Buying From Private Sellers Who Are Businesses.

Hope everyone is well.  I  know there is a lot of chat about private sellers who are clearly businesses.  My questions are:


1) Since you know they are breaking the 'rules' would you still buy something from them?


2) Would you be happy to pay the extra 75p plus 4% for something you have had for 'free' previously?


3) Would you be 'fair' in leaving a non-positive feedback stating you are unhappy that they are clearly a business acting as a private seller?

Message 1 of 25
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Buying From Private Sellers Who Are Businesses.

@moldosgifts wrote:

Ill post an example is this a private or business 


4 available

This person commented on these boards today

I don't want to put much more up as this would identify them 

They have 200 such listings.

If private i would expect to see 1 item possibly preowned

Not multiples of the same item


I understand what you're saying, but clearly there ARE circumstances where someone may legitimately own - and offer for sale - privately, a batch of identical brand-new items.  Depending, of course, what the items are.


For instance, people may receive repeated unwanted Christmas gifts ("I always buy him 3 dozen pairs of Winnie the Pooh socks in size 2, I've done it since he was 8 years old".)


Or they may acquire unwanted stuff as "buy 2, get 2 free" offers - for instance, paperback books for private use, you've already read 2 of them, but you take them anyway because they're free.


Or they may buy things dirt-cheap in a closing-down sale at their local shop, and then realise they have no use for them.  By this means, I have occasionally acquired, for 10p each,  a couple of dozen bits of electronic equipment for a few pence each, several boxes of wedding invitation cards a surprising array of bottle openers, pocket torches, and six shelving units.  Most of which I've used or given away - but the leftovers?  Are they private or business?


Such things may have an in-between status.  In small quantities, they aren't quite business stock  as they were bought for private use or with no particular use in mind, "because they were a bargain", but in larger quantities, it's hard to kid yourself that you really expected to give them all to family members.


Cesario, the Count's gentleman
Message 21 of 25
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Buying From Private Sellers Who Are Businesses.

I think a lot of people are delusional regarding doing a bit of buying/selling as a hobby.

I also believe many genuinely think that because it’s only part-time, going to car boots, charity shops and Black Friday type sales, then selling online are not doing anything illegal, just making a few quid (often literally!) on the side.

There are too many tutorials on how to make a few quid on YouTube which are fine, but very few tell the viewer they will need to register as a trader and may, depending on circumstances be liable for both tax and NI contributions.

People have a view that as it’s my money I can invest it and sell on as I like. It’s not a business because I don’t earn enough, already have a full time job, don’t have premises, don’t employ anyone, blah blah blah….

I sometimes watch a programme called ‘ The bidding room’ where people bring in antiques etc. to sell. I’ve noticed more and more sellers returning and stating “it’s a part time hobby, we go to car boots, buy a few things cheap and sell them on”. It’s never challenged or pointed out to the viewer that if you plan to do the same, then technically you are trading…..

Message 22 of 25
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Buying From Private Sellers Who Are Businesses.

Your looking for the very rare sellers who fit your argument,

I'm looking for the seller, hobbyist who repeatedly does this with the intention of making/adding to their income, and are clearly doing so,  this person in the example makes things to sell.

They have a about me that clearly states this

So stop looking for the one selling 3 pairs of sock on a couple of listing but the one selling 3 pairs of socks across 100's of listings.

Then come back to me

Message 23 of 25
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Buying From Private Sellers Who Are Businesses.

You aren't really asking the right people here on the business seller page.


It's the Private punters you should be asking these questions, and their bottom line I suspect is the cheapest price, be it from a business or a private seller they wouldn't really care.

Message 24 of 25
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Buying From Private Sellers Who Are Businesses.

Yeah, I think that’s often the case. Especially if shopping for a specific, new item. Buyers will likely check Amazon, eBay etc. then go with whoever offers the product cheapest.

More complex if buying refurbished or used though as condition then becomes a factor.

Message 25 of 25
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