GPSR Compliance

This is as clear as mud to me. Been to the gov. advice website and various others.
How does a 1972 poster fit in to this process?

It's not an exempt category. 

Advise buyers this item is for viewing only ? 

My initial reaction, sadly, to to switch EU and NI off. 

Message 1 of 977
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976 REPLIES 976

Re: GPSR Compliance

I dont use business policies but list using templates with standard postage rates set up so was relieved to see your link `Exclude Postage Locations `which I`ve clicked on and removed EU and NI and saved. But it doesnt seem to have changed my 300 items?? Any idea how it is shown within my listings?

... how do I access the page through Seller Central as I cant find it and maybe just going via your link hasnt worked

I would appreciate your response as Ebay advice for sellers is just so poor and vague. its crazy that all sellers are individually running about trying to work out what to do and not really knowing the consequences of inaction

Message 781 of 977
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Re: GPSR Compliance

sorry if it has been covered already but is there any real point in turning off NI and the EU if eBay are going to restrict who can and cannot see your listings anyway? or is there a lack of faith that eBay will be able to restrict these views?

Message 782 of 977
See Most Recent

Re: GPSR Compliance

I think we all know eBay are very capable of, and regularly do restrict visibility.
My concern would be that they wouldn’t just block visibility in NI and EU but more likely a complete block.
Depends on the software I guess.

Message 783 of 977
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Re: GPSR Compliance

Its also not beyond the realms of possibility that ebay would fine sellers for none compliance, to compensate for reduced fees from reduction in NI / EU sales. 

Message 784 of 977
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Re: GPSR Compliance

i think they'd struggle to fine anyone considering they state they have the infrastructure in place to hide non compliant listings

Message 785 of 977
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Re: GPSR Compliance

i dont think that would stop them - greed is contagious.

Message 786 of 977
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Re: GPSR Compliance

Im asking myself the same question ....but maybe still worth it ... I was worried ebay may END non compliant listings which would be a catastrophe but thinking about it I doubt they would or they would reduce their marketplace by 75% overnight

Message 787 of 977
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Re: GPSR Compliance

I'd worry that they'll use the same system as they do if you have a VeRO issue where they don't end the listing but do still remove it from being visible to anyone without a defined course of action to make it visible again.



Message 788 of 977
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Re: GPSR Compliance

I have just removed Northern Ireland and Europe from all my listings. I feel so sad to do Northern Ireland cry I have several repeat customers there who can now no longer order. 


Brexit was never done properly and thats why we now have a sea border between us and Northern Ireland. I dont sell enough there to justify paying for a nominated person unless i  could find one that is very cheap LOL


Not sending to Europe is not a biggie although it is still a loss probably 10 sales a year. 


All in all another knock to small businesses if Ebay had any sense they would nominate an EU rep to support us micro businesses with the issue. At the end of the day they are going to lose probably more than we are because of this.

Message 789 of 977
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Re: GPSR Compliance

Due to the new rules I've just removed N.I. and Europe from my future listings. Then decided to go the whole hog and remove all overseas postal options.

It's not worth the hassle been made to jump through hops just for a few extra sales and bids.

But am only a small time seller. It is going to be tough on the full time business sellers.



Message 790 of 977
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Re: GPSR Compliance

I'm seeing a lot of people saying they're switching off all international sales. There really is no need.


All you'll be doing is giving more business to other UK sellers. Selling to the US, Canada, Australia, etc, will be no different to before. GPSR has no effect.

Message 791 of 977
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Re: GPSR Compliance

The degree of the reactions reflects the confidence sellers have in ebay's input, communications and potential reaction to the change inflicted. Better safe than sorry for folks.

Message 792 of 977
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Re: GPSR Compliance


If you make a postage policy that excludes EU and Northern Ireland and add
that policy to your listings, you should see excluded post to locations on
your listings

The eBay advice is vague and it seems a lot of sellers don't know what to
do for the best from the 13th of December.

