Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

Hi Everyone,

Earlier on I checked my sales and feedback and I cannot understand why buyers are not leaving feedback for my purchased items, I even have repeat buyers not leaving feedback as well, I have not had any buyers contacting me with any issues but still, buyers are not leaving feedback. What a strange phenomenon it is very bizarre indeed I've never seen this in 20 years. Even the products that I have sold for years are top quality items and still no feedback.


Is anyone else on here having the same or similar issues?

Message 1 of 109
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108 REPLIES 108

Re: Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

Yes, you are right. I think it is  because of these not so briliant aps for this and aps for that, and people cant be bothered to faff with feedback. So, as there are no negs or  any feedbacks  for most things    Ithink I will not bother myself.  So  chin up

Message 61 of 109
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Re: Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

I have noticed this as well, so now when I receive feedback then I will give otherwise I don't as a seller, as a buyer I leave feedback always to let the buyer know if I was happy or not

Message 62 of 109
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Re: Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

Dear Ebay community,

Dear Ebay platform workers,


I am from Croatia, Europe, but I am long time into Ebay stuff and I have a solution for this issue.

You got to be aware that "This" is a Huge Issue for any seller starting their own business! Ebay sellers are hearth of Ebay platform! They bring you the money! So of course Ebay should make sure about raising their selling rate on a fair way. But what Ebay does? No anger here dear ebay programmers but really nothing to improve that...


How could you improve that? First task to wake up your Ebay CEO which is probably occupied with cruising or some other distraction like buying and driving some expensive cars, dating etc...


Make things simple and easy for sellers by changing feedback algorithm! How it should be done?

- If Seller has sold and sent out the product with tracking service, and Ebay has delivery confirmation but no feedback left from buyer for let's say period of 30 days after confirmed delivery.  Ebay has to (you really have to do that, Ebay girls and guys; that is not a freaking joke). Just leave positive automated full star transaction feedback to the seller and make sure that his seller rating grows that way if he did a good job with transaction. Good job for the seller is of course if the item has a delivery status, and if there is no response(feedback) from buyer for more than 30 days (or any other period of time you choose).


So once more: Add an automated feedback algorithm, since the feedback is the most important thing on Ebay!


Girls and guys, please support this idea, and if anyone relevant to Ebay platform reads this please present this problem to your superior officer please!

Message 63 of 109
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Re: Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

Unfortunately there are a few serious problems with your suggestion


The first being that feedback will no longer be voluntary and that cannot happen.


You wish to reduce the time-frame for leaving feedback from 60/90 days to 30 days.


Some buyers are not entirely happy with their transaction, but decide not to leave feedback – your idea would mean sellers would get more bad feedback.


You say - “Ebay sellers are hearth of Ebay platform! They bring you the money!” - all money comes from buyers.


You say - “please present this problem to your superior officer please!” - the vast majority [99.9%] of posts on the boards don't come from eBay staff or such like.




Message 64 of 109
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Re: Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

I don't see any issues with an automatic feedback system, and no one gets hurt with that idea:


It is buyer's right to leave or to not leave the feedback for a seller in a certain determined period of time(yes I would like shorter time if possible, but I would let up to Ebay to decide about “time legality“) but if the one refuses, ignores or simply does not care about leaving feedback that actually means a world for a seller on Ebay platform(especially "New Born Seller") automatic positive feedback “by system” must follow... Ebay automatic feedback must follow in order to show every buyer in a world that seller did his stuff well, that his product arrived, and that there weren't any open disputes regarding his listings.


So that would be 1 positive point to seller given by the “system” without any unnecessary comments.

This is not the idea for the sellers exclusively. Same thing should be applied for the buyer, of course... If a seller does not leave any feedback for a buyer for a certain period of time  – automatic feedback by the system should be generated for a buyer as 1 positive point or 1 positive experience.


Of course... Buyer pays and all the money for certain listings comes from the buyer- but Ebay collects the fees from the seller and the one must be “The Magician” in order to earn some $ and attracts the buyers, and seller certainly must invest certain amount of money and time into his product (listings). So without sellers there are no buyers, and there are no buyers if there are no quality sellers and products (listings). Ebay is a community of buyers and sellers. We are all buyers and potential sellers.


If Ebay staff doesn't read or care about the community posts, that is very wrong from them. Community opinion is what matters and should not be neglected.

Message 65 of 109
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Re: Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

what you are speaking about has been going around for years and discussed at length, so i will leave you with just one thought -


you say -" Same thing should be applied for the buyer, of course... If a seller does not leave any feedback for a buyer for a certain period of time  – automatic feedback by the system should be generated for a buyer as 1 positive point or 1 positive experience."


As sellers can only leave 100% positive feedback for buyers, I thrash the sellers account with bad feedback and DSR's, but according to your system the seller will be forced to leave positive feedback for me.



