FAO Ebay staff - Reporting businesses trading on private accounts

To whom it may concern.


It's about time it was made easier for Ebay users to be able to report businesses trading on private accounts in a much more straight forward way.  At the moment there is no obvious option when using the report item option, i.e. there is no business trading on a private account option.


I and many other business sellers/Ebay users have spent a lot of time reporting blatant business sellers on private accounts however we are often wasting our time as all we get is a pointless AI response which simply isn't good enough.


This is something that needs to be introduced urgently as it will help legitimate business sellers survive and hopefully flourish, also in many ways it will be of great benefit to Ebay. It will also help Ebay's image as having so many illegal sellers on the platform is not a good look.


Can someone from Ebay please confirm they have seen this, thank you.

Message 1 of 372
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Re: FAO Ebay staff - Reporting businesses trading on private accounts

There seems to be some changes to the reporting system but still nothing to directly report a business selling from a private account.


I got the usual "we didn't find anything wrong" but this was new, to me anyway.


"If you believe a mistake has been made, we’re here to help. You can appeal this decision through our internal appeals process, and we’ll take another look.

You may also have the right to have this decision reviewed under the applicable laws by a competent court or settlement body."


It was a listing  for 10 of the same new item but with options within the add content and eBay still can't see that they are a business.


You really couldn't make this up.

Message 361 of 372
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Re: FAO Ebay staff - Reporting businesses trading on private accounts

The revenue they are losing must be vast with examples like this and from other " private " business sellers having 1000's of items listed, rolling over and paying no fees.

Every private " business " sellers with 1000 + listings must be about £1000 of lost fees to ebay when you apply what it would cost a business seller in shop fees and FVF's.

Then that doesnt factor in the fees they are losing from missed business seller sales when the " private " business seller undercuts the business seller as their ebay costs are lower.

Message 362 of 372
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Re: FAO Ebay staff - Reporting businesses trading on private accounts

I have recently helped with eBay management as being a focus group for certain changes. These are the worldwide management in Salt Lake City.

I have asked them if I could put forward my thoughts about pain points and how to get this sorted.

they were all ears and yesterday I emailed them back with some suggestions re this issue (ban private sellers from multiple listings of multiple quantities of new items) amongst other improvements. Hopefully they will take it on board 

Message 363 of 372
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Re: FAO Ebay staff - Reporting businesses trading on private accounts

Just seen this today on a forumIMG_2352.jpeg

Message 364 of 372
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Re: FAO Ebay staff - Reporting businesses trading on private accounts

Some people are in for a shock and some are just abusing the system, the problem is you don't know who's paying tax and who isn't.

Message 365 of 372
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Re: FAO Ebay staff - Reporting businesses trading on private accounts

I think a lot have kidded themselves they are NOT a business until they exceed the vat threshold

Message 366 of 372
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Re: FAO Ebay staff - Reporting businesses trading on private accounts

I honestly think many of the " private " business sellers are paying tax; they are afraid of HMRC but not of Ebay

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Re: FAO Ebay staff - Reporting businesses trading on private accounts

I agree to a point however I believe a large proportion of private sellers are genuinely ignorant as to what constitutes a business activity.


I have often wondered why, when you consider the potential penalties a 'private' seller could receive for operating illegally, that eBay have not take a more direct approach to the issue by educating members.  We often see tutorials, workshops, etc encouraging sellers to improve sales by promoting, using GSP, TV advertising,  discounting, etc., etc. but nothing at an educational level on legal responsibilities when using the platform.


Probably answered my own question there as they obviously don't see it as an income stream; although it could be argued it would be self financing.  As for their moral obligations ....... well, best not say anything on here.


I would also add three words to the end of your statement above "and Trading Standards".  With the majority of members' incomes now being reported to HMRC hopefully some bright spark at HMRC will put 2 and 2 together and request some Minister responsible in government put a rocket under Trading Standards ar*e to look at addressing the issue with all digital selling platforms.  Every illegally trading business paying their due tax has a negative impact on the total tax paid to government by driving genuine businesses to lower their prices to compete.  Ironically this also lowers eBays fee take as they not only receive a lower fee take as a result but eBay also pay the VAT element on the illegal traders fees.

Message 368 of 372
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Re: FAO Ebay staff - Reporting businesses trading on private accounts

Now you are just putting far too much common sense and thought to the problem !  


Excellent suggestions, with a bit of luck ebay will take note !

Message 369 of 372
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Re: FAO Ebay staff - Reporting businesses trading on private accounts

@dch2112011 wrote:



Excellent suggestions, with a bit of luck ebay will take note !

Not a chance. 🙈🙉🙊

Message 370 of 372
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Re: FAO Ebay staff - Reporting businesses trading on private accounts

 With the majority of members' incomes now being reported to HMRC hopefully some bright spark at HMRC will put 2 and 2 together and request some Minister responsible in government put a rocket under Trading Standards ar*e to look at addressing the issue with all digital selling platforms. 


I've thought along similar lines. HMRC will have a wealth of information at the finger tips which the government could permit to be shared with Trading Standards. Potentially a lot of work done with little effort.

Message 371 of 372
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Re: FAO Ebay staff - Reporting businesses trading on private accounts

Hard to say. Seen a few single parents with part time jobs on here moaning about it. Doubt any single parent with a part time job are not getting any in work benefits. they should be reporting it but they could lose benefits

Message 372 of 372
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