Kind regards
Message 793 of 977
See Most Recent

Re: GPSR Compliance

I was wondering what other members thought on the following idea?


as eBay will have all of the data that a responsible person would have. To save money for sellers and increase sales for eBay, perhaps eBay could become a responsible person organisation for its sellers? 

Message 794 of 977
See Most Recent

Re: GPSR Compliance

@giftgrab I put this to someone at eBay Richmond back in July.  It was an interesting conversation but the answer boiled down to eBay can't because the responsible person (business) needs to be someone who can effectively review product data meets current legislation requirements for that particular product type.  Its not as simple as a registered person/ address in Europe. 


I'd love this to have been stopped before it got to the stage it has - if for online marketplaces, it was the marketplaces responsibility to keep data for ten years and manage entering recall details onto a database that would have made more sense to me.  We need a marketplace regulator.


The UK equivalent is going through the Lords and the below paragraph has just been added as an amendment.  Its massively concerning to me as it fundamentally changes the roll of marketplace to being responsible for vetting products prior to them being available - so they become shop keeper with greater legal responsibility rather than advertising platform.   That will need to be paid for and my fear is the only way this could be administered is by adding a lot more safety/ review documentation for every product uploaded to be sold.[1].jpg



As an aside, eBay have put up on the GPSR page a few third party business names of companies who do offer the service.  

Message 795 of 977
See Most Recent

Re: GPSR Compliance

Interesting. I don't see why an online marketplace couldn't act as AR/RP if it wished to. So far as I can tell, no criteria, qualifications or standards have been laid down that have to be met before a company or individual can call themselves an AR/RP. No sanctions on non-compliant AR/RPs are mentioned in the Regulation, so far as I can tell. Given the EU's love of (over-)regulation, that's a glaring omission. Any of us, if we could prove we had an EU address, could set ourselves up with a nice little money-making scheme.


We have to wonder, then, how many of these self-defined AR/RPs are going to last the course and provide reliable services at reasonable cost and how many are fly-by-night scam-merchants set up simply to rip off gullible foreigners. There appears to be no mechanism for examining their credenntials or claiming against them if they fail to do due diligence and, as a result, land the trader in a heap of trouble. It really is a massive hole in the whole precarious regulatory edifice.


Having, for my sins, finally read almost every word of the text of the Reg at 3am last night I noted several random things:


>> Much of it is vague and clear definitions of many terms are lacking, offering limitless scope for market surveillance authorities (MSAs) and lawyers to bite chunks out of traders. The precise definitions of antiques, collectibles, items of historic interest etc are lacking, are an example. When does 'secondhand' become a 'collectible'? A Taylor Swift concert poster or a George V stamp? The Reg says:

Antiques, such as works of art or collectors’ items are specific categories of products which cannot be expected to meet the safety requirements laid down by this Regulation, and should therefore be excluded from its scope. However, in order to prevent other products from being mistakenly considered as belonging to those categories, it is necessary to take into account that works of art are products created solely for artistic purposes, that collectors’ items are of sufficient rarity and historical or scientific interest to justify their collection and preservation, and that antiques, if they are not already works of art or collectors’ items or both, are of an extraordinary age.

Is a Lalique ashtray to be excluded because, although it is a very desirable artistic work, it also, theoretically at least, was made for a practical purpose? And what is "an extraordinary age"? A 60-year-old newspaper in mint condition will be a fairly rare survivor, but a relatively common Roman coin might not be - which object's age is "extraordinary"? Old postcards are exactly the sorts of object that customs officers, sellers, regulators and lawyers could argue about interminably. 


>> GPSR also applies to products offered to the market that are free of charge, eg a magazine that's FOC to members of an organisation - though an MSA might argue that it is any  case charged for because it's included in the annual subscription. Ditto promotional giveaways.


>> The 2029 review of GPSR's operational success or otherwise is far too distant. If this goes as pear-shaped as many people fear, irreparable harm will have been done to ROW-EU trade long before then.