Message 66 of 109
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Re: Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

Fully agree, much less customers leaving feedback recently. I'm guessing it's something to do with the new layout when you leaving the feedback...

Message 67 of 109
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Re: Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

Dear plpmr,


"As sellers can only leave 100% positive feedback for buyers, I thrash the sellers account with bad feedback and DSR's, but according to your system the seller will be forced to leave positive feedback for me."


No one would be forced into anything... Neither the seller, neither the buyer... That would be just the way the ebay auto feedback system works. Both had an opportunity to leave the feedback in a pre-determined time period.... So if there is no feedback after a certain period of time(determined by Ebay) from the buyer or from the seller - that is one positive experience.


So One positive star point to seller and buyer by auto feedback system and no feedback issue solved forever. 


It Should Be Done 🙏




Message 68 of 109
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Re: Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

"No one would be forced into anything... Neither the seller, neither the buyer"


Please read your own posts - if a member does not leave feedback, eBay will do it - in any ones language that's enforced feedback.



Message 69 of 109
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Re: Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

"Please read your own posts - if a member does not leave feedback, eBay will do it - in any ones language that's enforced feedback."

I know very well what I've written. 


This would not be enforced feedback if there is well known  "Policy" or "Rules" where both sides have certain period of time to consider and leave "the real feedback" (open dispute etc.) and if they don't do it; Ebay auto system steps in with positive transaction feedback.


Should that kind of auto feedback by system be called "feedback" or "automatic transaction rating"(anything else they can think up) is up to Ebay to decide. But it got to have 1 point positive feedback value for either side (seller or buyer).


With this, I will conclude my opinion and given suggestions. If someone is on the same bus with me, please support this idea or suggest an even better one. Thanks for reading! 



Message 70 of 109
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Re: Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

For me it depends on the product sold, nearly always receive feedback from buyers of collectibles and ephemera, (and lovely emails). 
However on new and pop culture items it's very rare. 
I've never felt holding feedback hostage was a good business practice, but I may have to alter my thinking.

Message 71 of 109
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Re: Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

This is one thing i don't never worry about, all i do is i only leave feedback once i get one back 1st and if i don't get feedback then i don't leave them any feedback either it is not a problem as it is there choice of the customer to leave feedback or not like. Years ago i used to leave feedback 1st when i made a sale but too many customers did not bother leave me one after words so i don't bother or worry about it no more 🙂

Message 72 of 109
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Re: Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

I am buyer. My items purchased have now been delivered. I like to leave feedback for the seller as soon as possible. I cannot leave feedback while the status of my purchase shows as despatched, rather than delivered. So I can imagine this is why your own buyers can not leave you feedback.  I believe the seller has to advise eBay of the problem as the status is up to the seller. Although I notice this has happened with private sellers and not companies.

Message 73 of 109
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Re: Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

Your buyers may be in the same position myself.  After I have purchased and the item delivered there is NO wording that says "Leave Feedback"any longer. I have contacted sellers and they are puzzled about it. They asked me to leave it for a few days and try to leave Feedback again if that facility was showing , after it had been amended to DELIVERED.

I am the Buyer so I am unaware who changes the is eBay, is it the Seller, is it the Post Office? Perhaps Sellers know ?

  I have no idea. But I feel frustrated that I cannot now leave feedback for great sellers who are now missing out on 5 stars. 

Message 74 of 109
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Re: Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

Don't worry about it too much as i used to worry about not getting feedback after sales but i don't worry about it anymore as there is more important things in life to worry about now a days than just feedback on ebay like. As long as i make some sales i am happy. 🙂

Message 75 of 109
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Re: Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

I am missing 400 lots of feedback, all transactions have been positive too.

Message 76 of 109
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Re: Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

Missing 400 feedback?


Looking at your profile you have received 521 feedback and left 542.

Message 77 of 109
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Re: Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

Does it bother you ?


Especially with repeat buyers, they are clearly happy is that not proof enough you are doing it right ?


After 20 years I stopped worrying about Feedback long ago and have never slipped below eBay's Top Seller Rating, even though I've never played their games of bending over backwards and jumping through a million hoops for a paltry 10% discount.

Message 78 of 109
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Re: Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

Hi santlache_sales

Yes somewhat, I can understand repeat buyers not leaving the odd feedback, but when you offer a buyer a good deal ect, and get no feedback it is a little disheartening, I too have been on this platform for over 20 years and it justs seems to be nowadays. I am also an eBay Top Seller With top rated feedback but as you know yourself we work very hard for it.

Message 79 of 109
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Re: Buyers on eBay are not leaving feedback for purchased items?

After 20 years you would know that leaving feedback is voluntary. What can you do with 14050 feedback that you can't do with 14049?

Message 80 of 109
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