them the old

Not much of a thank you for years of wonderful Paypal service and
professionalism, the mistake made was in many respects Paypal was the
better face of eBay, Paypal in clients' minds was eBay, then we had the
ponderous roll out of managed payments, this was an we get paid first
manoeuvre by eBay and the shmucks won't guess as much. All accompanied by
the threat made of "Don't Sign Up and You're Dead"." The Godfather threat
which may have made 100 000 thousand plus disgruntled clients decide not to
sign up.
Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?
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Message 57 of 234
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Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

Hi, l am an honest seller!


I sold an item that was in perfect working order, received funds. Then got an email saying the item was not working? 


Fine send me the item back and i will refund you (even tho we knew the item was working).

Then he requested a refund from ebay direct - they refunded him the full amount.


So im left now £258.00 out of pocket and no item returned? The buyer has said in three messages he will retuen this item and still not received?


Why do ebay not wait to refund until the item is returned to seller? Do i have any way of getting either my item or my money from ebay?


I am absoluty ashamed of ebay and the buyer - l want to take this matter all the way.

Message 58 of 234
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Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

Did you follow the money back guarantee and issue the buyer with a paid for returns label before the buyer could escalate the case to ebay?

Message 59 of 234
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Re: How can I make a complaint about Ebay customer services?

I am buyer.


My account was hacked, and almost £300 was charged for items I did purchased. These were supposed to have arrived today. Well not one item arrived..

I informed e-bay of what has happened, by phone, they assured me that they are on top of it!!

My account is debied, so I am several hundered pounds out of pocket.

There is no way you can find a way to to e-bay, to resolve such issues.

Very poor pratflom, in terma s of resolving such issues.


Buyer be aware.



Message 60 of 234
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