>> I've seen no ruling on whether the CONTENT, as opposed to the physical form, of a book or other printed matter has to be risk-assessed. A book might present no appreciable danger as an object yet contain text or advice that could cause great harm. So a regulator might argue that it should fall within scope of GPSR. But if interpretations of (innocently written) words have to be RA'd (beyond what's normally done as part of the editing process) then bookselling into the EU would become effectively impossible. Ditto music, film, art etc. It would act as a pernicious and far-reaching form of censorship. Although content is not mentioned and might therefore be deemed to be excluded, it also leaves open the possibility that certain MSAs, eg in illiberal member states (of which there is an increasing number), might decide this is a good back-door way of preventing certain views/attitudes penetrating their borders. GPSR offers no safeguards against this sort of (mis?)interpretation. 


>> An almost impossible requirement is: "The safety of all products should be assessed taking into consideration the need for the product to be safe over its entire lifespan." Can anyone guarantee that the handle won't fall off a china mug after decades of use? What is the lifespan of a table - 5 years, 50 years, 500 years? I'm still using Christmas lights my parents bought in 1957, but I can hardly expect the manufacturer to be held to account if they go wrong in 2024!


>> More encouragingingly, the explanatory paragraphs contain several uses of the word proportionate. For example: Economic operators should have proportionate obligations concerning the safety of products, in relation to their respective roles in the supply chain. 'Proportionate' does NOT mean 'excessive'. Perhaps we, and our (still largely absent) advisers in government, industry associations, online marketplaces etc should give more weight to this word 'proportionate'.

Message 796 of 977
See Most Recent

Re: GPSR Compliance

'Antique' has a legal definition of being at least 100 years old. 

The use if terms like proportionate etc should offer some slight reassurance, however since brexit some postal carriers & customs authorities don't even stick to the agreed rules. The postal service in Portugal for example tends to stop all parcels & impose taxes even if sending a gift or samples. Another problem with these new rules is that the postal services might well misunderstand them or be inconsistent. 


Of course another issue is that rules intended to ensure products conform to regulations is leading to unregulated firms setting up to charge sellers to be reps in the EU, without any proof they will do they job or any checks on the prices they charge. 


The market will still be flooded with cheap imports from China & elsewhere, as those manufacturers can easily fake the required documents & pay for someone in the EU to act as a rep. 

Message 797 of 977
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Re: GPSR Compliance

I have to agree. The problem with almost all regulation is that the decent operators end up seriously inconvenienced by the admin added to something they would do anyway while the rogues simply find ways round it all.


Your point about postal authorities is well made. In practice, much will depend on their own interpretations of the rules. The average sorting office manager in Coimbra or Sibiu will not have read the GPSR (given my headache this morning, I'm not sure anyone should - it needs its own H&S risk assessment and warning!). GPSR's main contribution will be to add a new layer of uncertainty, delay and expense to sending goods abroad.


I should stress that I'm not against the EU per se, though neither am I a fan. Nor am I opposed to the general thrust of GPSR (what's not to like about safer products?).  But the devil - and GPSR's devil is a nasty horned beastie - is in the detail.

Message 798 of 977
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Re: GPSR Compliance

@giftgrab wrote:

I was wondering what other members thought on the following idea?


as eBay will have all of the data that a responsible person would have. To save money for sellers and increase sales for eBay, perhaps eBay could become a responsible person organisation for its sellers? 

There's absolutely no chance they'd want to do it. Amazon actually toyed with the idea of offering an RP service to it's FBA sellers then quickly retracted from it when they realised what it would entail.

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
Message 799 of 977
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Re: GPSR Compliance


Just a side bar thought. If you do actually make a listing fully compliant with GPSRs. Does eBay tell you the listing is compliant, or is it a case of seller thinks it’s compliant, eBay thinks it isn’t so hides it?

My listings are all compliant as I’ve removed EU, NI and GSP from business postal policies, however, I’m still getting the “GPSRs kick in from Dec 13th, let’s get your business compliant” banner!

We probably need something like the old mobile phone check where you pressed a button to check if your listing was readable for mobile device users BEFORE you listed?

Anyone know the answer?


Message 800 of 977
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