19-11-2024 7:06 PM
Hi All
We have two accounts one is showing the old much easier format, but our main site has now changed and is not user friendly at all, In fact its terrible.. Has anyone else had the same problem?
19-11-2024 7:30 PM
Do you mean active listings in seller hub? Mine suddenly changed I think it was Friday. I loudly expressed a few expletives.
A few days in I prefer it and think it's a positive change, I like the search and simplified format. When I was messaging with a customer just before manifesting post and needing to pick a child up from school, I could have done without the unannounced change.
20-11-2024 6:39 PM
Some good, some bad. It's a mixed bag of a change, slightly better than not I think so far.
23-11-2024 1:50 PM
Terrible, unworkable change. Cannot search by SKU number, only item description. Very slow to search now. Why do Ebay not realise that sellers do not have time to faff about with their half-baked changes. It worked before. It doesn't now.
23-11-2024 1:57 PM
I agree about the faff time and interesting timing for a dashboard change but the search by SKU was something I was pleased about working (once I found it). Not having to filter like we used to. Thats something I actually like.
09-01-2025 8:43 AM
It would be fine, but why remove the listing numbers from the relevant tabs? It has made managing listings convoluted and difficult.
09-01-2025 9:45 AM
Is this what you're after or are we on different pages?
09-01-2025 10:25 AM
No, the number of relevant listings were shown in each tab before the update for instant reference:
These listing numbers are missing from the tabs in the new layout. You now have to hunt for the information by clicking on each tab or through the convoluted side panel. It's unintuitive and frustrating.